Increase your karma - and lower mine!

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  • @highmountain Mar 2022

    I've been bad at commenting others, and for that I have been punished. (But hardly not enough.) Feel free to worsen my karma even more and raise your own! Assure yourself of a ticket to Heaven and me a ride to the everburning fires!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Dear @highmountain . I doubt that any of those of us still remaining here wish to send anyone riding to the everburning fires, especially not on an innocent horse. Instead, I at least would like to point you to the opportunity of improving your own karma:

    There's a current thread "Who's still here and listening/commenting?" . You could post there and maybe even listen and comment to one or two!

    At this point of FAWM, we're down to a relatively small nucleus of listening/commenting people who themselves are starting to restrict their bounty to people they know are still here to actually read the comments when made.

    There may be opportunity for you to salve both karma and ego through that thread, but it's not going to happen through this one, believe me.

  • @highmountain Mar 2022

    Thanks, @timfatchen! Might follow your advice...

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