What song of yours deserved more listens?

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  • @elesimo  Mar 2022

    We've all been there: you write an amazing song, one that you love, but everyone goes and comment on your other songs! And that song you really love has only 1 or 2 comments.

    So post here your song that deserves more listens and comments, and I'll go and comment on it! And hopefully more people will join me. :)

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    And if you want to, take part in the listening skirmish this Friday and ask that people come and listen to it! https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12906/

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Good idea! What is yours @elesimo so i can listen! Mine is my wifes song which is


  • @cblack Mar 2022

    This might be cheeky, but I choose literally any of my collabs. There are 6 to choose from. If you want to spread the love, go with one of those. :)

  • @chickenjail Mar 2022

    Baby Shark

  • @ianuarius Mar 2022

    The only collaboration I did. Jenni did great vocals and words.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    A medieval metal song that marinaded whole FAWM and will be even more epic afterwards.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    My favourite song of my own is always the last one I wrote and I have this swinging, sultry collab here that is still a Zong as I write this. https://fawm.org/songs/137217/

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    I have 2 and I think the commonality is that I posted a lyrics only version first and then musicians added a version with music later. Perhaps that contributed to the songs not getting as many comments as the collabs where the finished song was the first thing posted.

    Get Home To You (Collab with Daveyboy103)

    Look On The Bright Side (Collab with W1N)

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    Probably this one...

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    counting the stars


  • @jtsteam  Mar 2022

    Maybe not so much my favourite song, but my favourite concept for a song that deserves more work, is an ode to Ada Lovelace.


  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Thus far, the only song (out of 4 that I finished) that has more than one comment is a somewhat whimsical one. That's nice and I'm lucky to have had it happen, but I do wish that one of the songs that I bared my soul on a little more got some attention.

    So I can't decide between these two:
    "Survivor's Guilt": Very musically simplistic, but has some lyrics I really like a lot. https://fawm.org/songs/134543/
    "Devil's Advocate": I'm really happy with how the music on this one came out, especially in the final section, starting at around 2:13. https://fawm.org/songs/136190/

    If you listen to even one of them, thank you!

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    I usually do spoken word tunes, most time in German. Those are sound collages with my vocals. I speak my poems to the sound I arrange - sometimes with others in a collab but mostly by myself.
    This is one I love so much … I know its not easy to listen to something you don‘t understand but maybe you give it a listen …

  • @psyt Mar 2022

    Pretty much all of them, to be honest, but it's not at all reasonable to be linking all 15. And there are still two zongs among the lot, so I'll pick one of them: Only 3 of the songs surpassed 2 comments (5 and 6 and 3 respectively), other than those there are 4 songs with 2 comments, and 6 with a single comment.

  • @elesimo  Mar 2022

    @nadine your first song is returning a 404 for me.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    @elesimo I've fixed the link.

  • @fourzeroes Mar 2022

    Honestly, none of them because I've been lax in my commenting!

    Kinda a shame that this one came along too late to get many listens. I think if they'd done February later this year I would've written loads more songs. https://fawm.org/songs/136903/

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Hard to say really but perhaps https://nadiacripps.bandcamp.com/track/challenges

  • @cicpisces  Mar 2022

    It felt wrong the recommend my own song but I would love more people to hear it. It's a collab I really like.

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    I wrote these gothic rock songs towards the end of this fawm and really liked them, but didn't favourite them until later. Would have been nice for people to give them a listen but towards the end of fawm commenting and listening teds to peter out. So I will share this song I really ended up liking a lot here:


  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Do any songs deserve more listens than others?

  • @rshakesp  Mar 2022

    I wrote a song that has sadly become really relevant in the last few days - https://fawm.org/songs/134948/

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Back in the early history of FAWM one could count on heavy listening and comments. The 1 comment given meant 1 comment received SEEMED to be at play. Maybe I was just lucky back then. My last 10 years or so in FAWM have had ever diminishing returns on the ratio. Alot of that is down to the fact that I think the quality of writing and production goes up and up in general, and my available time diminishes over time so there is a natural diminishing return as my quality index goes down compared to the ever rising quality and quantity of songs.

  • @standup  Mar 2022

    This one got fewer comments, it was late in the month. Duet with loveonamixtape: https://fawm.org/songs/136947/

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    This one came together surprisingly well (& quickly). My lack of FAWM interaction is surely to blame for my low comment numbers (both given and received), but this is, I think, an enjoyable listen. (It's not making me wince after going back to it). https://fawm.org/songs/137125/

  • @elesimo  Mar 2022

    @scottlake I'm not saying that someone's song deserves more listens that someone else's songs. I'm just saying that within someone's songs they might feel one of them deserves more listens than their others — a special song (to them) that they wished more people had listened to. Especially at the end of FAWM, when you're finally in the zone, you publish a song that you love, but everyone is gone.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    @elesimo i am not disagreeing with you. Maybe I recall incorrectly but there just did not seem to be a bailout of commenting after the first few days.

  • @sherrylynnlee Mar 2022

    Mine's probably this song in 5/4

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    From the feedback I've been given by a few people outside of Fawm: https://fawm.org/songs/125681/

    Space music is my thing. This one is pretty relaxing to listen to, I think.

  • @improvyssey  Mar 2022

    I didn't get too many comments in general, which was mostly my fault, as I had a busy February and didn't have time to leave that many comments myself. But I was sad that so few people noticed the one piece I awarded a heart because I liked how it turned out:


  • @leka Mar 2022

    Well, since I wrote every song in Finnish, I understand that they do not draw so many listeners. I focus a lot in the lyrics and it is not the same, if you only understand the rough translation, which always loses some of the meaning.

    I am most proud of the last song, but I think it does not really matter if it gets only few comments, because I am so happy with it. I sing it constantly in my head and my friends outside of FAWM like it.


  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    This is probably cheating because I already commented above but I just finished the demo for this collab with the awesome @timfatchen and I really got to put some feels in there. So if you are missing a friend who is far away check out: https://fawm.org/songs/137221/

  • @spikedirection  Mar 2022

    This one was a placeholder until last night. It turned out so well I'm peeved that we're well into March and nobody will hear it

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Definitely this, cause it's written for all you guys :)

  • @elesimo  Mar 2022

    @scottlake sorry, I misunderstood you!

    I agree, in my memories of my first FAWM (2016) I remember a more homogeneous distribution of comments throughout the month. But I also think there were fewer people back then, which probably affect the numbers.

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    I think I got a lot of good songs this time around. Re-listening to them is an experience, as the month goes by so fast, it all gets blurry, but thank goodness for the demos, catching stuff in-the-moment. There's always stuff to fix but if you don't remember the good stuff, you can't reproduce it or improve on it.

    I am particularly fond of how this one sounds: https://fawm.org/songs/134134/

  • @terroratspacecamp  Mar 2022

    When it comes to my FAWM this year, "(City)" is a banger and "(Crash)" is getting some love. The song that I think will slip under the radar is "(lucid)".


  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    I love this thread. What an intuitive idea!

    I have enjoyed FAWM tremendously and am very happy with most everything. If I have to pick something that deserves more attention it would be my last collab.

    I love my collab with @tuesdaygray. It was posted very late, but I think it rocks. https://fawm.org/songs/138012/

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    ^ bump. I listened to some of them yesterday and YES, please add more. There are still people around!

  • @bootlegger Mar 2022


    Might be my favorite that I did this year. The original demo got some good feedback but I got this full production version up and I'm really happy with it and thinking of putting it out as a single.

  • @zeekle1998  Mar 2022

    My collaboration with @chrismyth02 is my favourite for this FAWM.

  • @chrishope Mar 2022

    well I'm still hummin it.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    John Lampson had mapped out an entire Epic Rock Song (along the lines of Meatloaf's "But I Won't do that" )- but he had no melody or lyrics for it until I stepped up to the plate. I think this deserves a larger audience. Here it is.

  • @aflinner  Mar 2022

    “Armistice” and “Catarina” were a couple of my favorite writes this year, and got the fewest listens so far.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    The songs I did with @kcflowers got fewer listens than the rest. Two of my favorites are
    Breakaway with a Breaking Heart: https://fawm.org/songs/134568/

    Exactly What She Means

  • @bithprod  Mar 2022

    Probably Come On Dream. https://fawm.org/songs/128906/

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Due to issues this didn't get a demo up until late so it missed listens https://fawm.org/songs/136982/

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    This one was a little bit late to get much attention. https://fawm.org/songs/137072/

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    I don't know why this one has less comment. I love how it sounds : mixing electric guitar and ukulele... What could have gotten wrong ? Plus it's especially dear to my heart because it's my first FAWM collab ever.

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    @nancycunning heres the thread I referenced.

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    This one was askirmish lyric by @ajna1960. Had lots of comments as a lyric only, but sadly only 2 after i made into a tune. It was a happy little song.

  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    Thank you @elesimo for this thread. I've discovered so many fawmers through it !

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