Releasing an EP of FAWM songs

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  • @celineellis  Mar 2022

    I've been busy beavering away throughout FAWM on new songs, but also working hard on the pre release promo for my new EP due out on March 25th. The EP 'Unravelled' is a collection of stories and songs diving into the intricacies of relationships - from the very first spark, through to the final closing of the door. 3 of the 5 tracks were written during FAWM 21 so If you have enjoyed what I do this past month, and would like to hear what I do with the songs when I take them to the recording studio with session musicians and producers then please do consider clicking my link below. I would truly appreciate you following me on social media or streaming platforms etc. so you can be the first to hear the new releases! Thanks for your time and for reading this quite blatant self promotion :)

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