>> GIMME15bertha - the corpsy morphy skirmishy mashupy thingy - join in here!

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  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hello and welcome to GIMME15bertha – a corpsy morphy skirmishy mashupy group party!

    ++++++++++sign up below ++++++++++++


    (Participant list and more background/prompts/rules in posts below )

    Some of you have followed and expanded the legend that is our beautiful Bertha from the GIMME15requiem thread:

    Our 2 previous GIMME15 super efforts:
    GIMME15requiem: LAZY AGITATOR (RIP Johnny “@popgun” Doe): https://fawm.org/songs/137065/
    GIMME15tit4tat: WTFT-FM (international): https://fawm.org/songs/137066/

    Let's make this one bigger and better than anything before. BRING YOUR A-GAME! :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    The rules: Each participant will:
    1) submit 1 or more musical pieces of 15 seconds (24 seconds MAX) + any additional sounds, ideas, to help make this incredible! We have a bar to top with LAZY AGITATOR!
    2) In the Key of Bmajor (cos Bertha, Gimme a B, Go Beavers, etc)
    3) BPM is 120: Get yer kickdrum track here: https://soundcloud.com/wolf-kier/608-x1a-kick-track-gimme15tit4tat (cos 2x60=120) – you can go half time/double time, stretch or contract, but please use this as the basis for your submission, helps me much.
    4) Apart from anything else, Sing “happy birthday to you” for Bertha to a track provided and send me raw vocal file so I can mix them together for the finale... It can be more than one track, harmony, group vox, chaos... But everyone will be in the mix.
    5) Read all this crap (including background stuff below for prompts, inspiration, then email me (WOLFKIER/GMAIL) ASAP with your proposed idea for a GREEN LIGHT to proceed, and/or to get a prompt idea hint tip nudge. I don't bite. And a narrative will quickly form and I'll sometimes need specific stuff to fill gaps in the story.
    6) Send me a PROMISE of delivery time. And keep it. Plus a few updates so I don't waste time/energy worrying about MIAs at the last minute like with popgun. Treat it like a detailed skirmish if possible, don't sit on it for a week.
    7) NOTE THIS IS NOTHING LIKE A REGULAR CORPSE – Only in some instances might I send you another person's track . All tracks come to me (WOLFKIER/GMAIL) , so there's no waiting for anything/anyone...
    8) You send me your track/s, lyrics, and if you want your online main presence mentioned on the bandcamp page, send me your prime online link.
    9) The finished track will go on our new GIMME15 bandcamp page for free download. Http://gimme15.bandcamp.com – with the past 2 big ones already there.
    10) (UPDATED) Deadline for submissions: Wednesday MARCH 29, 2022. Release date Friday April 1, 2022 April Fools Day. !

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    THE PARTICIPANT LIST SO FAR. (THIS IS NOT THE ORDER OF APPEARANCE!) it's not a regular corpse and wait. see rules above.

    @wolfkier (starter, stitcher, masher, construction contractor)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    THE LEGEND OF BERTHA (fond memories)

    Bertha Baco is
    * not happy she's turning 60. So we're planning the BEST 60th Surprise Birthday Bash for her.
    * very successful - made her money playing the transactional marriage scam, (she's a 2xwidow – in mysterious circumstances - & 2x divorcee ) Also in Commercial and residential construction, But most famously as founder of “Bertha's School of Cosmetology and Metaphysics” - Central campus in Nome, AK , but with offshoot franchises all over the known world.
    * lives in an ocean view mansion in Boca Raton, FL (where the age of consent is 60)
    * when plied with enough Cherry Schnapps will do a great impersonation of a back hoe. This is a back hoe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otLPtjR9ahs
    * Has a tattoo on her hiney reads PATE with swirls and stuff. Most people lucky enough to have seen it think it's about pate, but really it's an acronym for the Swindlers' (and Construction Contractors') credo: Promise anything, Take Everything
    * Has a greed for lust and a lust for greed.
    * Had her spiritual enlightenment in the early 80s trekking through Nigeria in a Ford Bronco, where she met a random Nigerian Prince (rip @popgun) and taught him to how to love and how to use email.
    * In her spare time runs a “how to” Youtube channel about “transactional matrimony”, a podcast on the money market (very popular), and a very successful Onlyfans page.

    LET'S GIVE THIS GAL A PARTY SHE DESERVES! CELEBRATE THE LEGEND THAT IS BERTHA BACO. (often misspelled or mispronounced, but never ignored)

    Unless you've been at a party with "exotic" performers and the riot squad in attendance, you've never really partied!
    Knock 3 times and tell 'em Wolf sent ya. :)

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    sent. had a blast lol. love you bertha.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I’m in!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    The words Bertha Baco's Blue Woody Bronco to Tom Petty's Running Down a Dream immediately came to mind for some reason? Did anyone else punch their siblings viewing a wood-panel car? "Woody!!" "Slug Bug!!" LOL
    Punch 3 times for Wolf!

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings i have permanent slug bug bruises from childhood…the damn VW war…lost some good men on those streets.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings I'm sure a bunch of rowdy revellers at a good time gal's 60th Birthday Bash would find many tickles in randomly yelling "Woody!"
    ain't that right, @nahlej381 ?

    I'll email you both in a little bit.

    Already the emails and bit/bobs are filling my mailbox. I'll get back to everyone today. This is gonna be a great party! :)

    But first I have to watch last night's American Idol. :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 :)

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    My step dad once mistakenly called me a party girl. Why mistaken? Because the party girl only comes out when there are drums present - lol! So, yeah, I’m in. I’m bringing the beats!

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Sent you an email. I’m in.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Tickled pink @wolfkier

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Don't forget the cherry schnapps, folks.
    I need some of her cosmatology school grads to do a "I feel pretty. I wanna party." collab thing to remind her of her glory days, and ongoing legacy. :)

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    I wiill bring something to her unusual party too :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ferry0123 I know you will! :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    There's a chook prize to the first person who takes @davidtaro 's happy birthday piano track, if you don't have it, you haven't emailed me yet, and sing it in Nigerian!
    And bonus points if you can sing it in a language other than english and return me the vocal only track.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I forget what a chook prize is? LOL I've emailed you English & Spanish to @davidtaro's piano!! The majority of people in Nigeria speak English, so does that count? :)

    @nahlej381 haha, right? I still wince when I see a VW like someone is going to slug me.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Completely off topic but if I drop dead before this is done all the files so far are in a folder called 610 GIMME15bertha FAWM22 on my harddrive. It already contains so much magic you wouldn't believe. And it's hungry for more... keep sending.
    2 questions, no, not the metaphisical ones, no one was brave or polite enough to ask me about...
    Anyone know if a nose running so fast it could do a 3 minute mile is the first sign of COVID?
    Good God, I've forgotten the other question and my right eyeball feels like it's on the carpet......

    oh yeah, can a few people send me audio of themselves counting from 1 to 60 as fast as they possibly can. The person who gets to 60 the fastest wins a chook prize. No audio tomfollery please. Instant elimination.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    If the running nose question is asked in seriousness, it could be covid but don’t has to be and probably isn’t. Nobody can tell you the answer but a test.

    Can I do the count in German? Otherwise I won’t stand a chance :D

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Same here. Count in french will be faster. Although... In english with a thick french accent (one two srii forr...) could be interresting. Or in german with a better accent (no TH trap, and the "r" sounds almost the same) but certainly much slower than @intoyourlight .
    Your choice, @wolfkier !

    Found this in one of the other official langage in Nigeria : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBLOIp2Q2uY&ab_channel=LearnIgbo-Ahamefula But I'm not sure if it could be perceived as cultural appropriation...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    german and french is perfect. It will add color. But fast..even if you start to mumble and keep recording the gasp of air at the end. And then, if you want, try one more time in English with your accents.
    @intoyourlight yes, it was serious. felt a little better after I woke but started again. Maybe it's just a little spring alergy thing. The weather changed drastically (for the better) the past few days.
    @ambroise thanks for the video.
    Anyone else want to do it (record a count to 60 fast as possible) in a language other than english? @hmorg @sunnymae @katestantonsings @dzdandcunfsd?

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I am fluent in Hylian, Quenya and Sindarin. Working on Klingon and Spanish. JK--I cannot count fast enough in any language other than English! Sorry, Wolf! I can ask some colleagues if you need though? The people I work with are polyglots. Name the language you need...they'll just think I'm crazy when I ask them to text me an audio clip counting :)

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    I could do spanish as well, though it’s a little rusty, but counting could work. But only if there won’t be a native speaker obviously.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings @intoyourlight Thanks both of you.
    Jil, your german and english with accent will be more than enough.
    @ambroise will add french and english with an accent
    @ferry0123 will add Ducth.
    @katestantonsings Kate, spanish, would be great, and if possible portuguese, chinese, japanese, hindi,.italian, greek.
    I know that leaves a lot of languages out, but it'll be a huge blur anyway when mixed together but the "point of the exercise" will be made.
    I've only recieved 1 of these so far and it is 026 in duration. So there's the target to run to for that covetted chook prize!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I can definitely get you Spanish and Chinese counting clips today...will work on Hindi & Japanese.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings of course come to think of it there's cantonese and mandarin, to be fair and accurate, but for this purpose either will do fine. Thank you.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    PROGRESS UPDATE: At the moment I have collected 16 official "GIMME15" parts with at least 16 more expected.
    PLUS several happy birthday singalongs, 1-60 efforts, and a crap load of sundry sounds.
    Thanks to all for the quality of material, time invested, enthusiasm and generosity. I've joked before that this might be the first feature-length GIMME15. God, I hope I can pull this all together and we can top LAZY AGITATOR.
    I also hope some of you are taking notes on this process and considering tryig their hand as stitchers in the future!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot in the mess. I need to group mix the word "SURPRISE!" for the party.
    So I'm not personally hounding everyone with terse demanding sounding emails all the time and for the sake of everyone touching base exponentially with everyone involved can some of you please send messages (or mention in any related exchange a reminder) to a others in the list asking them please if they could do a phone recording of their screaming "SURPRISE!" (alone or with as many people close by as they can wrangle) and send the clips to me?
    (any language, as many voices as possible, 1 Audio clip sent to me)
    @katestantonsings @intoyourlight @ambroise @katestantonsings @dzdandcunfsd @sbs2018 @gardeningangel1

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I can do the happy birthday song in Finnish, Swedish and Rally English. :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @hmorg fantastic! And please see the note I just posted directly above on the forum page about the "SURPRISE!" audio I need.
    and the 1-60 rushed counting in any language you want.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Got some stuff sent your way. I’ll shoot you a “surprise” too…I’m uncultured so English will have to do lol

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    2 entries in the 1-60race. @dzdandcunfzd holds the record at 019!
    Bring em on!
    I've started a rough assembly from the 19 parts already collected (if I can stop laughing between cuts ) about 15 more promised / expected bits to come but the narrative is forming folks. This might be the party to end all parties...!! :)

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @Wolfkier! I just sent my part :) I hope I do her story justice. I think my friend Jiao counted pretty fast for us. Best of luck stitching Bertha beast!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings indeed you did, adding more yummy for this crazy party, and I replied. I hope you got it.

    As for the record for the 1to60 count, right now it's neck and neck with your friend Jiao in madarin chinese and @ferry0123 in dutch at 015 seconds! And I'm not implying for a minute that either cheated, but how would I know if they did (and I've got chooks a plenty to give away as prizes) . It's great!!!!!

    So much incredible material, everyone's bringing their A game and a willingness to do/try anything to add to the party!
    Should I have a Lymbo contest too?? LOL... anybody do lymbo music?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Anyone any good at photoshop? I got an idea.... LOL...and @dzdandcunfsd probably won't reply to my emails for a few days....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022


  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    1. I wish I played limbo music professionally…but after the tragedy of ‘05 I had to put that behind me…those poor bears
    2. I’m trash at photo shop…after the tragedy of ‘07 I had to put that behind me.
    3. I’m so gosh dern excited about this epic! After the tragedy of ‘20-present it’ll be nice to have a party by way of song.
    And Z. @wolfkier did you just grab my a$$?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nahlej381 indeed I did. Can you do a 1-60 fast as you can count for me?
    And any one else, please. I have only 4 so far and I need maybe 6-7 more.
    @ferry0123 and @katestantonsings 's buddy Jiao still hold the record at 015seconds. in dutch and Mandarin respectively.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    You got it…warming up now…tip of the tongue teeth and the lips…

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Do Jiao and Ferry get Gold Stars ?!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings indeed but I need several more so their records may well be shattered. Can you do one please and anyone else reading?
    I really hope I'm not disuading anyone who doesn't go that fast.
    That just a side bet to get rid of a few more chooks.
    Thanks @nahlej381 got it.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I will send you slow Spanish and fast English shortly. Hope that helps the group!! :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hi all,
    Just an update on where GIMME15bertha is at.
    I have so many amazing contributions, many times multiple 15s from so many of you. It's all quality, fun, and awesome.
    Some of you have rough few days ahead time wise so I'm EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO WEDNESDAY NIGHT 30 MARCH. Hopefully I'll get everything in and the stitch done in time for an April Fools release - April 1.
    With 5 bits still to come, I've got a 12 minute rough assembly I've been listening to and it's great fun already but it needs much tweaking work to be “excellent” and there's a few important bits still left to come and “something else” is needed but I can't put my finger on what exactly. So the extension will give me some time as well to work that out in my head, and ask certain members for help with that extra “glue”. So please be prepared for a “could you please?” email over the next few days. :)
    And please if you still have outstanding parts drop me a quick email with your estimated promise for delivery.

    Besides that I'm still looking for several audio clips.
    1) 1-60 counts fast as possible, in any language you want, mumbles and all with a big breath of relief at the end. The record, just saying, so far is 015 seconds.
    2) Surprise! Clips, with a honker horn noise if you want. Like you were at a real surprise party! Whoop it up.
    3) Happy Birthday sing-a-longs to the piano track I've provided you all.

    For the super organized. I'm thinking the NEXT GIMME15 will be in the week before 5090 with a release date of 4th of July. I also have around 12 ideas for future GIMME15s during 5090. Aming to create a 14 track GIMME15 album by end of 5090. Can a few of you make a note in your diaries to email me a reminder mid June to set up the mid-June>July4 GIMME15. All participants in that one will start 5090 with a beauty on their songlist! :)
    Thanks so much for all the effort, extra effort, good will, amazing talent that's gone into this. I aim for it to exceed all prior GIMME15s! God help me!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Everyone, please see my general message directly above this one on the GIMME15bertha forum thread: Thanks, lovya. Hugs.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier an entire album for 50/90 is a fantastic idea! There's more time to work these out, while we all still do our own thing as well. I'll try to rememeber to remind ya.

    I'm free the rest of today/tomorrow so will try to finish anything outstanding I may not have sent yet.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier im game for anything whatever you need I’m here…that goes for everyone here as well…

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    Love the 50/90 idea even though I may have to be totally mobile in the beginning.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Sounds like a great idea, Wolf, and an awesome way to kick off 50/90!!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd @nahlej381 @sbs2018 @kahlo2013
    GREAT! And I hope they only get better. And I have to stop myself from amusing myself with the flood of ideas I've already got for the 10 next tracks. However, I really really suck at remembering (doctors note) as some of you know, see https://fawm.org/songs/137432/
    So please all set your calendar reminders for around June 20 and light a fire underme to go to the GIMME15 ideas document on my harddrive and kick off the first one . I can do that too, of course, but foolproof systems can fail whilst mutiple failsafe systems don't. :)
    @kahlo2013 can you please send me your happy birthday solo vocal, 1-60fastn, and Surprise! clips? If you already have you can scold me for the organizational "hopscoch in a minefield" my emai and my brain have become, I've spent 5hours just today communicating with so many in the group, but please send again.
    Thanks to so many of you who have made this process so much easier with your goodwill, forethought, attentive care, and gracious kindness, creative generosity and talent. I hope everyone forgives me for what might seem like sharp replies (to keep them timely) or when they get a nonsensical reply meant for someone else (it happens SMH) but this is a bigger monster than any of them and I hope to do everyone justice and deliver it befitting the love and quality that people are bringing. Hugs to all. Always. No matter what stupid things you read (or misread) in my correspondences. :)
    The album at the end of 5090 might be 5 hours long but it will be a ripper that begs to be played on repeat. ...

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Reminder set wolf. I’m so pumped lol

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    I"ll do 1-60 in Hebrew, but you'll have to time shrink it to get it to 15-20 seconds. you can make me sound like alvin the chipmunk!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae Thank you, my friend. Looking forward to it. it can be as long as it comes out, ask long as you do it as fast as you can and gasp at the end (naturally) . You can add your "surpise" to the end.
    Also, when you have a few minutes and a phone. the happy birthday song, did I send you the piano clip to sing along with?

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Hey i can speak khmer (Cambodian) if you want something in that language, doubt anyone else does that :-)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso Wow! Thanks for the offer. Can you count 1-60 in khmer as fast as you can? send me the mp3 - and/or can you sing happy birthday in that language? If you can I'll send you the piano backing to sing to and you can send me back the vocal only for the group song.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    1 to 60 no probs Pretty sure i can do happy birthday. Covid no travel means i am rusty but hey i can try. @wolfkier

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso check your email and thanks!

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier headed back to the studio this evening can get all this done for you tomorrow.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier No worries! I like emails meant for other people LOL. It actually lead to a couple bonus collabs

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd More than a couple, and thank goodness you're much more diplomatic in tone than I am my friend. Next one of these Ima just zip file the 100 emails I get a day about the project and send them to you and you can reply to them all with a "Hugs" rubber stamp! LOL. Guaranteed more happy players.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    I'm listening to a rough assembly 15min53secs- with only 3x15s left to collect and some sundry stuff - and I'm in freekin' tears! HA! You guys brought the goods! so much incredible quality and a ton of love and humor!

    I can hardly wait to share this! hehehehehehhee.......

    Thank YOU!!!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Looking forward to hearing it!! Thanks for all you do, Wolf!

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    I can’t wait to celebrate berthas big day soon!

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    @wolfkier June 20. Noted!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    24 hours????
    I'm sure you'll all want to kill me, but hey, on June 23 it won't matter any more..... and we'll all start again.... :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    I gotta say... I just got a sneak peak at this party to end all parties and I'm still laughing about it and had to stop it 3 or 4 times so I could quit laughing and listen. Well done in advance everybody!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd nobody likes a snitch, deez!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Ralph's blood isn't on my hands... I had nothing to do with that LOL.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd hush now!

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    I’m getting my suit pressed, my legs shaved, my cigarettes salt and peppered, my chest hair thickened and my head hair thinned. Soaking my dress shirt in weapons grade LSD…for ease of transport of course…polished up my view master and my Betamax, I got my drum machine and my gag ball ready at a moment’s notice. I sent my RSVP and ordered the vegetarian dish as I don’t care for seafood but wanted to keep the food option light. My gift is wrapped and sealed with a kiss. Rolled a bumble blunt to share (for instructions on how to roll a bumble blunt, see below) this party is going to be wonderful….I personally loathe parties but I am proper excited about this one…Bertha has done so much for me and everyone she’s ever met, gods be praised.

    Bumble blunt:
    3 cigarillos (a la swisher sweets/phillys)
    Too much cannabis
    A dab of honey
    Prep time 10 mins, let sit for ten minutes then serve

    Roll one regular blunt but make it BIG. Empty out the other 2 cigarillos and fill with cannabis but do NOT roll
    Cover the rolled blunt in a thin even coat of honey and take the other un-rolled rillos and adhere them to the outside of the honey blunt. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving pairs beautifully with champagne especially when shared with friends. Feel free to add hash/kief to taste.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hoping to have the song ready to share at or before 5PM PST 8PM EST 1AM Amsterdam time.
    I'll tag everyone in a post on this thread so it should appear on your FAWM timeline.
    You'll be able to download it from the bandcamp site free and enjoy it for eternity or even post it if you have any placeholders left.
    I can hardly wait for you all to hear it. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH TALENT, MUSICAL AND COMEDIC! :)
    Thanks for trusting me with such awesome material.
    If after hearing it, you think there's something you'd like tweaked or changed, in the lyrics as posted, or in your bit, or you want to exchange your bit for a remixed version. email me and I'll do what I can immediately and reupload. No questions unless it's impossible....
    The only thing I can't do any more is move sections forward and backwards. There's too much mix information in every minute of the corpse to cut and paste forward/backward without the risk of the entire track, song, being moved/shifted, or file collapsing. I know. I've spent over 8 hours this weekend just constructing everything after the 3 times I tried it..... SMH. Something about my DAW, I think...
    Anyway.... tick tock.... :)
    If you've still got a happy birthday, beauty schoool chorus, foreign language fast1-60 count, final mix, etc, email me. It should be just a matter of laying it in and reposting.
    Thank you so much for your incredible talent, patience, promptness, trust, humor, enthusiasm in this.
    Remember to remind me via email JUne20ish to set up the next on of these on 50/90. I have nearly a dozen "scenarios" sketched up and the goal is to complete a GIMME15 album on the http://gimme15.bandcamp.com site by end of 5090 September30.
    Everyone is welcome back, and bring your friends. I would like to think that each and every one of these can only get better and better.... But I'm an optimist that way! :)
    Hugs. You've all been champs, and those of you who've been superchamps know who you are. Much love! tick tock.....

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd wanna bumble?

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    So damn excited @wolfkier drinking NyQuil with Benadryl and setting an alarm for 8 EST I don’t wanna do anything until I’ve heard this

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nahlej381 could be even sooner. Don't get caught with your pants down! :)
    You can start the "are we there yets" at around 6PM EST.

    ALL: Oh, and to add to the long message 3 about this one, If you have an online presence / URL, please email it to me and I'll add it to your name on the Bandcamp page participants credits list.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @nahlej381 always ;)

    The only thing I've done differently than your recipie is I don't like cigarillos(I've always called them Clint's... like the skinny little things Eastwood smokes in all his westerns LOL, but now that things have all gotten super potent I'm getting a bit of a fondness for them) and I'll sometimes sprinkle the kief on top of the honey in between the layers.

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    Already working on a remix and I haven’t even heard it yet - lol! Can’t wait!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    OK, GIMME15bertha is alive! Presenting “60SKULLS” https://fawm.org/songs/137064/

    It's on bandcamp, where you can download it free, just put in 0.00 as your payment.
    18 minutes 36 seconds. One week of chaos. Forgive me my sins.... and apologies in advance! LOL.
    I hope you enjoy and that I did justice to the tremendous talent and effort everyone put in.
    Email me if you need any changes in the lyrics on bandcamp, or some mix update, or if you'd like me to put a link to your online main music URL on the bandcamp song page credits.
    Read my longer note about 4-5 posts up ahead of this one for a few other notes.
    Please leave a comment on the FAWM songpage for others to read.
    Thanks to all involved and for trusting me with such absolutely incredible material.
    And I hope all of you will look forward to 10 more GIMME15s during Summer's 5090 to complete an album of these magical monsters!
    Grab some Kleenex, pour yourself a Cherry Schnapps (or 8), put on your best headphones, or play it real loud and enjoy the party!
    Enjoy the party!
    Hugs, Wolf xox


  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier that link just goes to the songs page... I think because the song is still locked on your page.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd fixed. thanks. whoops.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    That was epic y’all I had so much fun. Love and respect

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    that is plain mental! i have been musically assaulted - amazing

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    what... just...happened. I'm disoriented, dehydrated, covered in glitter and dog hair with a nitrous hangover. That was one hell of a party. Thank you/damn you so much for inviting me. I'm already thinking about what to get Bertha for her 61st.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 This party might be over by then.

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd Maaaaybe... in all my years of knowing Bertha, I've noticed she usually gets her 2nd wind around September, when the tuition checks start rolling in.

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    Crazy hilarious!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Bertha’s bash is a night inside Hunter S. Thompson’s mind. HOLY smokes that was a ride!! Outrageous and brilliant work.

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    I need to go and lie down in a dark room now...

  • @lemonsmoke Mar 2022

    Best fever dream I can recall!

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I think someone slipped me a mickey. I don't know how I got here, but I'm glad I came. It's like a raging party without the hangover. Wolf you are a genius. And all ya'll are nuts in the best of all possible ways. That was spectacular.

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    Had to listen again with headphones! So fun to hang out with such talent!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Ha! Thanks all I'm so glad you all get a chance to experience the absolute magic that's been flooding into my inbox during the last 8 days days now.

    Some nice news: In just over 21 hours since release the track's been played on bandcamp 98 times (not by me I swear!) I've heard it enough!

    AND we have a little publicity! to push out breakout party hit of the Spring! @sbs2018 has written a blog post about it here: https://screamiebirds.com/2022/03/30/all-star-cast-of-fawms-60skulls-gimme15bertha/

    Anyone think of any other ways we can get this out a little further so that a few more ears might enjoy all our hard work and a few more participants might be tempted to join in the bigger/better ones coming in the future? Go for it and let us know....!
    Gimme a B.... :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    There is a new GIMME15 brewing. Very very different. Email me if interested.

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