Who's still here and listening/commenting?

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  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    It's one week - well, a week and a day - since the end of February. Who's still listening and commenting?
    I am! Just got to a few zongs. And I'll be around for another couple weeks, at least, as long as others are.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    *hand waving*

  • @br0th3rh00d Mar 2022


  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @chipwithrow there's 50 of us here listening and commenting up a storm, come join us! https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12775/

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I am still here and working through my watch list folks

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    I’m here! Just getting through finals and then I’m gonna get back to listening like crazy

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    I’m here!

  • @elesimo  Mar 2022


    I'm here! Slowly listening and commenting.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    im here, listening to half dozen songs a day.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Mar 2022

    I'm going to keep going until I finally make it through the #tit4tat list.

    I've already made two new friends, so that's helped with the motivation.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    I'm here this month, might in April too if the site is open.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Still here, listening and commenting!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Still here for at least a couple more weeks!

  • @jmadison  Mar 2022


  • @gubna Mar 2022

    Yeah, I am, intermittently popping in when I can.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Yup, still hanging out. I'm not listening too much (kinda burned out in February) but still hitting a few songs. Figure I'll go until I hit 900 and call it a February.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Still dropping in daily

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Yup everyday here, but its the same as every year mostly the usual suspects left, with the normal turnover! Still finding some amazing songs even from people i have never heard of! Also Burrs algorithm has worked well for my listening!

  • @splittybooms  Mar 2022

    i'm barely here; i'm ridiculously lazy all of a sudden and average like...2 comments a day :(

  • @tuneslayer  Mar 2022

    :: raises hand ::

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    I'm still here but yeah, real life has been overwhelming me!

  • @tamsnumber4  Mar 2022

    I finally started back to commenting today!

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    Still here, working through my reciprocals

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    I am!

  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    I’m sort of here

  • @paulharrison  Mar 2022

    Still here...commenting, chatting and trying to refine what I wrote last month.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Not doing much commenting, but definitely here to keep the Century Club list updated.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I'm tailing off, going s l o w e r a n d s l o w e r, still trying to make sure I've reciprocated. I think I'll work through to 700 comments and then fall over...I still keep hitting good stuff and I don't dare look at more "lyric-only needs-music" for fear of getting even more enmeshed...

  • @mikeskliar  Mar 2022

    still here, was not as busy this past week (getting my own album together, now posted on bandcamp) but in the next few weeks I should be around and listening and giving comments, etc.

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    I’m here, though I was busy today and yesterday a good part of the day. I’ll be back listening tomorrow.

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Still here. Still listening and commenting.

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    Still here and commenting until the end of March. Have found some really interesting songs in the past week. The number of songs is going down steadily.

  • @wrenarcher  Mar 2022

    I’m still here. It’s been a nice way to decompress after work especially with the frenetic pace of February gone.

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    I’m still here trying to at least hit the century mark.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I'm still around Reading the forums but I need a pause from music.

  • @chroes  Mar 2022

    I'm still here, though I currently don't get to listen much. I still need to get all the neglected things from February up to speed, but I hope next week I'll be able to make some more rounds and listen to more tracks!

  • @vomvorton  Mar 2022

    Still around and have been doing a bit of commenting, although this morning I've reached my next big hundred so it's tempting to stop on a nice round number! We shall see...

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    I finally finished my last track on
    Monday so hopefully can start getting through some more commenting over the next week or so! Lots still to discover!

  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    Great - lots of folks here on this thread to listen to!

  • @whispermouse  Mar 2022

    I'm still here, although not being very productive. I'll try to listen to the people in this thread!

  • @sailingmagpie  Mar 2022

    I'm still around and listening. I'm almost caught up on reciprocating comments I've received then I'll move on to those that are still active.

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    I am still listening and commenting.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    I try to be, but I'm also really, really tired, so it's not going as well as I hoped it would. I will return any comments I get, though.

  • @bithprod  Mar 2022

    Still here, but I have some real-life catching up to do (actual paid work!). And stupidly enough, I spent the last two days writing and recording a new song. What an idiot.

  • @jaegerin  Mar 2022

    Still here! Got covid so I actually have more time than expected. Cloud. Lining. etc.

  • @bradbrubaker  Mar 2022

    This guy.

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    I'm still here too. I'm 40 comments shy of 400, so I'll be here at least until I reach that benchmark. Glad to see so many others are still here too. Yay FAWM!

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I keep wandering into amazing new people's songs. Feels like I may have to be dragged out like a tantrum-throwing toddler.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Still here, still having a blast listening to or reading other FAWMers' work. Ouch @jaegerin that's not good! Sending mojo for a speedy recovery.

  • @ajna1960  Mar 2022

    I am now and then in between work :)

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Me! :-)

  • @leka Mar 2022

    I am bit busy with work right now, but I try to listen and comment at least one song/day.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Stilling listening
    @jaegerin rest and listen to music and I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    I am; just busy with other things and waiting to get in the mood to do a bunch at a time….

  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    im not

  • @franniezest  Mar 2022

    I’m starting to taper off but will try to listen some more on the weekend

  • @ductapeguy  Mar 2022

    I'm around but definitely slowing down. I did manage to reach 500 comments yesterday.

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    This is the only thing I do, close to social media so I expect I'll stick around awhile. Still got a couple demos to finish.

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022


  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    Still here.

  • @ryako  Mar 2022

    Still here! I'm slowly catching up! I really hope the site stays up for another month at least.

  • @jaegerin  Mar 2022

    Thanks @gm7 and @headfirstonly :-)

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    @jaegerin - beaming you healing thoughts! Get well soon!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I'm only intermittently now and fading.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Come to the MALM Listening Skirmish in less than an hour!

  • @jaegerin  Mar 2022

    Thanks @dragondreams :-)

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Still here. Commenting effectively down to weekends due to work but still have lots to catch up on especially #tit4tat

  • @ballyhoot  Mar 2022

    I'm still here, titting people's tats and creating new tats to hopefully later be titted. But not very efficiently. I do about 6 - 10 and then go a few days before returning. But .... that still counts, yeah?

  • @chinacat  Mar 2022

    Took a little break, but trying to listen to and comment on a song or two as I drink my morning coffee each day now.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Still here, generally responding to comments by listening back (tit4tat style)

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    Took a little break. I can do about 12 comments per hour, and I can do that hour not quite every day :-) I will hit a hard stop at end of march regardless of when the site goes down, probably.

    I hope even folks who are not on the site now, will read the email from Burr before the closure, and will see our comments upon coming in to save their archive!

  • @highmountain Mar 2022

    Still here. If anyone would care to toss me a comment or two, I would be grateful. Can't respond in kind, though, for different reasons.

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    I am here fully until the end of march. currently on my responding list but also dipping here there and everywhere as i tend to do

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Still here; I'll be monitoring the site regularly for spammers until it returns to hibernation (and yes, we're still getting chancers setting up accounts with backlinks on a daily basis.)

    I've nearly got to the point where I've left more comments than I've received, which I always set as my annual target. I might fade a bit on the commenting front once I've done that.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I’ve been AWOL prepping and attending a music festival but I’ll be back with more listening this week.

  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    Since I'm the one who started this thread, I thought I'd report that indeed I'm still here. A couple of busy days away from commenting, but a lot of open time the next couple days. Thanks for keeping this thread going!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    For a whole lot of reasons, I'm fading on teh commenting, thought I'm still around.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    still here

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Still here. Organising collabs, commenting less. But I still follow the demo updated, favourite songs and tit4tat thread.

  • @bethdesombre  Mar 2022

    I'm still around/

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    I'm here. Still finding amazing people I hadn't come across and watchlisting them for next season!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Still here, blah blah, though now checking in every few days

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Still here, still trying to find my listening groove but there's just so much other stuff to do.

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    Still, still here.

  • @wacha  Mar 2022

    I'm still popping in listen and return comments.

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    Ya still here and popping in and out for some bang on listens

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    Managed to find some time today and decided to listen to the songs that have been created for Ukraine. What a brilliant set of songs and lyrics!

  • @lemonsmoke Mar 2022

    I unfortunately learned about this site earlier today, and couldn't participate but I'm here now! Just eager for next year. Ha

  • @mikeskliar  Mar 2022

    welcome @lemonsmoke and yeah, there's still a bunch of us around.
    and @lyricslinger yeah, some great songs about Ukraine. Here's another song if you're still looking... https://fawm.org/songs/135593/

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    @lemonsmoke Welcome. Yeah, some people are still around, so feel free to listen and comment, even if you're not able to upload songs anymore.

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    @lemonsmoke - you could take part in the 50 90 Challenge from July which is similar but for a longer period. http://fiftyninety.fawmers.org/

  • @lemonsmoke Mar 2022

    @lyricslinger that sounds like a blast, I'm sure I'll make my way into that. Thank you!

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    I still pop on now and then!

  • @danvaillancourt  Mar 2022

    Yup. I've been listening and commenting all throughout March whenever I have a chance. :)

  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    Oh wow there are still a lot of people! I spent the first 2 weeks of March transitioning back to work, but now I'm back! Hellooo

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Hello @pianoonthepatio Yeah, looks like there are still quite a few of us, for now. I'm still listening and commenting, anyway. Welcome back!

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    Still here. Still making random comments, but also making non-random visits to listen to people who comment on my songs, because I know they're still here and are likely to actually read my comments.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I'm still here but I had a couple of days busy translating.

  • @jonmeta  Mar 2022


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