Poetry to Melody

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  • @frenchcricket  Mar 2022

    This was a cool (if surprising?) quick video tip that came up on Ableton's feed. I rarely come to a song with ready lyrics but I think this would be a really neat way of approaching finding a melody for it. Especially as it allows the words to dictate the rhythm rather than forcing them into a pre-defined melodic pattern


  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Thanks @frenchcricket - That is really interesting to see/hear. As someone who occasionally fits my dad's lyrics to a song I have written, coming up with a melody has always been quite a mystery. It happens but I have no plan or explanation or how it happened (or how I approached it). This could be a good thing to try. :)

  • @postcardhelicopters  Mar 2022

    @frenchcricket - Thanks for sharing this tip, It feels really "actionable" in that it's simply explained & demonstrated. I can see giving it a go, myself.

    Also, the first spoken version reminded me of Laurie Anderson's album "Big Science" so that adds an extra boost for me.

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