Eric Distad 19


97045 US   Feb 2004  

Artist Bio

Influences:   A lot of you wonderful Fawmers!

Eric Distad is a singer/songwriter from Oregon. By day, he is a mild-mannered IT Professional, but by night he is a not-quite-as-mild-mannered musician...


Again this year, we are publishing our Geeky tracks as collabs with our band account @thefaithfulsidekicks.

Looking for the Geeky combined talents of Eric and Jen - Head over to @thefaithfulsidekicks page. :)

BTW - The Faithful Sidekicks have four CDs out! The fourth one - Sales of Interest - dropped last September!!

Songs (19)

#1 Never Been Fed Forever @thefaithfulsidekicks 24
Feb 2022
#2 That Little Ice Voice 23
Feb 2022
#3 Wound Around 9
Feb 2022
#4 Why's There So Much Space @thefaithfulsidekicks 9
Feb 2022
#5 Civil War 9
Feb 2022
#6 Weirdo @thefaithfulsidekicks 8
Feb 2022
#7 Taste of Giving Up @dasbinky  18
Feb 2022
#8 The Way Into My Heart @jmadison  11
Feb 2022
#9 Mt. Midas 8
Feb 2022
#10 The Box I Was Delivered In @jlampson  9
Feb 2022
#11 Do Not Reply To All @thefaithfulsidekicks 7
Feb 2022
#12 GNU @thefaithfulsidekicks 10
Feb 2022
#13 Ready To Leap @thefaithfulsidekicks 7
Feb 2022
#14 Extended Warranty @thefaithfulsidekicks 10
Feb 2022
#15 Breathe Out 4
Feb 2022
#16 Welcome to the Club @thefaithfulsidekicks 5
Feb 2022
#17 So Tired @thefaithfulsidekicks 3
Feb 2022
#18 That's Not How It Works! @thefaithfulsidekicks 5
Feb 2022
#19 Blow This Town @thefaithfulsidekicks 4
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @fireball  Mar 2022

    and congrats to you, too, mr. distad. i scanned the site throughout february, and even sampled a few songs. but i was pre-occupied up till march 9, the date of a big med school exam. i'll see if i can catch up and comment a bit for the rest of march.

  • @frogspawn Mar 2022

    @frogspawn thanks you for those nice comments on the @pointlessaccount/@frogspawn post-FAWM FAWM. And will ooze over @timfatchen to return the compliment, because he owes me for not taking over his mind for more than 24 hours.

  • @burrsettles  Mar 2022

    19 for 19! congratulations!!!!!

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on the sausage song! To answer your question, I stumbled upon a Bavarian section in the Apple Loops library (although they used a muted bass patch, which I obviously had to transpose an octave lower and give to the tuba).

  • @wsharper69 Feb 2022

    You are rocked it this year. Great job

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    Yes, the Maple Syrup Heist is a true event :)

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    EZKeys... do it. You know you want to. ;)

    Warning, it's a money pit, I'm constantly buying MIDI packs whenever they go on sale.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Hey Eric, thank YOU for giving me the nudge to write "GNU Terry Pratchett"

    My hope would be for people to pick this up and sing it at filk circles, folk get-togethers, Festivals of the Living Rooms and the like, with everybody adding a name we should remember as it goes around the circle. And if it got picked up to memorialize victims of institutional vionence, well that would be fine too.

  • @cphaurckker  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words on "90s", my friend! One of these days we'll end up at the same event!

  • @thefifthsister  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your message, you wonderful human ️

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    Sitting on a board game hoard is almost as fun as playing with the hoard!

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind comment on "Rhyme and Reason". Glad it's appealing to readers!

  • @thefifthsister  Feb 2022

    Woohoo! Have a great FAWM

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    G'day, Eric. May your FAWM be full of unicorns and candy.

  • @autoclamp  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the greeting AND the Airplane! (1980) flashback.

    I suppose we should write some songs now. It's really the only sensible thing to do. If it's done safely, therapeutically, there's no danger involved.

  • @fantasywriter42 Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome! I hope you have a great FAWM, as well! ^_^

  • @honeybadgerfolk Feb 2022

    Yay thanks! Have a great FAWM & thanks for all that you do :)

  • @metricula  Feb 2022

    Happy to be back on FAWM, Eric!! Thanks for all the motivation!

  • @toddnorem  Jan 2022

    Hi Eric! We have to have some kind of Pacific Northwest FAWM get together one of these days. Once that pesky pandemic passes through. Good to see you back for year 19. Damn.

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM Eric!

  • @tspoon  Jan 2022

    yo! how is OR, USA?

  • @jlampson  Jan 2022


    What's missing? Collaborate!

    Yes, that's a very strong hint. Let's do this!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    And the crowd chants Eric! Eric! Eric! in 3/4 time!

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Thanks, Eric. Good to see you, too. I hope things are going well on the west side of the U.S.

  • @dasbinky  Jan 2022

    Good day, kind sir! As with every FAWM, everybody in the whole cell block will be dancing to the Distad rock. I look forward to either said rock or said dancing.

    May our writing paths cross again this year. Our fun and inessential contributions to the pantheon of rawk are excellent time fillers for yet another journey around the star we call our own.

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    You're in the Guinness Book of World Fawmers. 19th FAWM! May it be a great one.

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    I'm all ears whenever you want to tell me the 50/90 story! My DMs are always open to you :)

  • @max  Jan 2022

    Big thank you to the founding FAWMers !
    Have fun this year.

  • @jmadison  Jan 2022

    Hmmm... So you are a piano and Jen is an electric bass? Random coincidence? I think not. :-)