
  • Burr Settles Executive Fawmlord

    Burr does R&D and general hackery for FAWM. One of the "founding fawmers" from 2004, he has helped keep it going ever since. When he's not fixing bugs or writing new songs, he plays guitar for delicious pastries and does R&D for Duolingo, a free language learning app.

  • Eric Distad File Hosting + Merch Czar

    Eric helps to keep FAWM running. He was talked into FAWM back in 2004 and has been addicted ever since. Eric deals with file hosting, manages and ships merch, and keeps an eye on the site's performance all while trying to finish writing 14 new songs.

  • Jen Distad Merch Czarina

    One of the original "FAWM Widows," Jen spends her FAWM processing donations, shipping swag, listening to lots of great new music, and cheering on other fawmers.

Volunteer Moderators

In addition to the people listed above, several other fine folks volunteer their time as FAWM website moderators, helping to keep everyone on track to write 14 songs. High fives to: @elesimo  @headfirstonly  @helenseviltwin  @nancyrost  @robynmackenzie  @ductapeguy  @timfatchen  @fireball  @zecoop .


FAWM couldn't exist without generous donations from fawmstars like you. Thanks so much for supporting February Album Writing Month year after year.


Did you know that when you participate in FAWM, you are writing songs for science? "Fawmlord" Burr Settles is also a researcher who sometimes writes papers on computational creativity, social computing, and online creative collaboration, using data from FAWM events. You can check out some of them here:

  • PDF
    B. Settles and S. Dow. Let's Get Together: The Formation and Success of Online Creative Collaborations. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), to appear. ACM, 2013.

  • PDF
    M. Burke and B. Settles. Plugged in to the Community: Social Motivators in Online Goal-Setting Groups. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T), pages 1-10. ACM, 2011.

  • PDF
    B. Settles. Computational Creativity Tools for Songwriters. Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity, pages 49-57. ACL, 2010.

The research was supported by your generous donations, with partial support (at times) from the National Science Foundation and Google.