FAWM YouTube Channel β€” Ideas?

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  • @burrsettles  Apr 2022

    If we were to create a FAWM/5090 youtube channel, what kinds of content would you be interested in seeing? In addition to the 4-track collab videos. What are other ways do you think we could use it to educate and/or build & represent the fawmer community?

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    The FAWMtalk as streaming event!

  • @metalfoot  Apr 2022

    Have FAWMers demonstrate other writing things, like skirmishes, chord progressions, etc?

  • @beacon Apr 2022

    Maybe a video about what to expect from FAWM, or help for people thinking of doing FAWM but worried about it.

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    The songfight crew adds a few types of fighter videos to their account in a playlists. Any video of a song submitted for songfight can be included (unless it's rated X or something.) They have several different people who do interviews (kind of like fawmtalk) and they add those videos (in one case, they are hosted on that account.)

    I'd suggest having a submission process (simply being an email to the admin to take a look at the video and making sure it adheres to community standards) and then adding them to the channel.

    Additionally, a day in the life type videos and a "history of FAWM" series would be great. Especially from the founders and admins but also including "interviews" with long time stalwarts and maybe exciting newbies.

    And finally, if there was some way to do a tribute to those who have passed (RC and Hoops come to mind) that would be very welcome.

  • @headfirstonly  Apr 2022

    It feels like a no-brainer as a home for FAWMtalk. I really like the idea of a history of FAWM, too. I'd also love to see short bios of other FAWMers talking about what FAWM means to them. TC's idea of tributes to FAWMers who are no longer with us is beautiful.

    Other subjects could be short "getting started" how-to spots, tech explainers like "what's a compressor and why should I bother using one?" and pointers to free resources for songwriters and home recording folk.

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    I'd love to hear 10-15 minutes videos or podcasts about album of the month, because some people do awesome work AFTER the party is over.

  • @katestantonsings  Apr 2022

    FAWMtalk was fun! Putting faces to names. Getting to know other musicians in the chat. I'd recommend that!

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    def fawmtalk and like @headfirstonly said and little personal features of Fawmers. I like the short video format. anything bitesized fawm related would be fun.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @headfirstonly @wobbiewobbit @metalfoot ideas, yes. @tcelliott songfight things no, if it involves actual songs. While I no longer put a huge amount of time into my website nor into my youtube channel (which was the most visible face of it), nevertheless there will be FAWMers who are trying to get their music heard and established, and a general FAWM channel should NOT be the place to try this (I mean, which of the 15,000 songs does one put up?). Trying to be coherent here (it's the banjo looking at me...) but perhaps the focus might best be summarised as... METAFAWM!

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    To be fair, it's only for produced videos. No splash screens etc., Personally, having a playlist or channel for those things, even if it's 1500 of them, isn't a terrible thing, especially after the initial rush when we run out of things to post.

    All that being said, I don't disagree with your assessment and was just throwing out ideas. The Songfight community is tiny compared to the FAWM community.

  • @nancyrost  Apr 2022

    I'd like to see it organized into playlists, including, but not limited to:

    *Info for (potential) fawmlings: FAQs, what to expect, how-to's, outreach topics such as research on creative quantity -> quality.

    *Interactive and social videos, including Fawmtalk, Fawmstock, etc. Maybe some footage from FOPs could go here too.

    *Research gleaned from FAWM, data about participation, etc.

    *Features about other games and challenges within FAWM.

  • @burrsettles  Apr 2022

    these are great ideas!

    something else i've thought about: DIY music gizmos.

    in particular, i've been interested in creating open-source DIY project including (but not limited to) effects pedals projects, but also things like new/updated tools for https://muse.fawm.org

    trying to decide if this fits under the FAWM "brand," and whether how-to/backstory/behind-the-music videos for such projects would be appropriate for the FAWM youtube...?

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    id be interested to see a 'documentary' of a noteable FAWM of the past, one that was highly active and buzzing around the community, or maybe an important formative one - like those YT essays some content creators do..

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    @burrsettles i think the FAWM brand encompasses some nice niches within it, like the obvious 4 track subculture, but also other trends, FUC, slothcore etc, nerdy muso backstage stuff is definitely on brand i think, as is the more creative songcrafting side of things, separate sections but all very FAWM - i can see nancy's playlist organisation working nicely
    fawm folklore would be another nice feature

  • @beacon Apr 2022

    I think there could be great feature of FAWMlore (Easy Shed, Strangle Disco, A is for ABBA, the "Pink", etc. to give people a feeling for FAWM culture, as it's a big part of it. I think that interviews with a recent FAWMling would be really good.

  • @burrsettles  Apr 2022

    just a bump in case others have ideas and hadn't seen this...


    one (theoretical & nerdy) idea i had recently is inspired by "bloom's taxonomy" for learning (similar to "maslov's hierarchy of needs"): https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/

    in this framework CREATION is at the top of the pyramid and builds on other skills like learning facts, explaining ideas, etc. since FAWM is about creating, i wonder what kinds of videos (or other educational resources) make sense to fall under the "FAWM brand" to get fawmers more comfortable with all "lower" levels of the hierarchy?

    (e.g., songwriting fundamentals, tolls, ideas, etc.)? does that makes sense? or is it too nerdy? :P

  • @jtsteam  Apr 2022

    @burrsettles well I haven't seen Bloom's taxonomy before and I am intrigued by it, but I'm also a massive nerd. So I don't know if that helps. I'd be interested in more, not just for songwriting related reasons!

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    @burrsettles YES.
    I think getting members comfortable with pure creation rather than "is this good enough?" is really important.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    What @fuzzy said. Example--took me years to be able to live with my voice (rest of family still can't, though Macci the Dog is happy with it) but without that I couldn't get songs up ("this is not good enough" mindblocker)

  • @cairobraga  Apr 2022

    we could have a series where 2 fawmers are picked at random to interview each other, like that "Actors on Actors" they have on some youtube channel. it can be a way for the community to know themselves better and can generate amazing conversations about FAWM and music. also it can be a variation of the Random Collab challenge, where the pairs video-document their collab journey and discuss it after it's done and then make a video of it. #brainstorm

  • @burrsettles  Apr 2022

    FYI all β€” I have now created the FAWM youtube channel if you would like to go subscribe!


    At the moment it doesn't contain anything except a playlist for the 4 track 1 tape videos (which are actually posted from my personal account, but future episodes will be on the FAWM account... youtube doesn't allow me to move them, unfortunately)

  • @mandolinda  Apr 2022

    Beginner SOS. I avoided a skirmish or collaboration on my first FAWM, because i was technically challenged. I did not know how to send files, and i thought the collaboration was like you had to be in the same space physically. I was unfamiliar with the technology to post a song quickly. I did not have a clue. FAWMers were very helpful, told me the how to’s. By 50/90 i was ready to participate..

  • @andygetch  May 2022

    I finally read the article on Bloom's Taxonomy. I had never heard of it before. It does spark some interesting ideas for me. However, overall it reminds me of an academic approach to writing a successful term paper or research report. The translation/application of that to writing alot of songs, like 14 in 28 days, would be quite a trick!

  • @johnstaples  May 2022

    Lots of great ideas here but I wanna second @wobbiewobbit on keeping these short and bite-sized!

    I'd like to see SHORT videos that have BROAD appeal within the FAWM community. I like the idea of short how-to videos and short vids focusing on FAWM culture.

    For example, I believe the 4-track collab vids would appeal to a larger audience if they were available in something like a 5 minute summary/highlight reel rather than an hour on the same topic. For those of us uninterested in 4-track postal collabs, a summary version would still be interesting and appealing as a quirky FAWM thing.

    I don't recall what FAWMtalk was but if it was the Brady Bunch Zoom chats I think those are wonderful real-time experiences with this amazing group of lovely people. BUT, I also think an unedited video of that is kinda boring. So, these could be short and edited down to a bite-sized vid of highlights that can be quickly viewed and enjoyed.

    Or, if FAWMtalk was the video chat between two FAWMers that included featured songs, again it is OK to watch live but maybe not so much as a long unedited video. Edit these shows down to a 5 minute highlight reel and you will score some viewers!

    Short. Broad appeal. Oh and also, short! :D

  • @johnstaples  May 2022

    An afterthought: full-length videos of things like FAWMtalk and 4-channel postal collabs could still be posted for anyone wanting a deeper dive on these but short summary type videos may be of more interest to the broader FAWM community.

  • @cairobraga  May 2022

    I understand what @johnstaples is saying but I want to emphasize that both short and long videos can coexist on the same channel, not everything needs to be made as a tiktok or instastory, but longer videos can have short versions as well.

  • @tcelliott  May 2022

    John makes a great point but I'm firmly in the both camp.

  • @wobbiewobbit  May 2022

    yep both from me too, i just do like the shorts (on youtube these have to be <1 min) but would like longer content too.

  • @johnstaples  May 2022

    Of course long videos can be interesting and useful! But often times, they are neither! Generally speaking, make a video only as long as it needs to be and not a second longer. Good editing can reduce the length of a video and increase its appeal!

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