Songs tagged with "concept-album"

1-20 of 20

Hellusios et Oxionas by @emplate  3
Feb 2022
Liikkuvien patsaiden puutarhaan (To the Garden of Moving Statues) by @emplate  3
Feb 2022
Tulen nielemä hirvenkaataja (An Elk Hunter Swallowed by the Flames) by @emplate  4
Feb 2022
Käärmeenkäräjäkivi (Snake's Court Stone) by @emplate  5
Feb 2022
Löyly vainajille (Löyly for the Dead) by @emplate  7
Feb 2022
Tarina maailmanpatsasta tärisyttävistä olennoista (A Story about Creatures Who Shook the World Pilla by @emplate  7
Feb 2022
Wondering the World Away by @radiobenedetto  7
Feb 2022
Suden varjo (The Shadow of the Wolf) by @emplate  8
Feb 2022
Sarvá by @emplate  8
Feb 2022
Burning Embers by @radiobenedetto  8
Feb 2022
Harlequin Falls (One-Take) by @radiobenedetto  11
Feb 2022
Hiihtävä surma (Skiing Death) by @emplate  13
Feb 2022
Every Sunny Someday by @radiobenedetto  12
Feb 2022
Ukkoslinnun sulat (Feathers of the Thunderbird) by @emplate  14
Feb 2022
Nothing But Love by @radiobenedetto  16
Feb 2022
The Boy Remains by @radiobenedetto  19
Feb 2022
Ukon malja (The Cup of Ukko) by @emplate  9
Feb 2022
Huokaisee pitämyspuu tuulessa (The Sacred Tree Sighs in the Wind) by @emplate  5
Feb 2022
Maailman tuhkissa kytee kipinä (A Spark Smoulders in the Ashes of the World) (Epilogue) by @emplate  4
Feb 2022
Alkutuli (The Primal Fire) (Prologue) by @emplate  19
Feb 2022