Recommendations for clean rap albums?

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  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    My 11 year old son has said he'd like a rap album for his 12th birthday but my wife and I aren't too keen on any that are littered with swear words and misogynistic attitudes, etc.

    Wondered if anyone on here might have any recommendations for rap albums that might be suitable for kids?! Maybe a compilation of hits? Any ideas greatly appreciated. :)

  • @splittybooms  Mar 2022

    If you want to give him a taste of the old school - you can go with old DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince albums, or Heavy D. I know that is old old school, but it could be interesting to see how he takes to them. I got no knowledge of current stuff, though, sorry:(

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    In the 2000s there was a collective called Deepspace 5, pretty innovative, absolutely clean. Individuals from that collective like Pkaydough also made several clean albums. Matisyahu’s albums also quite good. Propaganda is another as well as LeCrae. Beautiful Eulogy. J. Givens.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022


  • @kable Mar 2022

    There's an artist called NF who does some 'clean' rap, highly recommend at least checking him out.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    I was going to say DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince too, but @splittybooms beat me to it. There was another group around that same time that was pretty clean... young kids at the time... wore their clothes backwards... ugh gotta Google

    Kris Kross :D I wouldn't say they were any good though.

    Lil MIke and FunnyBone are a couple brothers I've known for years. They may talk about smoking weed or drinking and might cuss here or there, but their songs are always positive. I'm not sure if they even have any physical albums for sale... You'll probably only find them on bandcamp/soundcloud/etc... I've got some old tapes. I can vouch for how good of dudes they are, but not sure how that translates to any of their more recent music anyway. Most of their old stuff is about staying and school, getting your shit together, and the man oppressing you isn't a good enough excuse for being a fool.

    They were recently on that show Reservation Dogs... couldn't of happened to a nicer pair of guys.

  • @fonte  Mar 2022

    If you use Spotify, my son who is 11 and very much into contemporary rap/hip hop (as am I!) has made a playlist of clean versions of popular tracks. Not sure I can vouch for the attitudes but the beats absolutely BANG. If interested I could send you the link.

  • @phenola Mar 2022

    Not sure if kids would be interested in older artists, but De La Soul and P M Dawn spring to mind as being part of that pre-gangsta-rap, so-called "hippie hop" scene in the late 80s. It was a lot less aggressive and more spiritually focussed than what came after it.

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    Rakim and his mate in their debut albu m ( will smiths inspiration for clean rap - but check the other albums beforehand )

    Len, You Can’t Stop The Bum Rush album.

    Bart Simpson - Do The Bartman

    Probably a few very early rap songs would be fine too - Rappers Delight, and a few others, but prescreen em in case of anomalies

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    My daughter loves Doja Cat and Tyler the Creator. She listens on YouTube "Clean" playlists.

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    Thanks everyone! Lots of suggestions there that I can check out. Think he's more into the modern sounds, but De La Soul is an interesting shout out - I can remember them being pretty good

  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    2 Live Crew - As Nasty as They Wanna Be

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