The 50/90 Impatience Thread!

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  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Counting down to 50/90! Impatiently! :P

    After a couple months of not buying any music gear, I've got the itch again. Today I decided on which vocal mic I want to buy. The Rode NT1. It's reasonably priced, sounds great, and has great sensitivity.

    Also found a thin acoustic guitar that was a pleasure to play - the Yamaha APX700II. My current acoustic is way too thick. It's uncomfortable to play.

    It's unlikely I'll be able to afford the guitar any time soon, but definitely the mic before 50/90 starts. I only have an instrument mic right now.

    Also, my home studio is nearly finished!!! That will almost certainly be ready by July.

    Looking forward to this 50/90 so hard.

    Come be impatient with me! :D

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Other things on my immediate list:

    7-guitar rack
    DI box
    Harmonica set of 12
    Various small things (percussion)
    A Spider capo

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    yep me counting down too - will be nice to have the community together again, making songs, listening...

    if its the same yamaha iim thinking of, @cblack its a really nice compact guitar that one. nice finish on the body too
    id like to know what you come up with musicwise for your 12 harmonicas :D

    gearwise - i *might* be getting a guitar, not bustin bank for this one tho!! other than that, possibly a new dictaphone/digital recorder. this one i have has been through lots of bumps and knocks, it wont last forever..

    my impatience grows exponentially once i see the site is back online. it means, the music is almost here... :o

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    I love all of the yamaha acoustics I've had. I was lucky enough to find a Yairi Alvarez that is nearly perfect so I've refrained from buying guitars of late. That mic looks interesting, though.

    I've been debating a baritone guitar, either acoustic or electric. But it's not a need.

  • @vomvorton  Apr 2022

    Really tempted to get an electronic drum kit and spend the summer trying to get better at drumming. But I need to figure out if I really have room for it, my music room is already pretty stuffed. But I can probably make it work with a little rearrangement...

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @dukongp100 Yeah, the guitar was awesome. Easy to play, and sounded soooo good! Unfortunately, it's unlikely I can afford it anytime soon. It's kind of "all those other things OR just the guitar"... And I really need a vocal mic.

    The 12 harmonicas should be fun. Never played one before, but I wanted a set with every tuning. :)

    @tcelliott I want a baritone, too! But that's far away in the future. Too many other things on my list that are higher in importance to me!

    @vomvorton I love my e-drums. Got the Yamaha DTX452k, and it's very compact without looking cheap. :)

  • @headfirstonly  Apr 2022

    @tcelliott After seeing @wobbiewobbit's pal Jake Rodrigues perform with an Alvarez baritone, @dragondreams went right out and got one, and I will be doing so as soon as I can afford one. You know you want to...

  • @coolparadiso  Apr 2022

    @headfirstonly i was only talking to @dragondreams about jake and that guitar the other day! He will be on podcast talking about it tomorrow! I am like @wobbiewobbit at the moment , getting loads of plug ins! And trying them out! 50/90 might be a little problematic this year as i will be in the middle of moving and likely in my motorhome. Considering a mobile set up!

  • @gubna Apr 2022

    When does it start? July 4th?

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @gubna Yep. :) July 4th to October 1st.

  • @beacon Apr 2022

    I'm still recovering from FAWM, and I need to start making a list of all the people I want to collaborate with. I may do nothing else in 50/90, as I'm hoping to get an album out by October.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Also looking forward to new music. There's an Arch Enemy album coming out end of July, and 1 song on it is easily the best song I have ever heard. Even better than Bohemian Rhapsody. I've watched the music video a bunch of times, but I want the CD damn it!

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    Can I learn banjo enough to play by 5090? And if I still can't play it by then, who would be able to tell I couldn't anyway?

  • @metalfoot  Apr 2022

    Seems to me @mattblick played a baritone exclusively on his latest album.

    I'm not sure how involved I'll be in 50/90 this year. I'm hoping to do it but I am coming to grips with the reality that I am suffering from burnout and need to take care of my mental health right now.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @timfatchen Yes, you can!

    About baritones: I want one too, but it's unlikely to happen for at least 12 months. Too many other things taking precedence. If I come into some money, yes, probably buy one. Otherwise... Ugh.

  • @andygetch  Apr 2022

    When the new website opens I will be there and participating on some level as life allows. As my writing pace is slowing, for me it is more anticipation rather than impatience.

    Side notes: Baritone guitar - I tuned one of my old beater guitars with high action down a fourth which works for me. Banjo - I just play the five-string like I play guitar in open G tuning. The tenor (also an old beater) I tuned to open something, C, I think and also play it like guitar.

  • @resonut123 Apr 2022

    Anticipation for me, also!
    Probably No New gear, but this past FAWM I got a cheap Theremin and a Red Telephone Microphone that I used and would like to use again. Maybe my Tenor Banjo and Electric Lap Steel, they were missing in action last FAWM!
    Hope to see some familiar folks over at 50-90.

  • @johnstaples  Apr 2022

    Two of the smartest guitar purchases I've made...a baritone and a tenor! The baritone is tuned like a regular guitar but lower so it's like having n anti-capo to work with my vocal range! And the tenor is just the sweetest little thing!

  • @johnstaples  Apr 2022

    Oh @cblack I hear ya on the need for a thin acoustic! I've always been a huge Ovation fan and I have a big one from the 70s that I rarely play because the size and round back are uncomfortable. But a few years ago I bought my wife one of the new Ovation thin models and, of course, it ended up being mine (and my favorite guitar of all!)

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @johnstaples I always thought I just sucked at acoustic, but now I realise it was a comfort issue. The thin one I played rather well on. Electric will forever remain my first love, but yeah...

    As much as I'm a metalhead, I want to be able to do acoustic singer/songwriter one-takes, just voice and guitar, kind of a campfire approach. I think it'd help me learn a few things a bit easier than with a full mix.

  • @chipwithrow  Apr 2022

    Reading through this thread made me want to add to my instrument collection - I was thinking bass. And I still might do it, but then I thought it might be better to really practice the instruments I already have.
    So last night I got out the nicest of my three ukuleles, and this morning I picked my banjo a bit.
    I too am looking forward to 50/90, which will provide me with some breaks from what is shaping up to be an interesting summer business-wise. I'm a yoga/meditation instructor and personal trainer, creating a spin-off business from the yoga studio my wife and I have had for eight years.
    And as for thin acoustics - I have one, made for a beginner, around here somewhere. I bought it used, along with a sweet little Epiphone practice amp. I use the amp often but haven't played the guitar in years.

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    Like you, @chipwithrow, I should be using this time to practice the instruments I already have, but I bought a bass guitar at the start of February and am having fun trying to learn the basics with it. My motto is, why achieve mastery on one instrument when you can be barely competent on many instruments??

    And yes, I certainly am looking forward to 50/90!!
    I have a few ideas for some new things to try; I'm planning on a couple of extended-length drone tracks, and perhaps some straight-up noise tunes, among other things.

  • @mandolinda  Apr 2022

    I think it is easier to learn how to play any instrument if you are younger. The more you try now, the less you might regret when you are turning 70.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    I have a flute and clarinet that I can't play. Should be trying to learn those more... If I can get even a little snippet of each in 50/90, I'll be happy.

  • @gm7  Apr 2022

    @fuzzy funny! I too am learning the bass...i started just as covid began and the piano at the same time. Why get frustrated with one instrument to learn when you can be frustrated by two!! @chipwithrow go for it and get a will have fun!

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    A bass is on my list. 5 string fretless! But not any time soon. Too expensive.

  • @kyrla Apr 2022

    I'm already planning out what i'm going to be spending the songs on. Mostly my aim is to develop my production skills so i'm probably going to be doing covers rather than original compositions. Currently thinking of putting the last 14 on a cover of Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    What I most want to work on is instrument songwriting. I already know I can write great lyrics, but putting instruments together is a challenge.

    I'll probably post a bunch of snippets. Like, "I played around for 2 hours and got these 2 10-second snippets I liked. What do you think?"

    The hope is that I'll eventually figure out how to put things together.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @fuzzy & @gm7 "why achieve mastery on one instrument when you can be barely competent on many instruments??" Isn't this why DAWs came into existence? Last 5090 I was given a serious and very real compliment on my electric guitar lead playing. I didn't have the heart to mention to them the swathes of mess that I quietly deleted in the DAW.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    I've just bought a banjolele to keep my banjo company, but that's cheating because I can actually play a ukelele, enough to get by. And I admit, a chance to pick up a reasonable entry-level, brand-new though out of pack instrument at less than half price was too good to pass up.

  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    @cblack : buying harmonicas is a great idea. It a easy-to-use, intuitive instrument, and it brings quite an atmosphere to your songs. However a 12 harmonicas set of just one model of harmonica might be too many at once. In my experience you can find many models of harmonica out there and some are gonna be just your cup of tea, but some not so much.
    Furthermore, after playing harmonica for many years now, I feel like I only use 6 key commonly (C, G, Bb, F, D & A) and the other are very rarely usefull.
    So my advise would be to buy different models of harmonica, and beguin with just the most common keys. But I'm sure there are many hamonica player here that could confront my opinion and enhance this advice.

  • @andygetch  Apr 2022

    @fuzzy this is totally me "why achieve mastery on one instrument when you can be barely competent on many instruments??". Unless I do a flurry of practicing myself, comp multiple takes in the DAW, I will definitely be displaying that marginal competence once again this 5090. With some instruments (like my FAWM cello playing), comping is essential just to get to barely competent LOL.

  • @chipwithrow  Apr 2022

    @cblack - As a metalhead, I'm sure you know of Tom Morello. Every so often he unplugs and does acoustic folk/protest music. Don't think he plays harmonica, though.
    Regarding harmonica - I used to have 5 of them, C G A D and E. Now I'm down to A D and E. I'll do a few guitar/vocal/harmonica this 50/90 - I did one for 50/90.
    And regarding mastery versus a new instrument - I think I'm going to stick with practicing banjo and uke for now, but at least go look at basses at our local music store sometime between now and 50/90.

  • @dreamscuba  Apr 2022

    I look forward to 5090. I think I participated briefly once or twice. I won’t be gunning for 50 song but full album and will aim for a cohesive mix rather than the very eclectic mix I end up with in FAWM. I hope to collaborate with vocalists/lyricists. Let’s see. I will be away for the start for 3 weeks without any musical gear with me.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @ambroise Yeah, I will likely only connect with a few of the harmonicas, but I don't know which ones, hence a set of 12. And they're cheap enough that I don't mind wasting a little money. :)

    Mastery vs. New: I choose both. I want to master guitar, vocals and drums. I also want to play a bunch of other instruments a little.

    Anyone ever used a Roland Aerophone? I think I'll buy one of those at some point. Digital wind instrument? Hell yeah!

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    @chipwithrow, watch out!
    Going to "look at basses" is a slippery slope!

  • @dreamscuba  Apr 2022

    @fuzzy - I walked into a guitar shop a few weeks ago and was very proud of myself for not coming out with another guitar.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @dreamscuba but I bet you felt oddly bereft or lonely as you did so!

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    I just spent part of my baritone guitar fund on tickets to see Halestorm and The Pretty Reckless this July in Kansas City. Perhaps I'll save up enough by 50/90?

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @tcelliott Nice!

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    @cblack might have to get a harmonica myself now, thanks to your prompt :)
    i believe its roughly 10-11 weeks until 5090 ( napkin maths ?? )
    thats a fair chunk of time to prepare.. but then again, life gets in the way
    until 5090 gets in the way of life.. :D

  • @dreamscuba  Apr 2022

    @timfatchen absolutely...I almost felt like celebrating the victory by going out and buying a guitar.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @dreamscuba Circular logic. A prime banjolele candidate. Or you could start on a proper tam!

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @dukongp100 Yeah, harmonicas look fun! Just trying to decide which set to get... I want good quality, but not too expensive, and it has to be a set of 12 because I simply don't know which keys I'll like the most.

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    @cblack the more quality the set the dearer it goes.. hohner do a basic set of their blues harps ( low quality ) of 6 or 12 harps, ( think it was about 50 pounds last time i saw ). if you're wanting a multi pack of decent ones, see if they do the hohner big rivers in multi pack.

    but there is fun yknow, in buying individual harps and slowly amassing a collection hehehe :D thats what i did years ago, dont have them now tho.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Yeah, Hohner has been recommended to me before. Gonna think about it a while. Can't afford any right now, anyway. :P

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @cblack I can't afford Hohner these days--looked at what my old chromatic harmonica (Hohner costs now and ouch! (and relatively speaking it was a "cheapie"). But for blues harps and just occasional fooling around, I found the Johnson blues harps cheap and cheerful. Okay, it's like my Ashton bass vs my Cimar or a top Squier, but hey! The banjo cost me $22.18 (had to put that in!)

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Yeah, it seems 3 decent Hohners are as much as 12 cheaper brand harms. I saw the Johnson set, as well as Easttop. One of those is probably what I'll go with.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    Provided they're not literal garbage.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @cblack The Johnsons I've got are okay (wood comb, not easy on my lips) (but as I haven't played them for ages, not an issue...) I was looking at Easttop with a view to perhaps getting a chromatic harmonica, but I don't know anything about them and the reviews i looked at all led back to the manufacturer...

  • @cblack Apr 2022 5QGA0DE6SQGXtnF_2AUmCvh5hPzvCl S3mvyhKhw3N1V0EO6Y0aAgiPEALw_w cB

    These look nice, and a review on YouTube showed them to be a little better than the Hohner Bluesbands.

    Those are Australian prices, by the way. Everything costs more here, but we earn more money. Getting something from overseas is likely to cost just as much with currency conversion and shipping.

    It's a set of 7, not 12, but the only 12-sets I can find are significantly lower quality.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @timfatchen Yeah, I couldn't find enough info either. Definitely a red flag.

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    I think I'll go with the Fenders. They're affordable before 50/90, and Derringers is a local store in case of warranty stuff. And from the YouTube reviews, they sound pretty awesome.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @cblack looks good. The 7-bag Ill put on my wishlist I think. Meanwhile, more banjo setting up...

  • @cblack Apr 2022

    @timfatchen If there's only one you'll have to fight me for it! Lol.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @cblack wishlist, wishlist! You know? Like my Ronisch grand piano at $60K :D

  • @cblack Apr 2022


    My big-ticket item is a huge e-drum kit at about $5k. One day...

  • @andygetch  May 2022

    welp, I think we're halfway there!

  • @cblack May 2022

    And FAWM is going into hibernation in a week! *sobs uncontrollably*

  • @ambroise May 2022

    I'm with @dukongp100 on the one-by-one team ! Plus I like to have different models so I know easily witch key it's in.
    The downside is : as you know more and more which kind of harmonica you want, the last you bought are the more enjoyable to play.... But are in the most rarely used keys !
    Never tried Fender. But I can tell you, @cblack, that the selection in your 7 pack is clever : those are the most helpfull keys, and by far, in my experience too.

  • @cblack May 2022

    @ambroise Thanks, good to know! I'll probably add the other 5 keyed harmonicas 1-by-1. But to start out, I didn't know which I would want, hence the multi-pack. :)

  • @andygetch  May 2022

    @cblack a delayed comment on the Fender harmonicas. I bought that exact set a few years ago to just have fun with and add a bit to an occasional recording use. EDIT: I have fun using them.

  • @cblack May 2022

    @andygetch Oh? Nice! Do you think they're good?

  • @resonut123 May 2022

    I think the Fender Blues DeVille harmonicas are fairly decent. They cost $40 each so they're not the cheap ones that are in the Fender set.
    I think they're kind of close to the Hohner Special 20s, which now cost $55 each.
    The Hohner Special 20 was my favorite although I do have different brands (Hering, Lee Oskar, etc).
    I bought a bunch of Special 20s when they were $18 each but now they really jumped in price.

    The cheap sets are a good way to start, I would start with a 7 Key set. Then when you learn and improve, you can always move up to the better quality harmonicas.

  • @gubna May 2022

    Funny, I saw this and wasn't interested in the harmonica. Tell me about that phone mic!
    A couple years ago I recorded through my rotary by calling myself from the other part of the house.

  • @resonut123 May 2022

    The red phone mic I bought thru, I like it.
    It has a very useable slightly Lo-Fi sound.
    I used it on harmonica this FAWM here...

    and on lead and backing vocals on this song...

  • @cblack May 2022

    Should be ordering the Rode NT1 vocal mic on Monday! I have birthday money, and I get paid on Monday.

    Exciting! My first good vocal mic!

  • @dukongp100 May 2022

    well we are nearing site shutdown, weve had napowrimo, 5090 prequel is almost midway through, and the 5090 site will be nearing launch after our how for now to fawm site.

    has anyone got ideas already for their 5090 ?

    id like to be minimal this time- scaling way back to the bare bones, only using raw audio/video recordings ( no daws maybe ) non plugged in instruments, nd doing concepts, weird messing about, albumadays..

  • @cblack May 2022

    @dukongp100 For 50/90 I really just wanna get 1 really great multi-instrument song done. Putting multiple things together is something I reeeeeaaaaally struggle with. If I can get a single song with, say, guitar, drums, bass, keys and vocals on it, that I'm actually happy with, I'll count it as a huge victory.

    I'll also be doing singer-songwriter stuff with vocals plus either keys or guitar. So that I'm not constantly bashing my head against goal #1 lol.

  • @cblack May 2022

    Arghhhhhh! Impatience is kicking my arse!

  • @dukongp100 May 2022

    ahahah @cblack ive just done a two week stint for the prequel so im all musicked-out for now.. but i anticipate and look forward to the main 5090..sounds like yu have some good plans for it though. i struggle with putting multi things together too, its something i may work on this time
    i believe its two months or so until it starts? seems abstract now, but i will be getting excited once i see june tick over!

  • @cblack May 2022

    57 days by my count. (It's already Sunday 8th May here.) So 8 weeks and 1 day...

    I would consider doing music things now, except my studio still isn't finished! My setup pre-studio is not good. Very annoying to get any recording done.

  • @cblack May 2022

    Rode NT1 - ordered! Huzzah!

  • @circle  May 2022

    I've never done 50/90 before - is there another site similar to FAWM for it? and is it as good!?

  • @cblack May 2022

    Whether it's as good or not depends on perspective. It's longer, so requires more effort. Most people don't hit 50 songs. But, the site is less active than here, because significantly fewer people do it.

    So, longer but less intense.

    I think I prefer FAWM at this point, but I enjoy both. :)

  • @johnstaples  May 2022

    I've done FAWM 10 times and this will be my 10th 50/90. I prefer FAWM as there is much greater participation. If you do 50/90 be sure and participate from the beginning because a couple weeks in participation drops dramatically.

    I treat 50/90 like a 2-week mini-FAWM! I'll do 5-10 songs and check in occasionally during the summer.

  • @dreamscuba  May 2022

    @johnstaples good plan. I will actually be away for 1 week of June and 3 weeks in July. I will participate outside of that.

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