FAWM fandom

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  • @elesimo  Apr 2022

    Hi, folks!

    During one of the Tuesday Zoom calls (https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12045/) we created a FAWM wiki: https://fawm.fandom.com/wiki/FAWM_Wiki

    We had the idea because we're always sharing stories about FAWM: fun collabs, crazy challenges, amazing people... as we shared those stories we realized it would be nice to have them written somewhere, so we wouldn't lose them.

    I created a few starting categories in the main page, but feel free to create a page about your favorite topic and add some content.

  • @beacon Apr 2022

    As someone who is newer to FAWM, I would love to be able to have access to the history of the community (since I don't have it in my head now). FAWM Historians, please go and fill it out!

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    Cool idea!

  • @mahtowin  Apr 2022

    Cool idea! I think it will be helpful for newbies like me the get explantions of some special expressions used here.

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    I know it gets lost, but a lot of all the strange FAWMicultural things including a glossary are here: https://fawm.org/help/

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