Lyric writing article in Write Away magazine

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  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    I mentioned a while ago that I write articles for an online lyric writing magazine, which is called Write Away magazine.

    The March edition of the magazine is now out, and my article is called 'Write your first ever lyrics - Absolute beginner's guide'.

    Some of you may recall that I had included a post in the FAWM Forums section asking others what advice they would give to someone who was just starting out with lyric writing. There were LOTS of great suggestions put forward, and I included a few of them in my article.

    I've included a link to it on my website,

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Oh very cool! I’m glad that you did! I just wrote my very first lyrics on tape 21 of the 4 track cassette challenge. Phew….. I don’t hate them. I did print out that forum thread though and will read the article. Thanks!

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    nice one @lyricslinger , i have written for them a few times! I know Jane who runs it she is a fine and prolific lyricist as well!

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    well done!

  • @nadine Mar 2022


  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Well done!!

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    Thanks everyone.
    @guatecoop - well done. Sounds like a good start.

    @coolparadiso - ah, that's interesting. Yes, Jane is great and has done a brilliant job of growing the magazine

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