When Death Comes

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  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Hello all,

    As I know there are fewer of us here now, and a lot of the people are people I've come to know and love, I thought it would be okay to post this here.

    Many of you who I've talked with know that my 89 year old father has been very sick, and yesterday I was with him when he took his last breath. It was surprising in the timing, but not in the result.

    I am doing pretty well with it as I have been preparing myself for this for a while. I was planning on writing a song for FAWM entitled "I'm Ready For You To Go", but that didn't happen. I've got a huge amount of support from my friends (a little overwhelming in fact), but wanted to let some of my friends here know, and I didn't know of any other way to do it. As I know that forums will be wiped clean soon, I figured the stalwart-to-the-end FAWMers who are here are probably the ones I've interacted with the most and would want to know.

    Thank you all for being such an amazing community.

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    Sorry for your loss, @beacon.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    @beacon - Love and peace to you and the whole family. No words to express my feelings towards this. :(

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Sorry to hear, @beacon . No matter how expected, it's always hard. One might be able to look with a degree of equanimity to one's own approaching demise, but not to others. May peace and comfort come to you and your family.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Thoughts with you mate.

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Peace and comfort to you and your loved ones <3

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    I'm glad you got to be there to give whatever comfort you could. May his memory be a blessing.

  • @tsunamidaily Mar 2022

    as someone who has moved home to help out my aging parents for the last few years, i live with similar thoughts myself.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I am sorry to hear that, Ken. My thoughts are with you and I hope that you and your family are able to take time for grief.

  • @edwardsmusic Mar 2022

    My heart goes out to you.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    I'm so sorry for your loss Ken. What a blessing to be by his side at the end. Sending thoughts and prayers of peace for you and your family.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    May your music and friends bring much love and support during this time. I’m glad you got to spend his final moments with him, Ken. I’m so sorry—sending love & light.

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    So sorry, Ken. Sending thoughts your way.

  • @jonmeta  Mar 2022

    Losing a dad at any age, and no matter the preparation, is a terribly hard thing. I'm so sorry.

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    I'm sorry for your loss, @beacon . Sending lots of love. Please keep us locals posted if there's anything you need.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Sending you wishes for peace and healing in the coming days and weeks. It's so hard letting go. May your Dad's memory and spiritual presence guide and comfort you.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. My condolences.
    It doesn't matter how old you are, losing a parent is a major life event. Treasure the good memories.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thanks everyone. You're all great and helpful.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Ken, I’m so sorry. I know that you’ve been preparing for this, but it doesn’t make it less of a loss. Hopefully you will have the space and support to grieve how you need.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Sorry for your loss

  • @yewnorker Mar 2022

    Condolences, Ken.

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    No matter how prepared we are, it’s always a surprise when someone we love passes. May his memory be a blessing and a comfort to you.

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Sorry for your loss @beacon

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Ken - I’m so sorry for your loss.

  • @mikeskliar  Mar 2022

    Sorry for your loss, it’s not easy, so many of us here are dealing or may deal soon with these parent issues— hang in there!

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    Sorry for your loss.

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    May his spirit fly free! My father passed a couple years back, and I was glad I took the time to spend with him in his life. I'm still learning from him - I have many of his paintings to study in my effort to become a better painter myself.

    Remember him for the good times, what he taught you. His spirit still lives out there in the universe. Continue to talk with him and know that he hears you.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thank you all. In case anyone is interested, here's his obituary: http://www.kenmattsson.com/EWMattson

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