Post-fawm collaboration?

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  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Hello everyone who is still here. I'm thinking of having a multi-collaboration on the idea of a positive song. The idea is not a political song but rather a song which promotes the positive feel for life so goes beyond any politics. I composed a short piece which can be a starting idea of the song with more instruments joining throuhout the song and perhaps continuing making the song sound for longer. Please take a listen and see if you like the idea:
    We could post our final version on any musical platform you feel fit, for example Youtube, soundcloud, soundclick, bandcamp, etc. Also it can be a cycle of different songs with the positive messages and mind which could lead to an album/albums. Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions are very welcome. Let's create something happy in the hope that our world will become are happier place. I think music reflects life but maybe life could reflect what is in music/words?

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Nadia, I like that idea, but I am not sure about your vision. I see two different approaches:

    (1) One song with multiple people.
    Everybody writes a part or adds an instrument. You need an arranger who puts all these pieces into one song and makes sure that there is a constant build. This is a very difficult task depending of the amount and styles of people.
    You can simplify it by (a) limiting the amount of participants or (b) give a fixed structure / harmonic backbone (e.g. full composition of the piano track) and people add whatever instrument whenever they like.

    (2) Multiple songs using the same melodic theme or variations.
    Everybody arranges his/her own song / remix and you put them all into one EP. Creative freedom at it's best and everything you have to do is give the chords, stems and a rough deadline.
    If you do this, I'll join in a later stage, cause i need a vocalist or another instrument to make something cool. Having a constant BPM helps a lot, cause I cannot program beats without a grid.

    Please let me know in which direction your project goes :)

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Nadia. This is a very interesting song concept and i think it is a great idea.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I would be happy to get involved depending if you want some lyrics.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Hi everybody, all sounds great. Please feel free to download my piece. Please select zero and chose the file format you feel most happy with. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you and everyone who is inspired. Thank you so much.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Hi @nadine I'm happy with either. If the song is using my music please credit me in your final product. I'd like to hear all the versions which will come out.
    I think it's difficult to limit the amount of participants because one person can play many instruments or each person can play just one. Perhaps the structure could be verse-chorus-verse-chorus- verse-chorus-bridge-chorus and there can be some instrumental parts in some points perhaps including intro and ountro. We can discuss this, I'm open to suggestions.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks. I'll bookmark this thread and see what happens.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Nadine.

  • @jamkar Mar 2022

    Just now saw this. Sounds fun! I will give it a listen.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Mike.

  • @jamkar Mar 2022

    Not hearing lyrics, but would be happy to sing or play.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Nadia-I just downloaded it and listened through. I'd love to help play.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Here's a possible set of starter lyrics. I'm thinking someone (maybe @kahlo2013) might take these and do a kind of morphy thing to them.

    Looking, Looking Looking
    I’m not looking to put you down
    I’m not looking to steal your crown
    I’m not looking to stand my ground

    I’m looking, looking, looking all around
    Oh, I’m looking, looking looking all around

    I’m not looking to prove I’m right
    I’m not looking to start a fight
    I’m not looking to waste the night

    I’m looking, looking, looking all right
    Oh, I’m looking, looking, looking alright
    I’m looking, looking, looking up and down
    I’m looking, looking, looking all around

    I’m looking, looking, looking
    Looking, looking, looking
    Looking right at you
    Wishing Best Wishes to you

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Sounds good Mike.

    Interesting ideas Nancy. I'm happy to see Liz's ideas too.

    All sounds interesting,
    Thank you to everyone who is participating.

    I can picture it as one big collaboration or several different ones. All depends on the participants being happy with either. Please share with me your thoughts.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    I think this is great. An open color palette that we can mix our own colors.
    I will send my guitar tracks soon

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    This sounds like a pool of sounds and ideas... and everybody mixes their own version?!

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Hi Nadine, it's an open collaboration. It will be good in the end to have everything mixed if we have one big collaboration. In small collaborations I discuss with each collaborator what works best.

  • @musicsongwriter Apr 2022

    Sharing my collaboration with Cody:
    Thank you for listening :)

  • @katestantonsings  Apr 2022

    @musicsongwriter @dzdandconfsd Uplifting, positive, and creative -- like spoken word poetry! I enjoyed my listen. :)

  • @mahtowin  Apr 2022

    What is the sound in the background? It seems to me like a nonhuman choir ….
    What you both made feels like an invitation to add a bass line …
    Very strong! It reminds a bit of the White Stripes :-)

  • @musicsongwriter Apr 2022

    @mahtowin thank you for listening and for your kind opinion. The question is really for Cody but the idea of collaboration is open to suggestions so if you hear bass there please feel free to download the file, it's open for downloads and add bass. You can contact me via the contact button. I'm very interested in the ideas. Thank you again.
    Nadia :)

  • @mahtowin  Apr 2022

    @musicsongwriter @dzdandconfsd
    Well, I am an absolut beginner in bass playing so I am not sure if I will be successful. But I will try it. Nadia: can you give me the chords?

  • @musicsongwriter Apr 2022

    Please give me some time to listen and to write the chords out. I'll do it within few days. Thank you :)

  • @mahtowin  Apr 2022

    Of course :-)

  • @musicsongwriter May 2022

    Sorry for the delay.
    Here are the possible chords:
    First 1'05 Eb Major
    1'05 C minor
    1'08 Ab Major
    1'10 Bb Major
    1'12 C minor
    1'15 Ab Major
    1'16 Bb Major
    From 1'18 till the end: Eb Major

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