Software for random word shuffling from list ?

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  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    I’d like an offline random word generator/shuffler to help with my lyric writing.

    I have texts I’ve made that I wish to scramble into random orders. Similar to David Bowies Verbalizer, I’d like something I can download onto my windows laptop and pull from given texts I’ve prepared.

    Anyone know of any? All I’ve found is online ones.

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    @dukongp100 - I reckon I could build something in Excel quite easily. I have one on Google drive that you have to put each phase/word on a different line, but it should be easy enough, if you put all the text into one cell, and run a macro to split that cell ever time there's a space and then pick randomly.

    If that sounds like what you're looking for, give me a shout and I'll pull it together. If I've got the wrong end of the stick, no worries.

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    that does sound like what im after yes! im interested in this, @helenseviltwin - thanks !!

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    @dukongp100 - cool. I'll do that tomorrow

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I would be interested in that as well @dukongp100 i have a few word generators but nothing like that

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    Try this

    It's a macro enabled excel sheet. I do not know if it will work with knock-off excel (google sheets, open office, etc) and I don't know if it's exactly what you need, but might be.

    Alternatively, there's this one in google sheets, but it makes you put all the words in yourself and is online - better for if you want to keep phrases, though

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    thank you for doing this. i had a little play earlier. i found out that the one you said does indeed, not work in openoffice. however i will try the other one soon. ill have a go at that soon, cheers again. it looks promising and shows me a different way to approach it :)

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    also tagging @coolparadiso for the update !!

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    The main thing the first one does that the second does was to put all the words in different cells and then into a list. I recorded a macro doing the following steps:
    - select the cell and the one next to it, find and replace full stop with nothing, and same again with commas, not entirely necessary, but I copied in a full sentence and it was annoying me.
    - select the cell and click on "text to columns", "delimited", pick "space" as the delimiter, hit finish. This will put each word in a new cell.
    - Select the row with all the cells on
    - copy them all, and click into the top cell next to the numbers for input, right click, paste special, select values and tick "transpose", which will put them into a vertical list.

    Oh, and please note that if you do anything in either, it will reshuffle the words, so copy and paste values if you get something you like!

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    I have a (these days rather extensive) PHP script that have functions for randomizing words/sentences whatever you want + generating new sentences/poems from self-defined grammars. The grammar part is localized so it won’t work directly with English.

    The randomizing part is tiny (one line of code). Should anyone want It I can extract it and make it available. Note that you will have to supply a php coding environment yourself. I’m a mac (+linux) person and have little knowledge of whatever self-contained code running applications are available on Windows.

  • @pipewrench67 Apr 2022

    You could try
    Language is a virus cut- up machine
    I'd post a link but I'm on my phone and I'm simple

  • @postcardhelicopters  Apr 2022

    Here's the link that @pipewrench67 was referring to:

    (Thanks for the pointer, by the way!)

  • @dukongp100 May 2022

    @slusk im interested! i occasionally use mac :) im guessing itll work with python ? just seen mac has python on it somehow or somewhere

  • @slusk May 2022

    Python will not parse PHP scripts. Php scripts are non platform specific so you will need to have a development environment (or a stand-alone php interpreter) for php.

    A couple of OS upgrades ago Apple dropped bulit in php support for security reasons so even if you have a mac you will need to install php or an application that interprets php such as the web development + server platform MAMP ( which has a combined free/commercial version both for macOS and Windows.

    If you know your way around those things I can supply my random PHP-functions + info about how customize them for English language use.

  • @dukongp100 May 2022

    sounds like it might boggle my mind @slusk , ill have to pass - thanks for the offer though.

  • @slusk May 2022

    One day I hope to make a website for random lyrics. Until then...

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