New Album by our beloved Deez > step inside and check it out!

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  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    Whilst usually I hate his music with a passion and our "strident" and sometimes "nasty" email exchanges about Structure and Aesthetics would fill a book of letters, yesterday my dear friend @dzdandcunfsd meekly sent me a link to his new album, in the middle of this huge monster of a GIMME15 we're working on, asking if I had a few minutes spare to "take a listen".
    It's a collection of 18 of his best and favorite songs from several years of FAWMing. 45 minutes long.
    With a deep breath and a wince I pressed play on bandcamp. And lo... and woah!... and oh, my! It's a freakin' beauty. Every song is exciting, interesting, innovative, taunting, teasing, A great listen from start to end. Nothing like trash he sends me attached to emails with no context, I review scathingly, and then he says well that was demo and I don't give a rat's a$$ what you think LOL.
    Never in a million years would he promote it on the forums, so, like so much since I met him at the troublemaker holding tank at the LA American Idol auditions in 20&% and learned what a great friend he can be, I had to take matters into my own hands. I hope he forgives me. But he really does a lot for this community, so much that people don't even see.
    Really! Please take a listen. It's a free download. It is awesome, I guarantee. I must have played in 12 times through these last 24 hours. Take a minute to tell him just how awesome it is so that he makes more like this and not the kind of stuff he sends me in emails! Positive encouragement.

    THE LINK TO MUSICAL BLISS > "Paved intentions" by Quazimodo's Balls (alias DZD)
    Love ya, Deez.Surprise!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    @wolkier for the sake of your speakers be very careful with the volume next time you open any attachments from me!

    I don't think you've even heard half my pedals... definitely not all of them at once! Not to mention the fun (to me) stuff I like to do with feedback loops for hours on end... I'm not mean enough to subject other people to that, but I might make an exception LOL.

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    Huh.That's the thanks I get. !

    No blush and humble curtsy
    No thank you, my friend (as the contract stated)
    No I'd like to thank the academy
    No check's in the mail.

    You better hope Oklahoma's not a communal property state because I'm starting to think you led me up the garden path just to have your wicked way with me. And I came with nothing.

    I'd rather bust my monitors than have another episode of a SWAT team busting down my door when I open one of your attachments.

    Love ya, buddy. I must have played the album another 6 more times through today and I'm still surprised and delighted. I hope others give it a spin.

    The goal is to get you 10 "human" followers by April end!

    The Management Team
    + get more plays on bandcamp - google >>> "borneveryday" (please don't google "sucker" ) +

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd oh and I wish you gave an "f" about @wolkier
    I'da seen this a bit sooner. :)

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    Oh @dzdandcunfsd, I'd listen to a couple of hours of your feedback loops while I do jigsaw puzzles.

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd listened again today, nice nice stuff! :)

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