One FINAL super all star GIMME15 corpsy morphy skirmishy tit4tatty thingy - join here!

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  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    One FINAL super all star GIMME15 corpsy morphy skirmishy tit4tatty thingy -


    Running time 9.15 seconds
    Time in orbit from lift off to spashdown: 5days 4 hours!

    GIMME15tit4tat is GO GO GO! (players still welcome, there's room for all on this good ship)

    Here's the deal.
    15-ish second bits. Every participant builds on the last. When you're done yours you pass your bit PLUS lyrics on to me (WOLFKIER/GMAIL) AND to the next person on the list (next post down).
    I will start, end and stitch it all together.

    This time there's a few extra rules.
    1) every bit must include the phrase/hook "tit for tat" and attempt to build, extend, move along, spring from the player before you in line.
    2) Key is Amin (or Cmaj if you wish. Yes, you can be clever and modulate, but please try to end on an A note/Amin chord.
    3) BPM is 120. Again so it flows. That's a perfect 10 bars. I can provide a 4/4 kick drum of 20 seconds if you need it (let me know)
    3) Absolute maximum turn around time is 24 hours. Sooner, 1-2 hours after receipt of your prompt part (skirmishy style) would be fantastic to keep it moving. If you can't be reached by 24hours, you forfeit your place in the queue. We may be able to add you lower, depending.
    3) Lyrics only people can play if they find a companion music person, as can instrumentalists if they can find a singer/lyricist or program that will AI "tit4tat" as a lyric. But please be ready to work on this quick together as turn in line arrives.
    4) if you're a production head, please try to aim for around average -14LUFS, -17dB avg RMS. Make my stitch a tiny bit quicker/easier. 0 or -0.1 on spotify rating here:
    If there's any other questions, ideas, suggestions, feel free.

    All welcome! To participate chime in below

    GIMME15tit4tat is GO GO GO!

    START TIME: 5PM New York. 10PM London.. On Ma

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    GIMME15ttit4tat IS GO!!!!


    1) 1) @wolfkier (starter) contact wolfkier/gmail
    2) @katestantonsings
    3) @guitarpatz83
    etc) @thedutchwidows
    etc) @nancycunning
    etc) @eargoggle
    etc) @kahlo2013
    etc) @berty38
    etc) @ambroise
    etc) @wacha
    etc) @coolparadiso
    etc) @nahlej381
    etc) @tjeff
    etc) @dzdandcunfsd
    etc) @gardeningangel1
    etc) @intoyourlight
    etc) @sunnymae
    etc) @davidtaro
    etc) @ferry0123
    etc) @YOURNAMEHERE etc, etc, no limits to number of participants.
    etc) @wolfkier (final part & stitching)

    THE BETTING LIST (3 HOURS OVER/UNDER) for when the final section reaches @wolfkier for stitching.

    Place your bets! 2 bets allowed per player.
    FINAL PASS OF GUESS: 2 hours over/under. Betting closes when @dzdandcunfsd announces that he has passed on his part to @gardeningangel1
    TOTAL RUNNING TIME GUESS: 10 seconds over/under. Betting closes at same time as above.

    Great prizes! 11 (scratch that, make it 10) of them in fact, all running around @wolfkier's basement in custom made clogs, laying eggs (God help me!) and looking for a good home (or any home, anywhere that will take them!)

    Sunday 13th March
    @katestantonsings 9AM LA 12NOON NY. 5PM Ams. (Running TIme 8.00) Bet16
    @nancycunning 4PM LA 7pm NY Midnight UK. (RT 5.53) Bet1

    Monday 14th March:
    @thedutchwidows 2.25AM LA 5.25AM NY 10.25AM Ams (RT 7.05) Bet1
    @dzdandcunfsd 6.30 AM LA, 9.30AM NY, 3.30PM Ams.. Bet1

    Tuesday 15th March:
    @katestantonsings 9AM LA noon NY 5PM Ams. (RT 8:00) Bet2
    @guitarpatz83 Noon LA 3PM NY 8PM Ams. (Bet2)

    Wednesday 16th March
    @nancycunning 7PM LA, 10PM NY, 3am GMT, (RT 9:00) Bet2

    Thursday 17th March
    @guitarpatz83 4AM 7AM NY Noon AMS Bet1
    @kahlo2013 Noon LA 3PM NY 8PM AMS Bet1

    Friday 18th March
    @khalo2013 - noon LA, 3PM NY, 8 PM AMS Bet2

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Uh… you know I am game if you need someone

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 Thank you. And yes indeedy do! uh... it was starting to look like an awfully short corpse song for a while there. Hopefully we've opened the flood gates. Please send out an email to your many followers inviting them, all my emails are blocked :)
    In the spirit of unbridled optimism and hope, and because you've suffered following me a few times since we've started doing these, I'll put you down a little lower on the list and hope we fill in the spaces between us. :)

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Sign me up!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thank you, @nahlej381 ! Excellent. This gonna be good. For now I'll place you deeper on the list so you there, but please be on the look out for the final order once a few more have signed up and then be ready for quick action.... One of your killer rap bits would be a pretty cool in the stitch! Yay!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Yup Yup :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd Gotcha! Great thanks.... again, as with @nahlej381 I'll put you on the list deeper provisionally, so you follow someone not usual like me or Liz. But watch for the final list when we reach critical capacity for take off. Let's make this one super killer fragilistically awesome!

  • @wacha  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier you got me, I'm in!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @wacha Yay! Great and thank you. The wrapper will say "all star" I'm feeling more and more confident that the wrapper will not lie!

    I'll put you on the list in a provisional place for now, but the list order is not final, keep an eye out and be ready to bring it!

    This GIMME15 is going to be awesome!

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    Oh wow, this looks awesome! thanks for tipping me off, yes count me in

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @eargoggle Yay! You're in. Welcome. Note, it's a provisional tracklist order for now. Watch out for the final order and signal to get this high speed rollercoaster rolling. This gonna be historic epic good.

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022


  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    I still don’t really understand this but I’m in!

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Cool, yes count me in too! Could you please put me somewhere at the bottom of the list?

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Hey @wolfkier - thanks for the nudge; sure, why not!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 great. When the list is finalized (i'll announce it) I send a 15ish second piece of music I created (and lyrics) to player 2 on that list. It will be Key of A, 120BPM,including the phrase tit4tat in lyrics.
    As soon as possible after the email, Player 2 creates 15 (ish) seconds of music "in their style" with the same (Amin 120BPM tit4tat ) conditions. It can be continuing, evolving, tangental, inspired by,the prior persons work. .But within 24 hours of receipt, much much sooner if possible, player 2 then sends ONLY his/her musical bit and lyrics to me (I'm the stitcher/mixer) AND to the next player on the list.
    Repeat repeat repeat until it reaches the end of the list.
    Final stop: I edit all the pieces together and add a finale/conclusion to the "song" created by this game of musical "telephone". .
    Voila! The corpse is sticthed, for better or worse. I hope for AWESOME. And shared/posted. for all to hear the complete crazy "chinese whisper" progression.
    Here's a finished example of one we did earlier this month.
    I understand it's may seem a little bewildering for a first timer, but please feel free to ask any other questions .
    Bottom line, do it quick as possible and move it on, Key of A Minor, 120BPM, include "tit4tat", try to move the "song idea" along, send lyrics and music to next player and me.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022


    Thanks all for joining!
    Now we are 10. I'll add your 4 names to the list, in a provisional order for now, and we'll wait just 1 more day to see if we can rope in a couple more illustrious talents to join the crew. Please nudge your friends.
    After that I'll finalize the order, message everyone (you'll see it on your FAWM notifications), and send my part to player 2 to get the ball rolling. Please remember when you hear GO, keep an eye on the progress and be ready to pounce into action.
    Also please be sure to touch base with the person before and after you on the final list (ahead of time) to exhange email address so the baton passing doesn't hold us up. My email WOLFKIER/Gmail. Also update us on this page of your progress, got it, done it, passed it on.
    Excellent. So, waiting for any other members and in 24hours the GIMME15tit4tat edition will be GO!!!

    (I can't help myself)
    Do I hear an "FAB, Wolf!"? LOL!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I can manage a 15-second song :) Put me in, Wolf! I've invited new friend @berty38 as he mentioned in the forums that he wanted to try his first FAWM collab. What better way than a quick corpse to get the feet wet. Thank you for thinking of me! Have fun all :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings Yes indeedy the our all star sky just got so much brighter. :)
    Your on the PROVISIONAL list, oder is not set in stone yet, in 24 hours it will be and we begin,. All are welcome including the very talented and friendly @berty38 nudge a few other maybe as well.

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    Haha flattery will get you everywhere. I’m in. Can you put me not in the second slot? Having never done a corpse, I’d be worried I’d do something wrong.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Right @wolfkier i got ya - so after we’ve recorded our bit, all we send is a mixed wav/mp3 file of our 15 secs to you and the next person? Is is best to send wav to you for best quality and mp3 to the next person for ease?

    Also, from your explanation, am I right in thinking each contributor only gets to hear the previous 15 secs, not everything up to that point?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    A WAV to me for the mix is preferable for a little extra sound quality but not completely necessary. If it means anything to you, -14 LUFS or around -16.50ish avg RMS would be handy too, but again, not necessary.
    An MP3 to the next person is perfectly sufficient. But include your lyrics (sometimes they're unintelligable) in your forwarding email.
    Be sure you have contact details for the next person in line as soon as the final order is announced. To keep it moving. Mine's WOLFKIER/GMAIL.
    Yes until the very end you only know what came before you in the string. So it can be surprizing, delightful and or horrifying, but a corpse is as a corpse does. :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Welcome @berty38! I'll add you to the PROVISIONAL (not final) participant list. And I'll keep in mind your request, but please feel free to ask here, or @katestantonsings , absolutely anything that will help you move ONLY your piece along, to both me and the person next in line (with lyrics)
    Once the final list and GO is announced please be sure to send a quick note to the person before and after you to exchange emails. Mine's WOLFKIER/GMAIL.
    Other than that remember the KEY (Amin) ,the tempo (120BPM) and to include the phrase/hook "tit4tat" in your lyric, and to have FUN! :)

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Am I scared? Heavens yes! Do I wanna do it? Hell yeah!
    Comptez sur moi j'en suis !

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    HI! (in no particular order)


    I'm counting there are now 13 of us, including me, sufficient to create a 3 minute plus "corpsical masterpiece" :)
    My part is ready to go, and while the list order is not final quite yet, I'll give it about 24 hours in case there are any other takers. Of course people can be added towards the end of the line if anyone else comes along after the ball is set in motion.... in that respect, please consider anyone you'd like to invite into this insanity.

    Stay tuned, we begin Fastandfurious episode FAWM, any time now. The less headaches or hickups along the way the more fun this will be for all concerned!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ambroise excellent! Bienvenue,mon ami!
    Watch for the final list, within 24 hours, contact the person before and after you. Your lyrics will be in French, please send them with your track to the next person in the final line with a translation.
    It is fun. I guarantee!

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    Oh now that I understand that we only get to hear the previous 15 seconds, it doesn't matter if I'm second or wherever you want to stick me. So I'm in with no special requests for order.

    I thought I'd hear the whole piece up to my turn, but I see that misses the point of the telephone game.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 :)

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, I'd love to join. Hooray for Aminor....

  • @tjeff  Mar 2022

    I'd love to play - count me in if I'm not too late, thx!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Welcome both. I'll put you on the provisional list. That will be final at launch time, not so long from now. Please be ready to pounce into action!!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nancycunning I'm wondering if you are lyrics only, or both.? From your profile it looks like you do lyrics (with many many great collabs!) ... if you are lyrics only ,do you have a music person on hand and ready to go quickly when the baton arrives?

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I'll plan to do both lyrics and music unless someone wants a lyrics-buddy. Thanks for double-checking @wolfkier

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nancycunning wonderful. OK, the ball should start rolling here very soon....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    OK, with 15 players and a conclusion. I think we have enough collected players and talent to deliver a 4 minute long pretty spectacular bouncing baby corpse!

    Here is the starters list, there is room for any further arrivals towards the end.

    Please check the person ahead and behind you and be sure you have their email for quick passing on. The list will be updated on the top of this page with DONE as you report in it's progress.

    It is 5PM New York. 10PM London.. On March 9, 2022. Let's see how long it takes to get this baby across the globe and back home for final delivery.
    1) 1) @wolfkier (starter) contact wolfkier/gmail (DONE)
    2) @katestantonsings (doing)
    3) @guitarpatz83
    etc) @thedutchwidows
    etc) @nancycunning
    etc) @eargoggle
    etc) @kahlo2013
    etc) @berty38
    etc) @ambroise
    etc) @wacha
    etc) @nahlej381
    etc) @tjeff
    etc) @dzdandcunfsd
    etc) @davidtaro
    etc) @ferry0123
    etc) @ inyourlight
    etc) @YOURNAMEHERE anybody else is welcome aboard....
    etc) @wolfkier (final part & stitching)

    GIMME15tit4tat is GO!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    I'm super happy so many are participating! Only a little sad I'm so far down the list... I have no patience :D

    tick tock @katestantonsings but no pressure LOL.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd haha! I just emailed Wolf & Rob. My part is done :) I'm curious where musical telephone will take all of us...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    6.5 hours from lift off 2 parts of 16 in the bag.
    Thanks @katestantonsings ,
    Good luck @guitarpatz83 ,
    Patience, @dzdandcunfsd ! I hope, and I got a feeling, this will be so quick we might need one more episode. (?)
    Go team GIMME15tit4tat!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings even if nowhere good it'll at least be interesting!

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Ooh exciting! My part will have to wait til after work I’m afraid (it’s 8.30am here) but will get it moving as soon as possible!

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Okay I managed to knock something together on my lunch break which should now be with @wolfkier and @thedutchwidows, let’s keep it rolling!

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83's track received. Will bash something together this afternoon hopefully!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 Thanks Rob, oooh this gonna be good.
    @dutchwidows - Good luck. Keep us posted. We're all watching this rocket's trajectory across the skies.

    16.5 hours after lift off and 3 parts of 16 are "in the bag"
    Go team GIMME15tit4tat!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 lunch break dedication! respect

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hi all, we're cranking along here with this. 5 parts in the bag after 24 hours and I'm liking what I'm hearing. so far :)
    For your convenience, and mine, I"ve made available for download a 120BPM kick track that you can use as your section's bottom line.
    Download it here: (you'll find the download option under the "MORE" button below the songs wav form)
    It will help quite a bit to give the finished track a little continuity glue and in the stitching process. Please leave a couple bars at the start and end of your segment as you pass it along. It has already been used in the first 3 segments.....

    Please also make sure you've made all necessary contacts with people before and after you on the list to ensure promptness when your turn comes.

    If we do this quick and lively and fun, perhaps we'll have sufficient interest and enthursiasm for (?) -

    Thanks all for playing! This gonna be good! :)


  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Great, thanks @wolfkier

    @thedutchwidows, just so you know I didn’t have this file when I did mine
    , so used my own drum sample. I’m going to replace with the one Wolfkier has sent, not sure if you’ve used your own or adapting mine but you may also want to download his file. Cheers everyone!

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Thanks @guitarpatz83 - I'd used something similar, but downloaded @wolfkier's instead and dropped it in.

    My bit is done. WAV sent to @wolfkier and mp3 sent to @nancycunning.

    On it goes...

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Thank you @dutchwindows. I got it. I'm on it.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @thedutchwidows Thanks for the super super quick turn around, and great addition.... :)
    @nancycunning Good luck. Keep us posted.

    GIMME15tit4tat: 21 hours in orbit and 4 of 16 parts complete.... I think I hear the sonic boom! :)

    Let's go team GIMME15tit4tat

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nancycunning Thank you so much for delivering part 5 so swiftly and sweetly!
    @eargoggle Good luck on your mission, We watch the skies with anticipation and awe for the next transmission from rocket GIMME15tit4tat

    We are 22.5 hours in orbit with 5 of 17 stars already collected!

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    You have convinced me and you can add me to the list please :) I participated in experimental corpse this FAWM so I guess it’s similar, but with rules. I’m excited that there’s still a possibility to create something together in March :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight welcome :)
    Note your place in the list, in a few days your turn will arrive (maybe sooner, we are travelling at light speed so far and I hope that momentum continues. The "directions" in this "game" should be quite clear, note that this is not like a usual corpse, but feel free to ask if you have any questions! .

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier thanks for the welcoming words :) I‘ll just read the rules and the whole thread and hopefully won’t miss anything. I found your kick track, too. Hopefully „my time“ arrives sooner, I’m not very good at waiting :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight We're all anxious to hear this mega star monster :).
    To ensure extra swiftness when the time comes, please take a moment to ensure @ferry0123 has your contact details and mine is WOLFKIER/GMAIL. Anything else, feel free to ask.

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    OK I got the clip from @nancycunning and am gonna bang something out right now, @kahlo2013 send me your email? ezragale at gmail

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @eargoggle Thank you for an amazing job in just over an hour. This is gonna be good! :)
    @kahlo2013 You should have that rocket in your inbox now. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck.

    OK. 30.5 hours and we've bagged 6 of the 18 stars on our mission.. Ground control to Major tit4tat!

    It's now Thursday March 11 8.30PM Los Angeles 11.30PM New York, Friday March 12 4.30AM Amsterdam. :)

    Any guesses on what time and day part 17 will be delivered to me for final stitching? 2 guesses allowed per player, 3 hours over/under. Betting ends when song is sent off by @dzdandcunfsd to 3rd to last participant in the list, currently @davidtaro

    I thnk I might have a couple prizes running around my basement in custom made clogs. LOL....
    Let's go team GIMME15tit4tat!

    @berty38 & @ambroise heads up - please be on full alert. Experience tells me when @kahlo2013 opens her email and gets on to this it'll be passed on in no time.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier This is clipping right along. I'll take a 110 hours... daddy needs a new pair of clogs LOL.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd clipping it is! I need a specific day and time for the betting list, LA, NY, AMS. (tell me which time zone, I'll work out the others) eg. Monday 14th 8am NY.

    oh, and the clogs might not fit, but the clog wearers are def in need of a good home.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier then count me out if I gotta do math... I don't need new clogs that bad LOL.

    Google did it for me... Monday 8:30am CST

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd OK, your first bet is on the speculation table, under the participants list at the top of this forum post! Each player can guess 2 times. Betting ends when song is sent off by @dzdandcunfsd to 3rd to last participant in the list, currently @davidtaro

    Any more bets?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Also, FYI, the current running time for the track with 6 of 18 parts collected is 2.21 . That's an average of 23 seconds per entry if any one's getting stressed about what "15seconds - ish" means.

    Perhaps we should have a second betting game on the total length of the finsihed corpse - over/under 10 seconds? Only one bet allowed per player. Any takers?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd LOL. Everybody thinks they need new everything until there's math involved. :)

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Ive got the other prize cornered in my garden! My voice has returned if you want 1 more.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso Glad to hear... on all three accounts! @wolfkier you don't need to change my completion guess time.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    I’m guessing Sunday 8pm UK time for final delivery to you @wolfkier!

    And track length - 6.45

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Ground Control to Major Tit4Tat, I’m guessing Sunday 12 PM EST. The track will be 5.5

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings Sunday March 13 PM EST. The track will be 5.5 (is that 12 noon, you mean? Just to be sure. IS that 5.05, 5.30, or 5.50 you mean?
    @guitarpatz83 Sunday March 13 8pm UK

    Both your guesses will be added to the betting table top of this thread (under participants) Where Kate's reply will be added.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    tc) @coolparadiso Welcome to the trip/ship. Your turn will come quite shortly. The master order list appears at the top of this forum along with the betting talbe. I have placed you after @wacha and before @nahlej381
    Could the 3 of you please organize amongst yourelves contact information so that the transition is as breezy as possible? Thanks!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier noon and 5.50, yes

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso please be sure to download this kick track to use as your base for building.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings ok, got fixed on the bet table above. You did take into account @coolparadiso entrance? Now it will be 18 bits total.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Update: Just heard from @kahlo2013 she has recieved @eargoggle 's part and her part should be done within next 12 hours. So heads up, @berty38 and @ambroise !

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso Also, please tell your prize to stop sending the prize pool self satisfied and boastful selfies of him sunbaking in the beautiful Australian Summer sun. Every time the text notification thing goes off I hear 11sets tiny wooden clogs stomping in envy and a crap load of cursing and complaining in Chickenese. (a harsh language even in the politest discorse, filled with c's and k's. ) It's fricking freezing here!

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Based on the current 18 participants, the running order (and estimating when people might finish their bit and what the time might be in the next person's part of the world), I'm going for 10:25am GMT on Monday 14th March for arrival of last section with you @wolfkier and a total running time of 7 minutes 5 seconds.

    Here's my workings...!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Yay! @coolparadiso is in and damn @thedutchwidows that is impressive :)

    adding a 3 minute solo...hmmmm...buffer...lemme guess a healthy 8 minutes instead?

    @wolfkier I threw a lowest bidder guess out there I suppose. Final answer (if it's not considered cheating since you gave me a lifeline)

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I guess Sunday 7pm EDT (after the time change in the US...) And 5min 53 seconds

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @thedutchwidows Impressive indeed. Well done. I've just returned from a testy exchange at the post office and your prize, cuz reasons) Is on it's way to you, with it's hair combed and its custom clogs, bible, teddy bear, and a cut lunch in tow. No turnsy backsies. All prizes are FINAL!
    I shall add your estimation to the betting list and reduce the prize pool to 10 accordingly (and with some glee)

    @katestantonsings "cheating" is word often misused in the English language. My own strict definition, chiseled by nauseating monotony over the years (and repeatable under the most clinical of circumstances) is that it's only really "cheating" if there's one or more psychotic spouses waiting in the seedy motel parking lot with a loaded gun. Everything else falls neatly under the better umbrella term of harmless, consensual, often happy "tit4tatting" . (HINT, HINT, anyone who has still to do their musical part) Kate, I shall amend your bet, guilt free.

    @nancycunning - Thanks for your entry. I shall add your estimations to the betting table. The prizes are plump and brooding and watching excitedly for their destiny to be revealed. My hope is as soon as possible, at least before some of the eggs here hatch.

    @dzdandcunfsd should I finally tell the world of the fateful (almost mythical) circumstances of our first IRL meeting? I know I promised not to (ever) but no one's reading my crap anyway....

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    OK!!!!! Sorry I've been on another project, but if there's still room, I'll come in at the end. :0)))

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae Great! Of course there's room, my pumpkin, this spaceship can hold as many as dare ride it. . Step right in. I shall place you between @ferry0123 and @intoyourlight ....
    Please make sure you download the (now mandatory) kick track here , and that you have contact details (or something)
    but I'd prepare for any eventuallity..... and look for the HINTS... (@kahlo2013 you too)
    My God I hope this insanity reaches a happy concludion. it's getting like this in here....
    The coincidences are mind bending.

    All changes to bets based on another stop on the way are free of charge.... !

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Okay, one more guess. Wednesday 3am GMT, 9 minutes

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Tuesday, noon EST, 8 minutes
    "Tell @wolfkier to send up a bigger room, okay?" :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nancycunning I'll put that down as a second bet for you. Thanks.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings gotcha!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings "And 19 hard boiled eggs!" "come on in and leave all hope behind"

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    So I’ve obviously spontaneously decided to add a second bet….

    Tuesday 7pm laaaaandaaaaan time

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 My, it's getting sponaneously crowded in here .... gotcha.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    -14LUFS, -17dB avg RMS what settings are these?
    love, pumpkin :0))

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae if you don't know it doesn't really matter.... I can fill you in in an email in the future if you want.... just a suggested loudness level.for that I can match levels easier, but really, LOL, right now I don't think it's gonna make that much difference.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae I was gonna use "poopsy" but I think we should wait til at least a the third date for that kind of familiarity :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier only if you promise to spill all the details/names/locations/etc there are no innocents to protect.

    want a manicure? no... come on in! LOL

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae and besides, sugarcheeks, love muffin, my little monkey, and *not repeatable in public* (and their psychotic spouses) might be lurking here....
    And to think, my parents were seriously considering naming me Earnest...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd not that it has anything to do with our first IRL meeting, at all, and just saying for the sake of interesting conversation, in passing, by the way, I don't think too many people know that American Idol Auditions have a holding cell for troublemakers.... It's a fact...

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    When I stop laughing my head off, I do really want to know what those settings are. I always seems to falter on my output levels and have to crank things up when I'm in the care listening back, so if this has anything to do with that, send me an email. knowing you it'll be in my inbox before I finish posting this!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae Cos I'm sure some others will be vaguely curious... It's amazing what sections people do and don't read and stress about... put your rendered track through here. If it returns a reading of "Spotify -0.1", you're in the right place, equal to -13.9LUFS loudness. stress and tweak the gain on your master track up and down until you get there. And/or download WAVOSAUR - and load up your track, hit the tools>statistics option, generally if you're in the -16 to -17 ballpark you're at about -14 lufs.Wavosaur will also allow you to change the volume of a wav file up and down, and save as the tweaked level.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier LIke I said... no one was innocent. They got what they had coming! LOL

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    No probs @wolfkier @wacha knows how to contact me and @nahlej381 has been in touch.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd No one was innocent! ???? You cad! The truth shall be revealed. Amd that infamous footnote in FAWM history shall be fleshed out.. (or @kahlo2013 *tick tock* will save your a$$ and deliver her bit and we can change the subject)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Okay... so maybe that 12 y/o little primadonna didn't DESERVE that wedgie and port a pottie bath, but I stand by my statement... somebody had to LOL

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd I don't know about you, you've always remained a delicious inpenetrable mystery, but when that holding cell door slammed behind me my innocence was in tact. I was a young songwriter a little too convinced of his genius with 100 iconic genre resistant hits looking for a better home (after just a few more little polishing tweaks) and you were a fresh (again I presume) starlet with the grand plan to be a famous drummer in a one man band. As we slammed down the complimenary Canapés and wine Spritzers you came up with the crazy idea that with very little work whatsoever, with a DAW or a clicktrack or even a key or audible coherent lyric we could form the world's most obscure experimental independent hardcore boy band. I didn't have the heart to tell you that you couldn't dance to save your life and you probably felt the same about my ability to hold a tune, but my appoinment book was clear for the next few years and I thought, what the hay...this f***er's kinda friendly, what have I got to lose? Where did that get us????
    We'd be rich beyond our wildest dreams, you pronouced to the with an exclamation to that burly bouncer, just before he kicked us out onto Hollywood Blvd on that balmy Los Angeles night. ...we were babes in the woods"... the scene was set.... the (mis)adventure of a lifetime began.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier My dance moves are smooth like butter! How dare you slander me so! :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd That's why I love you, Deez. Nothing much has changed. That's *exactly* what you said back then, indeed it was your USP in the big "we should form a famously obscure experimental boy band" pitch, and then you went on to sprain your ankle and dislocate your right *boy thing* demonstrating your "inspired" revision on the Watusi.
    Maybe if you'd kept your head and limited your display to a plain old moonwalk, we'd still be in there scarfing down the complimenary Canapés and wine Spritzers... and never have been ejected into Hollywood Blvd on that balmy Los Angeles night...Maybe you don't remember (or even can't or refuse to remember) but I still have the scars, tattoos and nasty rash from that disaster... :)

    Good God, where is @kahlo2013 ????

    Oh, and that obnoxious red headed 12 year old grew up to be a (purported - I'm still skeptical) love entaglement and song muse for our beloved Taylor Swift. <3

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier LOL!

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    Uh oh, the top post got replaced with your most recent post @wolfkier. I think you had the ground rules in that post originally? I think I got it though (120 bpm, a-minor, tit4tat, 15 seconds). Hoping @kahlo2013 is doing ok and will pass me the baton before I have to go to bed.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd that's what they all say, but as we both learned just a few years later (after the circus troupe/freakshow, enlisted service, stripper for hire, and nunnery debacles, remember those? Good times. ) the road to hell is paved with LOLs and insipid dancing yellow emojis.
    At least now, older and wiser, with all that behind us, I can sit on my front porch chain smoking and yelling at you to get off my lawn and never darken my doorstep again. (lovingly)

    where the hell is @kahlo2013 ?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 hehehehe... pretty much an abstract precis of the rules anyway.... thanks for the heads up and keen observation. Luckily I learned after the 4th accidental deletion and restoration to save the top two posts in my own files. All fixed. Hope I didn't scare anyone off, there's room in this baby for at least 20 more players.... heck... why stop at 20 more...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 @khalho2013 is usually always pretty quick, I hope soon, I'm running out of material here....
    and I'm sure she's banging out a great one... stay tuned....never give up... *checks email*

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 oh, and kick drum track, don't forget to download the kick drum track to use in your part.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I sent @berty38 and @wolfkier my tit for tat!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    And sorry but I did it as soon as I could as I had a 12 hour work day.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 much appreciated and understood my friend, I was teasing above, please check your email re file format and lyric.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    So at 2 days and 5.5 hours we have 7 of our now 19 stars netted and the mission continues!

    @berty38 has the steering wheei.Standby @ambroise, @wacha and @coolparadiso

    That ain't a shooting star that's star mission GIMME15tit4tat!

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    I skirmished my part, and I love what I did. It's coming to you @ambroise and @wolfkier. Just sending the emails now.

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    There is entirely too much silliness going on here for me not to join in. Room for one more?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 thank you so much....indeed you should be happy this gonna be good. @ambroise is next up and then @wacha.

    @gardeningangel1 but of course, step right in. I shall place you between etc) @dzdandcunfsd and @davidtaro on the list. I have it on good authority that neither of them bite, but try to politely accommodate our Deez's rudimentary skills (he tries, God bless him) at using cutlery during in-flight food service (perhaps keep your raincoat on) . Please contact said players to make sure you have contact details for a swift exchange when your time comes... Also be sure to visit the rules, feel free to ask any questions, and download the kick drum track (links all over the place above).

    If you've missed it in your enthusiastic rush to to bottom to join in, here (by way of inflight entertainment) is our current state of play; Apologies in advance for the chaos.

    Please be sure to consider placing your bets as well. And others wanting to amend bets based on current changes are free to do so.

    Current situation update in the next post.....

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I seem to recall it was your idea at that ill fated show to flip the cymbals upside down and add kerosene to light on fire for the big finale. Resulting in the lawsuits that led to us being conscripted to the circus, and also your idea to dress up as nuns and flee. I still think we need to sue the writers of "Sister Act" for swiping some of our story :D

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Well, if I'd known Harpo was here I'd have joined in ages ago. I'm already well aware of @dzdandcunfsd aerial cutlery "skills", this is why he's only allowed to play with plastic flatware. Now, it's one thing to suggest adding kerosene for the grand finale but it's another thing to just happen to have an entire gallon of it stored in the kick drum.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    OK: Current update. 9PM LA. Midnight NY. 5AM Amsterdam.
    At 2days and 7 hours in flight we now have bagged 8 of the (now) 20 necessary stars our mission calls for.
    Never mind the failing airconditioning system and that flame coming out of one of the engines on the left wing.
    All bets can be modified given the current expansions....
    What started as 2.5 minute bit of fun for a few listless souls has turned into something else completely (and potentially) out of control. I love it. :)
    @thedutchwidows I hope you didn't throw your calculations away... and let me know if your prize arrived safely. Appologies in advance for any VAT FAT and other sundry inexplicable British taxes you find yourself needing to mortgage your house for.
    Let's go team GIMME15tit4tat It's the weekend!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Always be prepared for anything! LOL

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd fleeing, is that what you kids call it these days.... We weren't at the nunnery in disguise to "flee", not me at least. The devil made me do it.
    I still stand by the percussive kerosine idea, it was inspired and your big chance at making a name for yourself and fulfilling the dream you sold your soul at the crossroads for and ventured to the American Idol auditions to persue. I enabled yes, for that I stand accountable.
    @gardeningangel1 welcome aboard indeed. We gave it all we had, people were leaving the show in droves (one man band drumming was never big in mid west) and we still had a crap load of "the incredible drumming deez" merch to sell... so we ...well... any respectable newspaper archive will fill in the gruesome details.... and with Deez generally, I'm glad you appreciate the situation, it's a touch and go, day by day, "cork on the fork" thing... poor dear, he tries. He really does. :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    That just made me laugh way too hard :D

    Earlier just this week a co-worker sliced his hand and got mad at his knife. I asked him if his forks had corks on them and just got a stupid look LOL.

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    The trouble is that the corks get lost so easily, thus facilitating the need to drink another entire bottle of wine. It's a vicious cycle.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Sad. @dzdandcunfsd swallows the corks whole. That whole "culture and cultery" program began with the nuns. They felt true charitable pity for "Sister Dazy", who they found curled up in a box by the nunnery door with a note stapled to his (her) forehead about being “deaf and dumb and seeking refuge from an unpronouncable cruel and unusual protestant cult”. In an act of charity they adopted him, rushed through the whole Brides of Christ things/exorcism thing, and started him the fork and cork development program, they had left over in an old trunk dating back to the dark missionary days. At first he showed signs of becoming a serious forking champion. oh the private glee he took at being surrounded by a flock of charitable attentive beauties (with enough accumulated built up sexual frustration to sink the titanic) all complimenting his forking! But the corks soon started disappearing. Buying the ruse that “Sister Dazy” was indeed deaf and quite dumb, the nuns gave him the nickame "popgun". Oh how they tittered every time she/he (appologies to the pronoun police) went to the bathroom.
    When he first joined FAWM he wanted desperately the username @popgun but its being held for ransom by that old Internet scammer, The deposed Nigerian Prince.
    When bored or inpatient he takes to “chewing” on upholstry foam, he thinks it's a scream, nom nom, so apologies to the people in the row ahead of him on the GIMME15tit4tat shuttle. But the most annoying, and destructive, thing is the table leg gnawing. Ask him when was the last time a pirate came to his place... go on, ask him.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd You'd be the last person on earth I imagined could laugh at a culnary knifing accident.... tut, tut.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Now I nearly choked on my coffee. If I have to call the ambulance one time because of y‘all I’ll send you the bill. Oh yes, it won’t cost me a penny personally calling the ambulance, but nevertheless :D

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Also, I really don’t mind @gardeningangel1 joining our happy gathering as they are funny and weird and apparently unrestrained when it comes to the booze, so really everything I like….BUT why do I have to wait for my turn longer and longer staying at the end of the list, hmmmm??? @wolfkier I smell conspiracy here lol.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight oh you're just the last in a long line of innocent bystanders left holding a tab after encountering @dzdandcunfsd and I . I'd put you anywhere you like except for ahead of Deez, we need to make sure we still have seating on the shuttle for the remainder of our journey, lucky I paid a few bucks extra for insurance on the shuttle rental too. If you think you're impatient. Boy, oh, boy....

    Best I can do is trade places between you and @ferry0123 . cos reasons. How's that suit you?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight see the new list with the change and contact @davidtaro for his exchange information. I have my dear friend @ferry0123 's email tattood on my arm so I can give you that when the time comes.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I’m thinking this will move fast through the weekend and we will
    hear it all stitched up on

    March 17: Noon LA 3PM NY 8PM AMS

    but then again it seems there is a flurry of “spring break” travel in the US and people are out and around so my other bet (which I hope is wrong) is March 20.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 I can add your bet/s happily, and I'll do that now, but note the estimation time for the game is when @dzdandcunfsd announces that he has passed on his part to @gardeningangel1
    If you want to change either guess accordingly, let me know. Also need a time stamp for your second bet.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Well I think there might be a few slower ones in the mix who have other obligations so sticking with the 17 and move second to the 18 and same time stamps on them

    March 17 noon LA, 3 PM NY, 8 PM AMS
    March 18!noon LA, 3PM NY, 8 PM AMS

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 gotcha . Good luck. With the fuss the prizes are making I might start awarding them to everyone who plays :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 oh, and will you have a flutter on total running time as well... note when making such estimation that with (as of now) 20 parts total, I'm thinking final stitch is going to be so long listeners will need a potty break interval :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022


    @wacha , @coolparadiso and @nahlej381 - and those following @ambroise . I've just recieved word from @ambroise that his part will be delivered within the next 10 hours.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier THANK YOU! I fear that my turn will be on Monday evening/ Tuesday, because I won’t have time to record then, that’s why I’m impatient. So if my turn will be during that time, I would be happy if you could put me in another place again. Thank you :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight. I'm glad. I shall keep you posted regarding any shifts forward that might be possible.stay tuned.

    In the mean time the drinks trolley is in its way down the aisle (hope you all enjoy the over priced assortment of fine duty free booze available and our special (kinda complimentary) "feed a bird, in a pinch" sized packets of trail mix.

    Your dubious In flight entertainment will resume as soon as @dzdandcunfsd let's me out of this headlock...

    Thanks all for flying GIMME15 flight #tit4tat

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    for your best bet finish time estimates, remember europe doesn't change it's clock this weekend. in the states we change late tonite. :0)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae Thanks for the reminder, my friend. We'll funble our way through that too but my heads not in the right place to recalculate Amsterday time right now.... The way things are going I think we might still be dong this when daylight saving starts up again.... And besides I've got enough chickens here and some about to hatch I think, that I'm thinking everyone will get a prize (or a couple prizes)... heck, we might need to start cooking them up for the lost in space episode about to get started..... What's that movie where the plane crashed and all those songwriters had to start eating each other?

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Oh, that would be There's a Song in My Heart!
    Fabulous flick, and the soundtrack album "Cannibal Choral Collective" with those great hit tunes "Song's got great Bones", "The Meats in the Hook" and "The Shadow of Your Thigh." :0))))

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    @sunnymae A true classic! Won several Bony awards, including Best Chorography for "Gimme A Hand" and Most Exorbitant Use Of 'Fake' Blood. The duet/banjo duel scene for "A Bridge Too Far" is my favorite.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae HA!
    That's it!
    Earworms to Die For
    Chanttoos (with her Heart So Tender, and Fingers so Sweet)
    Only the Middle 8 Ribs 4 Me.
    His Prairie Oysters Bought Her To Her Knees
    I didn't mind her Bum Notes.
    Great Set of Lungs
    Heck if ever there was a collection overlooked by the Grammy Academy it was that soundtrack. Tragic.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Tragic indeed. You'd think those blood thirsty bastards could've created a separate category like best....???

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Could I please modify my first bet to Thursday 16th March at 6pm UK time given the current stopover for refuelling, with all passengers provided overnight hotel stay? :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 absolutely. gotcha.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sunnymae absolutely, and you know Tom Petty's boutique law office (and weekend spa) was all over "The Gall Bladder is the Hardest Part".

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 but hang on do you mean Wednesday 16th or Thursday 17th.....

    There is no Thursday 16th, March of a year other than 2022. LOL. Wouldn't be surprised.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Ah yes. Thursday 17 haha

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Just sent my part to @wacha and @wolfkier. @coolparadiso you''l be next.
    Sorry it took me that long. I received @berty38 's mail around 05:00 and couldn't get to it before 17:00.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ambroise thank you, completely fine. Your part was wonderful and only adds to the color and international flavor of our adventure.
    @wacha good luck and have fun.
    @coolparadiso, @nahlej381 , @tjeff prepare for the drops coming your way.

    OK. 3 days 2.5 hours in orbit and we have bagged 9 of the 20 stars on our mission through space. And I think we might also have a stowaway or two on board... LOL... all shall be revealed....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @wacha informs me her part will be ready in around 14 hours from now. So sunday 10AM EST, 2pm Ams, we should have 11 of 20.
    @coolparadiso, @nahlej381 , @tjeff prepare for the drops coming your way.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    For the running time betting crew at 9 of 10 parts entered and we've hit the 4 minute 11 second mark.... just sayin'. Please place or ammend your bets as you wish!

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier time differences will be tricky coz when Wacha finishes i will be snoozing. I will get onto it as as soon as i get up about 5 hrs after wacha finishes all being well and will turnaround in a couple of hours! CP

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso you can do only what you can do.
    Not that it would happen, in this instance, or on purpose, but it'd suck to stay up late or get up super early waiting for a delivery only to find up that ther'e been an unexpected hold up.
    the time differences have indeed slowed our roll once or twice in the journey. Once or twice a song has arrived just in the nick of time before sleep and been worked on and finished up before the sleep break. Everyone's so far has done their's when they could, as soon as they could, given work/sleep, and we can't ask for better than that.
    At the delivery of part 9 the average time between trades was 8hours.
    Fortunately so far we've had no one close to the 24 hour forfeit level.
    Onward we go to the half point shortly and beyond!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    This is gonna be good ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )
    No pressure 15-second sound bites from each unique artist/personality to finish off MALM! I have no chance of winning the bet, but I am curious how it will go!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @wacha delivered her part around 2 hours ago. So we have 10 of 20 parts after 3 days and 18 hours! Current running time is 4.36.
    When @coolparadiso wakes in Sunny Australia he will have in in his inbox....following after him are
    (after this group all betting on delivery time and total running time is over.)

    @katestantonsings indeed this gonna be good! (**%&($(^&*(+@%$@)

    Go team GIMME15tit4tat >>>>> 10 bright stars left to collect on our mission through the galaxy!

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Coolparadiso is awake but the cupboard is bare @wolfkier

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso Check your email now.,..

    Aparently someone called Adam Borozki is playing too... who is that?

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Tis brimful of Wacha! @wolfkier be back to you in a couple of hours.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nahlej381 it seems @wacha missed the order change and sent you her bit, instead of sending it to @coolparadiso.
    I have sent @coolparadiso @wacha 's bit. just this moment. so that's not a problem...
    After you get @coolparadiso 's please send it to @tjeff

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso Yay! Another crisis averted... in this GIMME15...
    OK. Capuring the 11th star right now...

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    sent to you @wolfkier just sending to @nahlej381

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    I haven’t heard back from tjeff, can I send it to you wolf?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nahlej381 yes, please... with lyrics. email it to me...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    deep breaths.... calm.... lovely feelings.... nothing can go wrong....
    the force of the universe is with us... and stuff.... update in 10 hours from now.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    where we up to you wonder....???

    Ima just leave this here....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Waiting on a couple bits more to come out of the grinder and in just a few hours the GIMME15tit4tat corpse shall be released into the wild. Keep your eyes on your notifications for a group tagged message announcing the happy splashdown of our now exactly 5day journey through the star filled universe!
    Oh, it's gonna be good! :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I was about to check in on you and make sure you didn't get buried under a pile of breeding beds :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd ha! that may still happen... it nearly did a few times this last 24 hours. Set your cattle prod to wake you in about 5-6 hours from now!

    Would have been sooner but I"m catching up with last night's episode of American Idol. You were right about that woman from Muscle Shoals, class act! She could win it all.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    GIMME15tit4tat "WTFT FM (International) "
    Running Time 9.14
    TIME IN MOTION 5 days 4hours.
    Contest Winners Everybody gets a chook! Please let me know if you want them fully grown or some of the chicklets that have been cuting up my basement since yesterday! :)
    DOWNLOAD LINK (for your personal files or if you want to use this link on one of your placeholders):

    Thanks to all who participated! It coulda been a nightmare (almost was) but we all pulled together (some put in some special extra time rearranging deck chairs on our titanic) and we made it happen. I hope I did all the collected enormous talent justice and I hope you enjoy! Wolf xxx

    THE STELLAR CAST: (kinda in order of appearance)
    @wolfkier (starter)
    @ambroise (& son)
    @wolfkier (final part & stitching)

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    I loved it! Thanks so much for letting me jam with y’all! What an epic 9 minutes 14 seconds

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    top stuff! yup epic!

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    O nice stitch wolf!!! You killed it

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    @ambroise, your solution to the dilemma of spending time with kids versus making your segment was perfect!

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Wooohooo. That was stupendous. Great stitching.

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    Wow, what a wild ride! Not just the song but the shenanigans of creating it. This was a blast, thank you @wolfkier and everyone else for a fantastically grand finale. I wasn't planning to do 50/90 but after this I might have to do Gimme15/90.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 50/90 only means extra time for more tomfoolery!

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd You know I can't resist a good bout of tomfoolery.
    I'm no Pythagoras but the 50/90 being slower paced math does not add up to me and I may have to join just to investigate whatever algebraic wormhole witchcraftery is going on over there.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Nope, it makes not the least bit of sense. I've only participated twice but ended up with over 100 both times even when taking a few days or a week off here and there. It is easily made up in a marathon session of superskirmishing that might last a few days.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Success at 50 90 is simple. It takes a screwdriver, a 6pack of beer, a chord sequence, a couple funny cigarettes, a trash can (with lid), a megaphone, a couple of long playing cassette recorders, and a couple of stomp boxes (and a pitch perfect pooch is handy)
    If you start at the 4th of july fireworks and drink the beer, then settle in on the couch with the assortment of tools above by 5th of July when you pass out you have over 40ish hours of "recordings" .This is then digitized in 4-25 minute parts, uploaded and given random names that make you giggle. You save the last 2 hours before you passed out and cut that up and call it slothcore.... and if anyone comes close to calling you out on the swindle, there is a solution in the collected "tools" - (good for at least the next 40 songs) ask me how!
    I hope @dzdandcunfsd isn't reading this... shhhh...

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier nevermind Pythagoras, that there is the secret formulae. Except you forgot the harmonica. And the kerosene.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Hey! I resent that... every once in a great little while my titles do more than just make me giggle LOL.

    Thanks to @gardeningangel1 's ingenious use of a tattoo gun in this big mashup I also think this summer I will have a sewing machine with a contact mic on it as part of my pedal board :D I tried it this evening and it worked better than I hoped it would.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Arr @dzdandcunfsd I remember the marathon super skirmishes! Just you and me for hours at silly o'clock.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    And there, my friend, in a nutshell, is your fatal flaw. I don't blame you. You're a victim of the human condition, as, alas, all we bipeds are. .
    The above prescription is not how YOU do it, it's how a perfect 5090 Summer haul would be achieved, with time remaining to sunbake.
    The perfect 400 song 5090? Nope, Ima kill my chances pondering a handful of genius fancy titles.
    The perfect guitar build? Nope, Ima add this toilet paper dispenser under the bridge nut.
    The perfect bank heist? Nope, Ima take every bit of that complimentary candy on the way out. .
    And this is why you and I hold the world record for appearances on the the high rating television series COPS. Which is where is the first known instance of the term, now firmly entrenched in the lexicon of quaint American phases, was uttered by me at you in frustration. "Quit lollygagging!"

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @gardeningangel1 the harmonica and gasoline? shm. That cost @dzdandcunfsd a good 50 song entries in itself. See my last post

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    You lose all sense of time when you're having this much fun!! Thank you @wolfkier !! It was a space journey that became an international wonder:) How do we manage the weight of gravity now??? Nice time, friends!

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Yeah, that was fun.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso indeed! and looking forward to it again.

    @wolfkier I've got several new builds in the works :D I think I might have told you about one of them, but just got my 12 tiny little single string pickups for it from a buddy who made them for me. I should have most everything else I need other than fret wire and string gauge(s) will take some experimentation. There should at least be something to make some noise on by July. So that will be a good 10-20 songs worth LOL.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd 10 -20? You're dropping the ball. I seek to live vicariously through your ultimate record setting 50/90.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier side note: I actually have been on COPS before in Tulsa :D I never saw the episode so don't know if it aired or not,(probably not, because I was NOT helpful) but I did sign the release for it. They tried to ask me what had happened. I didn't know anything had happened (gun shots are not an uncommon occurance) I was just passing through. So I hammed it up for the cameras and told some story about leprecauns or genies or something LOL.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd And that, folks, is how we lost the TV gig of a life time. And had to forfeit our SAG cards. I was wondering why they never called again. Were you nice to Frank at least, lovely guy, location producer. Knew how to party and paid well. I'll never forget that double episode which started with you an me on a security cam in our underwear at an upscale trailor park on a hot balmy Missouri night, laughing our asses off and pushing a grand piano (of dubious providence) onto a U-haul truck. That little "escapade" (completely unscripted, of course) nailed sweeps week that year if I remember correctly.

    At least now I can live on without hoping the phone will ring like in the good old days. :)

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd, that was YOU?!?!?
    I remember that episode; turns out it really WAS leprechauns!!!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Sorry bud... just thought I better come clean after all these years :D

    @fuzzy There was a cigar box festival in Mississippi, or Alabama(I dont remember... somewhere down in a hot, mosquito infested swamp) in the early/mid 2000's where all the hillfolk came to "the city" and SOMEONE also started a rumor that all those shoeless nearly toothless walking stereotypes of moonshine makin hillbillies were an invasion of leprecauns. I actually did see a news report years later circling around the internet about that one LOL.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022


    I laughed for about two days straight when I saw that. My guess is someone decided he liked the city and moved in LOL.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Oh man that's hilarious.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    That guy with the thousands of years old leprecaun flute passed down from his family is my hero for being able to straight face that :D

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Yeah, totally.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd That is freaking hilarious. Absolutely beautifully insane. Ima run a back hoe... and ... a bunch of crack heads... was worth the price of admission.

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