Ideas for FAWM social media / mailing list?

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  • @burrsettles  Mar 2022

    I don't know if it's worth the effort, but since the FAWM website will go offline at the end of April (this is non-negotiable)...

    But, the social media accounts stay up year-round (instagram, twitter, fb, we don't have a youtube yet but could start one)...

    I'm curious what folks think about how to use these platforms to help stoke creativity and musical engagement year-round, in a low-key way that doesn't require the website, etc.? Currently these are pretty dormant until January to drum up interest again, but there might be better uses?

    There's also the mailing list. We stopped using it for years, but in the last 2 years have used it solely to announce that FAWM is coming. We could also use it for other things... prompts, inspiration, etc. But I also don't want to make it spammy.

    How do you think we could/should use these platforms?

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    I think a dedicated FAWM youtube page would be a good idea... It would be nice to have a centralized place for stuff that's spread out, even if its only promotional things, or things people chose to submit. I'm thinking along the lines of the 4-track collab videos/etc. I enjoyed watching those, but then they wouldn't have to be on someone's personal page... but then that comes down to more than likely messy details about who wants what where and who is running this or that. I also say this mostly because instagram/twitter/fb/etc aren't for me.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    What I hear from my music-for-a-living-friends is that email still gets the most engagement and is the most reliable. I see every one of their emails, but do not see all of their social media posts as my scrolling is more limited these days. Even though the spam I get has ramped up lately, I would love to see an intermittent FAWM (and possibly 5090) newsletter land in my email inbox. +1 on the Youtube idea suggested, there are many possibilities for member participation year-round.

  • @celineellis  Mar 2022

    A monthly Fawm email would be superb idea. A FAWMzine kinda thing.
    The Twitter prompts this year have been superbly inspirational for me - more of that kind of stuff would be fabulous across socials. Socials could also share and highlight what folks do to develop their FAWM songs (albums and other releases, videos, etc)

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @burrsettles, FAWM is so specifically geared to February (+/- a couple of weeks) that it seems like it will be challenging to engage FAWMers the other 10 months without the website being here (and offering more than just forum & static song pages.) What would compel engagement?

    My suggestion would be to open up the entire website for one weekend per month or maybe one week per quarter. That would pull us back in!

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