Songs tagged with "collaboration"

1-30 of 86

Habibe (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
The girls in Louisiana (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
Venetian melancholy (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
Santa-Monica-blues (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
The world´s sorrows were not sorrows of yours and mine (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
Please, let my baby sleep (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
I know the real you (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
The cursed highway (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
Did not find a lover, I just found a friend (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
You cry in vain (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
What is in smiles and in the eyes (needs music) by @arthurrossi 1
Feb 2022
Je me souviens (needs-music / CAVE : FRENCH !) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Mallorca ole’(needs music / CAVE: GERMAN !) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Olympic Games (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Nothing makes me feel more blue than a blue moon night (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Good and bad girls (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
The love of a lymphocyte (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Amsterdam-nights (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Things, they won’t be changing if we do not start (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Crimson (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Not your cousin (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Carpe diem (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Where is your prince to lift you up the throne? (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Magdalena (needs music/CAVE: GERMAN!) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Legacy (needs music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
Air of Mystery - 4-Track Tape 8 by @wobbiewobbit  2
Feb 2022
If I could just get born again (SKIRMISH/ needs-music) by @arthurrossi 2
Feb 2022
What Can You Do by @skibum1066  @nancycunning  3
Feb 2022
The Weary Traveler by @pippa  @cloudhopper 3
Feb 2022
Johnny and Me by @gordon  @leakyplusme2 3
Feb 2022