Ghost Writers in the Sky

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  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    Elsewhere, in reference to the increasing flood of spammers appearing, @nancyrost said "This is how the FAWM ghost season starts." So, inevitably...

    (with apologies to Stan Jones and ©Edwin H Morris)

    A songwriter went writing out
    One dark and windy May
    Upon he rested
    As he went along his way
    When all at once a mighty throng
    Of songwriters he saw
    Plowin' through the ragged skies
    And up the cloudy DAW

    Their bands were still on fire
    And their strings were made of steel
    Their keyboards black and shiny
    And their hot breath he could feel
    A bolt of fear went through him
    As they thundered through the sky
    For he saw the writers coming hard
    And he heard their mournful cry

    Ghost Writers in the sky

    Their faces gaunt
    Their eyes were blurred
    Their shirts all soaked with sweat
    Writing hard to catch that song
    But they ain't caught it yet
    'Cause they've got to write forever
    On that DAW up in the sky
    On laptops snorting fire
    As they write on, hear their cry

    Ghost Writers in the sky

    As the writers wrote on by him
    He heard one call his name
    'If you wanna save your soul
    From hell a-writing on our page
    Songwriter, change your ways today
    Or with us you will write
    Trying to catch the devil's song
    Across these endless skies

    Ghost writers in the sky

  • @nancyrost  Apr 2022

    Oh, that was delightful! Thank you, @timfatchen !

  • @gm7  Apr 2022

    Wonderful job @timfatchen .

  • @andrea  Apr 2022

    Super fun! Thanks @timfatchen

  • @jwhanberry  Apr 2022

    Most excellent my friend.

  • @sheilerk  Apr 2022

    Well that was a great start to my day!! I always liked the Ghost Riders song. You’ve done it proud and given me a big smile!

  • @postcardhelicopters  Apr 2022

    Breadcrumb 1/3: It seems to me that, as a public service, someone could...

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