Questions someone might have an answer to (?)

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  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    I always say all ears hear all things.
    But it derives from something that I always told myself "all people know all things" . So if i ever had a question needed answering (perplexing or factual) I'd ask it to everyone I met in passing, sometimes on a bus or a train or anywhere anyone. Eventually there would be a consensus, or a slap across the face, but I'd have my answer.

    I have 2:
    1) Is there a technical name for someone who studies the origin of names?
    2) when does the FAWM site shut down?
    Please tag me with the answer and use this thread to ask your own questions.... someone will reply.

  • @postcardhelicopters  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier -

    1,) Onomastics "the study of the etymology, history, and use of proper names."

    2.) After today.

    Q.)is it possible to extract the audio file from a JV-880 waveform via MIDI?

  • @headfirstonly  Apr 2022

    SoundDiver used to be the biz for synth bank editing via MIDI. It's no longer updated, but old copies are still kicking around on the web. This link still works:

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    Q1) is it better to appear to be knowledgeable or actually be knowledgeable?

  • @billwhite51 Apr 2022

    best to always seek knowledge and acknowledge your ignorance

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @dukongp100 a truly knowledgeable person is someone who knows how and when to disappear.
    Thanks. @postcardhelicopters

    Q3: Important one: Did Aleister Crowley ever serve even 1 day in prison/jail, not the least for wearing stupid hats?

  • @gm7  Apr 2022

    "When you listen you learn but when people talk too much they only say what they know! "...a saying my mother would use on occasions. Not sure of the origin?

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    I like his hat. :(

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    Q: do any fish use sound?

  • @slusk Apr 2022

    @headfirstonly @postcardhelicopters IIRC SoundDiver was only a MIDI patch librarian/editor i.e. actual waveforms from a JV880 (or in my case a JV-1080) would probably not be transferrable that way?

    If you would be fortunate to be using Logic on a mac you can autosample any old midi hardware patches to make virtual sample patches for the built-in sampler. Apple acquired this (and other ) state-of-the-art technology from the Italian one-man company Redmatica many years ago. recently they incorpaorated the best parts into Logic.

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @wobbiewobbit the vibration of sound, like sonar impulse maybe? This is why I ask several people the same question.

  • @gardeningangel1  Apr 2022

    @wobbiewobbit "Big eye scad, a tropical fish, produce sounds using their pharyngeal teeth. These sounds are often heard when a fish is captured and may function to ward off predators."
    From this:

    My question: Sourdough or rye?

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    @gardeningangel1 cool! :)

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Coming from the country of breads in all shapes and tastes, you can do sourdough of nearly any kind of flour. Sourdough from rye flour is quite common here. But if I had to choose I prefer bread without processing.

    My question: Is a song polyrhythmic, when it uses a shuffle beat and a melody which is not based on triplets?

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    thanks @gardeningangel1 @headfirstonly and @wolfkier . interesting video Chris :)

  • @postcardhelicopters  Apr 2022

    @headfirstonly - thanks for the tip about SoundDiver! I've also found JV PatchEd and may give both a whirl so I don't have to squint at the LCD screen.

    @slusk - I started sampling my JV-880 this month and listening/watching to the waveforms has been educational. It got me wondering about "which note is the root note, and is it the same for every sample?" One article I read online said that the audio is encrypted (which makes sense) so that just made me even more curious about how it was all put together.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    @nadine the only rule by definition for a polyrhythm is at least two different rhythms, and one general rule is if the two rhythms are divisible by the same number(other than 1) it isn't a "true" polyrhythm. You can't for instance play a 2/4, or even a 3/4 beat and add something on the 16ths and claim that to be poly... well you CAN do whatever you want :D The ONLY rule with rhythm is does it make you wanna shake your ass or at least tap your foot LOL.

    Q.) How often should I wash my bath towels if I'm only clean when I use them, and I don't throw them in a corner to get moldy, but always hang them to dry... asking for a friend.

  • @metalfoot  Apr 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd At least once a week is still a good general principle for bath towels.

    Q) How do you get interested in using a DAW if your brain likes using Audacity?

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    Your brain is used to what it negotiates easily when your intention is clear, You want to record a tune, click, click, click... you start recording.
    Choose a DAW, open it and play with no intention/comuplsion at all about creating a song. Choose a loop, pick a virtual instrument, find a sound effect, add a vst with all nobs turned 10 11 and have fun. Delete the file completely when you're done. Do it again when you DON'T have a song in mind. Play, play, play. Eventually, a song will come to mind and you'll think, well, you know I could do this one in a DAW and use that scandanavian banana flute sound... Eventually Audacity will be an old friend that still helps with some wave shaping.

    Meanwhile, poor old Aleister Crowley, and his hats (I like it too @fuzzy) and my life changing career decision, are left to languish in lymbo, neither free nor confined... (see my "unanswered" question above)

  • @coolparadiso  Apr 2022

    @wobbiewobbit @gardeningangel1 we have a group of fish here in our rivers known as grunters and they really do make a pig like noise. I think it is through their interphalangeal teeth ( teeth in the throat- even common European fish like carp have them)

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    Use the DAW the same way as Audacity first. Its only hard to accept that you cut stems with left click ans not right (my main reason why I don't use Audacity lol).

  • @timfatchen  Apr 2022

    @coolparadiso @wobbiewobbit @gardeningangel1 And in the small hot artesian springs at Dalhousie Springs, we have SPANGLED grunters. Which run skin defoliation for you if you bathe in the springs (nip nip nip). And which die in cold water. And in too hot water, so they ahve toswim round and round the ponds in the goldilocks zone. Good eating if you can avoid smelling them as you eat (seriously). Haven't been there for 50 years, cripes...

  • @andygetch  Apr 2022

    @metalfoot +1 on using the DAW like Audacity and experimenting with features one is not familiar with. True confession, 20-ish years ago I used software much like Audacity to record and convert vinyl LP's to individual track mp3's. Even today there are many features of DAW's that I am clueless about. Yet I use DAW's, sometimes lo-fi, sometimes sprinkled with effects, sometimes I add MIDI tracks and stuff. Depends on the song.

    For those production oriented folks, and I have an admitted bias towards recordings that are reproducible by musicians, doesn't mean the live version has to be exactly the same as the studio, just that it could be. My question is why do so many professionally recorded tracks seem overproduced to me? Specifically all of the musical bits that seem extraneous, or even contrary, to the vibe of the song?

  • @coolparadiso  Apr 2022

    Just a fad @andygetch . Its happened before. Punk in 76 took off for a couple of reasons, one was a kick back against the over production of the early to mid 70s not just technical but also over indulgent synthetic solos etc. The worm will turn. ( I hope) I do also now do things in my Daw that I once could do that aged ailments now prevent! But hey I still like live music best!

  • @andrea  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier the site shuts down before we all want it to.

    My question: Why is learning to play guitar so hard?

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @andrea Yes, very likely.
    A: so that playing it is easy when you're a rock star. Even Keith can do it!

    But still I wait for my Aleister Crowley answer happily asking to and fro, friend and foe, till I get an answer.

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    @andrea Coming from piano my biggest struggle is accepting that notes have various positions. Plenty of coordination issues, muting strings suck and the pressure for barrel chords ouch. But I have more fun playing guitar than keys. And I really don't know why cause I'm a beginner!

    @andygetch Because people are lazy and autotune and edit the f**k out exept for practising more and recording again. Why should you learn to sing properly when there is autotune? Plus producer folks selling their tips to thicken the sound instead for writing and arranging better songs. Our ears adapted to psychoacoustuc hifi stuff so most folks cannot hear a song without audio candy. A good song is not about the amount of stems and effects, its about the structure, melody and vibe.

  • @slusk Apr 2022

    @postcardhelicopters Regarding encrypted audio: I guess the actual waveforms in the synth are stored in some proprietary, possibly compressed format, but when you sample sounds they are just audio waveforms.

  • @gardeningangel1  Apr 2022

    @timfatchen The Spangled Grunters would be a good band name.

  • @toms  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier Meno says that appearing knowledgeable (well...right opinion) is just as good as actually having knowledge. :-)

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    love all the fishy facts :)

  • @coolparadiso  Apr 2022

    @gardeningangel1 @timfatchen yup good name The Spangled Grunters could also use The Dalhousie Springs, could also be song titles for my band The Jumping Junipers!

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @toms Me no know Meno.

  • @andygetch  Apr 2022

    @coolparadiso @nadine thanks for the insights. I've always suspected that was how some producers and even labels put their stamp on an album.

    @andrea I hope you find a way to keep the fun in it and hang in there. It gets better!

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier, I don't believe Aleister Crowley ever spent time in jail.
    Pretty lame for "The Wickedest Man In The World".

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    @andygetch, I read an interesting article recently about studio production; apparently studio time is so expensive that many artists only have time to record one take and then they just monkey around with it in the computer with autotune and such, thereby creating an "overproduced" song.
    And so now I guess it's become a fad, as @coolparadiso has said.

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @fuzzy Thank you. if one or two people can confirm that (with some vaguely credible evidence) then I think I have my next career turn in view! :) hehehehehehehe....

  • @resonut123 Apr 2022

    Like Simon Wagstaff asks in the novel Venus on the Half Shell...
    Why is Man (or Woman) born to suffer and die?

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    @resonut123; we're not born to suffer. We're born to learn how to free ourselves from self-imposed suffering. ;)

  • @toms  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier it was actually @dukongp100 who asked the relevant question anyway. Man, I can't wait for my new prescription to come in. Then I won't misread and misspel evrythng.

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    @wolfkier re: Q3, Aleister Crowley - Not that I could find. He was expelled from Italy, though. It *could* have been for wearing silly hats, at least in part, I suppose.

  • @tcelliott  Apr 2022

    @andygetch @andrea It gets better and infinitely worse, depending on your perspective.

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    @fuzzy nice quote fuzzy, relatable to me
    Question: When the internet is phased out and redundant for daily life... Will the now young have nostalgia for the infinitely online era ? And make attempts to remake the technology as a niche future use ?

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    I don't think that the internet will phase out. There will be a successor someday soon but it's all about staying connected over long distances without meeting each other. Virtual reality? Holograms? Neural Implants? Nobody knows yet.
    Some people my age have nostalgia for the internet of the 90s or early 2000s, where you had to pay tremendous amounts of money for 1 hour of 56k surfing. I sometimes also have, because I'm not fond of videos and social media. I'd love to have my forums back even if I had to download wav files form my co-musicians for HOURS!
    I can imagine that in the next 1-2 generations there will be a movement against using internet. Spending more time offline and rebelling against machine learning algorithms.

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    Yes, they'll enter a VR space through their neural implants and virtually sit down with a virtual laptop and surf the virtual antique internet. :)

  • @wolfkier Apr 2022

    @tcelliott Thanks. I'll have to look into the Italian episode and be sure to aviod whatever mistake he made there. I like good food too much to bear that kind of restriction. But the future's looking bright so far. I'm about to pull the lever.

    @dukongp100 What a lovely thought the internet as Atari 2700, fawned about in reverent whispers by a bunch of geeky greying balding overweight millinial grandparents on a tiny sub-cosmic-reddit. While their grandkids sit at school chewing gum and phasing out during austere lessons about the great Screen Emancipation of 2030.

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