5090 Prequel

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  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    I wish to take part this year - anyone else considering ? not bothering ? being somewhat there / not somewhat there ??

    seen the facebook group has been inactive for a little while.. understandable while fawm is still here, tending to our hangovers / passion boosts, etc :-)

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Yup, I'll definitely be there.
    As has been said endless times before, I enjoy the more relaxed nature of 50/90.
    I've definitely build more solid friendships during 50/90 than here at FAWM; I've found that there's more time to connect and converse.

  • @oldlostjohn Mar 2022

    Most likely. Did my first 50/90 last year - in an on and off kind of way - and like @fuzzy I enjoy the more relaxed nature of it compared to FAWM. I'm not necessarily going for fifty songs, I'd be very happy with about twenty.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Just to clarify: "50/90: The Prequel" is a Facebook group for those FAWMers who aren't prepared to wait until July 4th before starting writing and who therefore try to write a further 50 songs in the 90 days leading up to July 4th (April 4th to July 3rd). And I'll definitely be taking part.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Ah, I did not know that, @headfirstonly.
    That's a lot of songs.

  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    I'll be there, and like @fuzzy, I enjoy the camaraderie of a smaller group. I still have FAWM favorites (who are also 5090 favorites) I've barely listened to yet this year. By the end of 5090, we're down to maybe 20-30 diehards listening to each others' songs.
    In 2020, I did the Facebook prequel referred to by @headfirstonly - what the hell else was there to do besides quarantine and write 50 more songs? I wound up writing something like 130 songs that year.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    It is indeed a lot of songs. I only managed 31 songs last year, but three of them were the best songs I wrote all year, I reckon.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Yup i really enjoy 50/90 like @fuzzy and @chipwithrow . @headfirstonly the fb page 50/90 the prequel was hardly used last year, the previous (covid) year it was choc a bloc with songs!

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    No, to the prequel but I am 50-50 on 50-90.
    Did 50-90 once before in 2015 ended up with 19 songs.
    Probably won't be performing.. unless I get a few cool outdoor gigs, so maybe a little songwriting and seeing some familiar names over at 50-90.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    I am an admin for the 5090: The Prequel, Facebook group along with @robynmackenzie. So yes I will be there. I did 50 in the prequel 2020 (then called 100 songs in 180 days) time frame plus finished another half-dozen that I started and could not count towards 50/90 where I also did 70-ish. Spring 2021 was a life other focus so I was around the prequel FB group but did not post any songs. The only writing I did was to a few National Poetry Writing Month prompts in April. This year remains to be seen how many prequel songs I can muster and I still plan to do 5090.

  • @tcelliott  Mar 2022

    Wait, you're an admin?!? I knew I liked you for a reason.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I’m looking forward to the 50/90. The prequel sounds interesting too.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    @tcelliott, there are a lot of reasons to like @andygetch, and his admin work is just one of them.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Aww you guys

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    I think you are all trying to kill my brain. I am in for 5090, but am also interested in this prequel. I have to get my taxes done first -lol.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @andygetch i thought the year we all did 50 in the prequel (it had different name ) was 2020, i didn't think anybody did hardly any songs in 2021! I remember 2020 by the end of 50/90 i was frazzled . It was too much! I might post a couple pre 50/90 but not much if anything!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Yeah, I plan to return this year- looking forward to seeing all the usual suspects!

  • @tcelliott  Mar 2022

    Last 50/90 I had to do 24 songs in a day to "win." I'm not sure 100 songs in 180 days is a wise move. Or even possible. But I can't not at least participate if all you cool people are gonna be there.

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    I’ve gone into 59/90 a few times with good intentions, but summer is usually traveling time or other major distractions, so have never done more than a few songs and touch base with friends. I think I’ll be gone and back this year between June to mid July, so I might wind up with more time and motivation this summer. Fingers crossed!

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    I’m on my phone so I can’t edit. 50/90 not 59, though many here this year seemed to think fawm was 50/28!! And did it! Amazing!

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    @tcelliott I actually did 120-ish songs in the 180 days in 2020. However, I was mentally drained by the end and in the long run it probably was not a wise move for me.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Me as well @andygetch in 2020 from prequel to end of 50/90 i think i did 173. The only time i can ever remember feeling drained! I know Alex and i had 123 each in 50/90.

  • @tcelliott  Mar 2022

    I did over 120 one 50/90 and I loved it, but I felt guilty not doing any full band arrangements. I find that If I don't spend time on them when I'm writing them that they typically get ignored even if I like them. It's a balance. I've a "side project" where I do 14 songs in 4-5 hours and that 24 in a day last 50/90 was fun, but it's a recipe for burning out.

    There have been a couple of people signing up for the prequel this past week. If @robynmackenzie and @andygetch aren't around (as much) then I'll do my best to keep it active. Or at least help out.

  • @robynmackenzie  Mar 2022

    The prequel was pretty slow last year, so it’s awesome to see so many people gearing up for it! I’ll be doing Camp NaNoWriMo in April so may not be around much for the first month, but I’m really excited to see who’s there!

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    The burn out is real. Going for slow and steady progress this year.

    Thanks for the reminder re campnano @robynmackenzie might have a go myself at that one

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I’ve only ever dipped my big toe into 50/90 but maybe this is the year???

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Last year was my first 5090. I did 23 song 10 of which were my own and 13 collabs and those collabs were the best fun. I hope to do a few song this year but I will not make 50...so count me in! (not for the prequel)

    BTW ..one of my fav songs came from that challenge. Inspiration isn't guided by the calendar! So people should try it. Great music can be written during the summer also (winter for our southern hemisphere friends).

  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    @gm7 - I want to have some of that collab fun you describe!
    My 5090 goal has long been 50 solo demos, and my FAWM goal 14 solo demos. I do a few collabs on top of that, almost always by adding music to someone else's words. And I've developed some nice relationships with lyricists that way.
    But I'd love to do more adding of my instrument/vocal/lyric skills to someone's music. I do find it time-consuming, but I've "won" FAWM and 5090 enough that maybe it's time to head in a new direction, and not be so concerned with song count.

  • @jamkar Mar 2022

    Yes, I will participate in the prequel as well as 50/90. Mixing now, but I know I will be restless to write soon.

  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    I may just finally do 50/90 this year.

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    So, is 50/90 on its own website, or...?

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    @wylddandelyon 5090 is still at the same location as prior years http://fiftyninety.fawmers.org , it is currently in read-only mode, presumably to give the volunteer mods a break from battling spammers, dusting, and cleaning tumbleweeds. Just for clarification as noted above and linked by @headfirstonly , 50/90: The Prequel is a Facebook group.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    I'll be there between travels and such. I really enjoyed the relaxed pace last summer. First time I really hung out seriously and made some good noise!

  • @leka Mar 2022

    This is tempting... Maybe I'll give it a try.

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    I actually completed my first full 50/90 last year (did 60) and my brain nearly exploded - lol! But got a new Mac with M1 and am ready to try some new things so the prequel is tempting… but, yeah, not a fan of FB.

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    I'm planning on taking part in 50/90 (for the first time!) this year, with the same mindset I employ here: don't get caught up in 'winning', just be happy with what you accomplish and accomplish things you can be happy with. If my 50/90 turns out to be more like 5/90, I'd still be thrilled to have 5 good new songs.

    I'd love to do the prequel, but I'm afraid you lost me at "Facebook". I don't have an account there and have no interest in 'updating my status' in that regard. Hell, even Facebook doesn't want to be Facebook anymore.

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    @kiffa I'm with you on both the 5/90, which I hope to do!, and the FB comment. I tried to participate in the "Rocktober" covers on FB last fall and the number of mouse clicks and page reloads I had to do, to see every post instead of the ones FB wanted me to see, made it very un-fun to be there. Old School Forums FTW.

    But to be honest I wouldn't do a "prequel" this year anyway since I'm taking a music class during april-june :-)

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    I hope to participate. Every year I'm looking forward to FAWM and 50/90. Both are totally amazing. I don't know anything as good to be honest. The community is great and there is amazing support and inspiring atmosphere in both. I'm happy to collaborate in between too but I realize it works so brilliantly during the time and it's slower in any other times. Still, it's nice to keep creating and listening.

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    Thanks @dukongp100 and everyone who posted here. I'd forgotten about the prequel group. I'll certainly do some songs for it as soon as it starts.

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    I signed up last year, but then my water heater broke in early June and I kinda got sidetracked with everything related to the clean up. I did record a bunch of things that I may or may not have ever finished. There was one thing I did improvise with a guitar and singing that I recorded on my ipad but I've only even listened to it once since then.

    So, I'm hoping to do it this year.

  • @kendrakinsey  Mar 2022

    I'm hoping to join you all, but I won't be pushing myself quite so hard.

  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    I had no idea the prequel group was a thing! In all my years of 50/90, I’d never noticed it! I’m not a big Facebook user—I haven’t used my account in literally 4 or 5 years—but for this I was willing to dust it off submit my request to join the Facebook group. (Now I just have to remember how to use the site, and I'm sure it’s changed at least somewhat in the years since I was last there.)

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I've tried 5090 thirteen (13) times and only ever made the 50 twice: 2009, my first time in (58), and 2020 in lockdown (ha! 60 songs). Worst ever was 2013--2 songs, for a whole lot of reasons I walked away. Other numbers all over the place but 9 out of those 13 tries yielded at least a FAWM equivalent and general twice that. So I tend to remember 5090s as highly productive, despite rarely making the target. So much for memory accuracy! But I suspect on my figures if I took up a prequel invitation, there'd be no 5090 output!

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I have promised myself to get involved in 50/90 for the last three years and haven't done so. It's summer here and other things get in the way.
    Maybe this year will be different. I had no idea the prequel even existed. Will check it out. Like others here, I have a Facebook account but rarely visit it. I mainly use it to keep in touch with relatives abroad.

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    If i've got it right, its ( almost ) a week away until Fifty Ninety The Prequel begins, if it does indeed start on the 4th of April like it has before.

  • @liz561  Mar 2022

    This will be my first 50/90! I hope to try some new things (I've never done a collaboration), new genres, new instruments. And I want to do so much more listening!!!

  • @andygetch  Apr 2022

    I am getting excited to write more in a sharing environment. I am even getting ideas for different challenges. Also I have also posted writing prompts in the group so basically it starts when one wants to start. However, I know that I must pace myself over the next six months.

  • @berni1954  Apr 2022

    How do I sign up for the prequel? Had it started yet? Where do we post songs?

  • @berni1954  Apr 2022

    How do I sign up for the prequel? Has it started yet? Where do we post songs?

  • @dukongp100 Apr 2022

    Hi @berni1954 its a facebook group you join ( if youre on the facebook, @headfirstonly has shared the link to the group on the second or third post from the top )

    it has indeed started, runs until the main 5090 challenge. If you make a post on the group once youve been approved by your request, you can post your songs as comments linking to your social medias.

    its a more relaxed challenge, generally its less busy than during the pandemic back in 2020 but ill be posting stuff there soon.


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