Album covers - I am considering taking commissions

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  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    One thing I spent time on this month instead of songwriting was drawing. I blame @stevenwesleyguiles for getting me into drawing a couple of years ago for Inktober. I have found great enjoyment doing this and have gotten to the point that I am considering charging for it simply due to the time it takes.

    Here’s one I did for @cts a couple of years ago.

    Here’s one I did for myself using a sketch of my favorite bird in North America, the black capped chickadee.

    And then this year during FAWM I worked on this design and made a T-shirt that I put up for sale.

    If you might be thinking of paying something to have cover art made, in pretty much black and white, have a good quality photo for me to work from, I might be your guy.

  • @ajna1960  Mar 2022

    Great portraits Scott :) Do you use computer apps as well as pen in paper ? I am curious because I draw and paint and have always wondered about computer art apps.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    I only use my iPad. I have migrated from Autocad Sketchbook to two different apps: Concepts app and Artstudio Pro apps. I use an Adonit Note+ Bluetooth stylus.

    I never leaned pen and paper technique. The last art class I had was in 8th grade in 1979.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Yes I’m older than your typical FAWMer

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