How About MALM Skirmishes?

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  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    I'm thinking it goes like this...

    1) you schedule a MALM Skirmish kinda like we did for songwriting skirmishes by creating a post here with a time to start

    2) when the start time arrives, the first 10 or 15 minutes are reserved for check-ins to show you are playing and if you want, to list your songs you'd like listened to

    3) after the check-in period we each spend the rest of the hour listening and commenting on all the MALMers who are playing in the skirmish

    I think this would be a great way to get more listens and retain more folks in March!

    We could even schedule a MALM Superskirmish!

    Any thoughts or variations on this idea are welcome!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    I like this. This way if you want to get more listens, and you could point out particular songs, you could get people to make sure they check it out. It does bring a little community to it. You could even add a Zoom meeting or something after it so that people could talk with each other.

  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    I like the idea - it's very creative - but wouldn't participants in each skirmish have to be limited to 10 or so, to allow adequate time for people to listen to and comment on everything in the course of an hour? That's certainly doable; just a practical consideration to keep in mind. But I would certainly be up to participate if the skirmish fell at a doable time for me!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    I love the idea also because it brings us together for listening rather than just listening and hoping for future enjoyment. Like a regular skirmish there is real-time fun to be shared!

  • @chroes  Mar 2022

    That's a good idea! Maybe we could even do this with specific genres or prompts? Could be fun, and could make it easier to listen and comment. For example I am certainly not the best person to listen to and comment on folk, it's just not my thing. Others might not enjoy electronic music or metal. Of course that's only really feasible as long as we are enough people for these genres or promps.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Good point @odilongreen ! But skirmishes often have 10 or fewer participants and without the writing part maybe even lower. Also we could encourage staying until you finish everyone regardless of the time (kinda like with regular skirmishing!)

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Good idea @chroes ! We could have a skirmish theme to, well, to theme them!!! :) Themes could be genres, lonely songs that need more love, lyrics only, music only, your last FAWM song, your first FAWM song, your best FAWM song, your worst FAWM song, and on and on and on! We could even revisit old skirmishes as a listening focus.

  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    Nice idea but I’m in favor of not too many rules limits or instructions - people listen to the songs that stand out to them and comment as much or as little as they like without everything being so structured.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @mardeycranbleson a fine point! But just like regular skirmishes some are general, some are specific, it's all good!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    I like "rules" and structure more as jumping off points. Sometimes structure encourages participation whereas free-form may not.

  • @jtsteam  Mar 2022

    I like this idea! Kind of a "listening party" sort of thing. Themed or not, I'd probably take part occasionally. I don't think I'd worry at first about there being too many participants, but rather deal with that problem if it even happens.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    I think it needs a little structure, like if you participate, you can maybe highlight a couple songs that you would particularly like people to listen to. If we just left it up, you might just listen to all of one person's output (and for @jtsteam that would take a long time!)

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @beacon yeah I was thinking you listen to one song from each skirmish participant, just like a regular skirmish. Maybe you choose one of their songs or maybe they suggest one.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    @johnstaples I like that idea. It's just enough structure to get people moving, and it give those who don't like structure to do what they will.

    Should we also instigate the new skirmish that @ianuarius proposed at I think it could look like this:

    ListeningSkirmish 03A, 4pm GMT

    I could also host in the BeaconBeats Lounge in Kumospace a gathering afterwards is people would like to chat about what they heard with each other. I'd be happy to set up the first one.

  • @jwhanberry  Mar 2022

    I like the idea in general. Don't like genre specific. We monogenre types could be cut out of most of them. IMHO the less restrictions, the better attendance and more fun.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @beacon I'm really curious/excited to see if this idea could take off! It seems to me to be more FAWM-ish than other post-FAWM engagement strategies because it offers a real-time component that other efforts are missing.

    As for the proposed naming convention, while I like the idea of simplifying it, I personally feel using GMT is not best. I'd guess the majority of FAWMers are in North America and I'd further guess that many don't know what a GMT is (and I've even seen plenty of confusion overt GMT/UTC from international FAWMers!) So I guess I'd prefer to see at least one North American time listed.

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    I'm just skimming rn but am potentially interested.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @jwhanberry I agree! I think anyone setting up a MALM Skirmish should use these ideas as rough guidelines and set their criteria, if any, in much the same way we do now in skirmishes. The fewer rules and restrictions the better!!

  • @jtsteam  Mar 2022

    @beacon I wouldn't want to inflict that on anyone :). I was assuming we'd just post one to any given skirmish, as normal.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Okay, how about I set one up, and see how it goes @johnstaples?

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Ken (@beacon) that sounds great! Go for it! Let's see if we can make this a new FAWM tradition as we keep the party going!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I like the idea!

  • @celineellis  Mar 2022

    Love this idea John - I would deffo be in for this.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Glad you like the idea @johnstaples and @fearlessflight2014. I'll schedule it out a few days so others can take part to and plan for it. I'm thinking about Friday afternoon EST, as I have that time off, and we can maybe get the Europe crowd to join.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Sounds good @beacon ! I might set one up sooner (like maybe Wednesday?) as I'm hoping we can maintain the current momentum before everyone starts disappearing!

    Going forward in March I'd love to have a MALM-mini-super-skirmish scheduled for once a week. Maybe Friday for 3-4 hours straight with 3-4 skirmishes scheduled?

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    I am up for this!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    @johnstaples Fine with you going before me. I'm trying to write up a structure for the post, so that people know what to expect.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @beacon sounds good! I imagine this will be a work in progress as we determine what works and what doesn't.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Sounds great, and all kinds of variations occur. What I like about the games is everyone having variations of an experience, and so I'd be in favor of you choosing a certain amount and limiting/grouping people in skirmishes so they are all responding to the same list of songs

    I also like the idea of a skirmish where a group of us comment bomb a random fawmling's material.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    @majormajormajormajor That's an awesome idea. Only hope they're around to see the comments! Maybe we can have FAWMlings volunteer? We could call it a Comment Frenzy.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Just posted MALM Listening Skirmish, Friday, 4 March 2022 9 p.m. GMT (4 p.m. EST) at

    Let me know what you think. I made the suggestion of putting a #listeningskirmish tag in the comments people make, must like the #tit4tat tag.

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    I never done skirmishes. Sounds so cool. I'm ready to start with MALM-skirmishing !

  • @wrenarcher  Mar 2022

    Oh, I just love this idea! Really clever take on the song skirmish. I’m interested in playing along.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    Great idea, and I love the idea of the Comment Frenzy, too!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Looks like this idea was pretty successful! Hope it continues all of March and maybe into April!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    It was good, and people enjoyed themselves. I will probably host another one, but I recommend that other people also schedule them!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    @beacon glad you were able to take my idea and run with it! When I started this thread I was pretty sure this has potential to engage FAWMers!

  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    I'm back on MALM! What did I miss? Is there a new MALM skirmish session/game challenge that we're doing? Count me in :D

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