A couple of post-FAWM albums from HFO...

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  • @headfirstonly  May 2022

    I've been busy working on new stuff as part of the 50/90: The Prequel challenge, and to share the results with you I've released two albums on Bandcamp. The first is an album of 'aleatoric' music (i.e. I left the majority of creative choices to random number generators) and it's called Out Of My Hands. It's weird and different and I had great fun getting my computer to compose music on its own:

    The second album, released yesterday, features more traditional instrumental rock with plenty of guitars involved. It's called Inbetween:

    Both releases are free downloads/pay what you want.

  • @katestantonsings  May 2022

    Congrats on your release! A nice reminder that it is Bandcamp Friday today. It is a good time to support Indie musicians.

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