A cool FAWM tip I just learned! Useful to all!

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  • @circle  May 2022

    This evening I've been going down memory lane a bit and looking at my old FAWM stuff. I found my folder from FAWM 2019, and it was a bunch of saved webpages (I'd saved the pages of my songs and comments so I could go back and look at them and feel good about myself)

    Anyway, obviously the page visually was the same as the FAWM page as it was then, but what I didn't realise until about an hour later is that it also saves the embedded songs. I'm able to listen to all my songs in their horrible 2019 glory!

    I know this isn't really useful now, but if anyone's reading this they might find it useful for the future. If you want to save your songs and comments, or want to save someone else's song, you can right click > save page as and I believe it will save the page and the song too if it's embedded. My songs were on dropbox and they saved, so it's not only songs uploaded to the FAWM site

    it's also possible that everyone knows this already and I'm a slowpoke, but it was cool for me! It's also possible this doesn't work anymore I suppose, but it did work in 2019 apparently

  • @circle  May 2022

    I just downloaded the page of one of my songs from this year and it does indeed still work! It was right click > save as

  • @headfirstonly  May 2022

    See the posts by @jendistad at the end of https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12379/ for how to access your songs on the FAWM server from 2019 onwards...

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