Super useful chord progression theory video

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  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    I suppose this isn't an ideal time, and I'm not sure how many folks are where I am, knowledge wise- which is kind of a gray area where I know some stuff about music theory but was never taught formally and so there are huge gaping holes in my understanding where I just don't understand why things work or have a completely mistaken impression...

    Anyway, I was trying to figure out why a progression I have kicking around works (for the record, it's
    ||: Am Am/G D/F# G E :|| )
    and came across this video. No surprise, I love Rick Beato and the way he shares his knowledge and passion for music in his videos, not to mention he's also a western New Yorker, but it was such a lightbulb moment for me I thought I'd share. The first 15mins covers primary chords, secondary dominants and parallel major/minor chords from the perspective of the key of C, then the second half quickly goes over the circle of fifths and how to use it to reconstruct the table from the first half for any key. No coverage of diminished chords or a lot of other tone colors, but that first 15 mins gives such an incredible base to expand from.

    Hope some of you can get some use out of it. Cheers

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    I found out about secondary dominant chords, never knew that was a thing until now. Cheers for sharing !

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