FAWM 2023 Challenges ?

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  • @xfloorpunchx  Mar 2022

    @Natalie made a full acapella song (i assume that she is not the only one doing that) and it could be an interesting challenge for me next year, as a full instrumentalist.

    Maybe it's a bit too soon since FAWM isn't finish yet, but do you have challenges for next year FAWM ?

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Definitely want to dig into edm and more modern pop music production next year and see if I can't meld my storytelling style to it. Not being at home with that part of the spectrum is limiting, and my forays this year were fun.

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Next year I hope to be confident enough to open myself up to the possibility of collaborating. It's mostly technical limitations that keep me from doing it now, but it would be nice if I were able to get that stuff sorted out and feel like I could work with someone else without letting them down lol.

  • @robynmackenzie  Mar 2022

    I’m hoping to have more time for collabs next year. There are so many great artists here I’d like to work with.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    More collaboration DURING FAWM even if that's stressful af, cause I love to do things in slower pace. And I want to try something with sparse arrangements because this is my worst enemy. And if I manage to buy microphones, I'd do something with that.

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Remember to eat and bathe more regularly.

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Next year i want to have enough time to write some songs!

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    Continue my personal challenge of at least one refrain line song.

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Mar 2022

    My challenge will be to write a song with the title "I Love You" and for it not to be utterly awful (thanks for the suggestion @andygriff)

  • @spazsquatch Mar 2022

    Inspired by Thunder by @majormajormajormajor, I'm going to add a personal challenge to write theme songs to imaginary cartoons. I'm not sure if I'll hold myself to the length that will actually fake-air before the show, but it will need to contain a section that I see as being the part that is lifted for the show, along with a short treatment of what the show is about.

    Basically I'm looking to give myself an excuse to write novelty songs.

  • @sw1n3flu  Mar 2022

    lol @dragondreams

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Mar 2022

    This year I really focused on my own songwriting and workflow. Next year I'd love to collaborate more as an instrumentalist!

    I'm also not a very confident vocalist and didn't track any singing over my demos, but I did write lyrics. Next year I want to be at a point that I can keep up with my instruments.

  • @dasbinky  Mar 2022

    I think it's probably worth spending a FAWM with some focus on songs I can more feasibly perform. I really enjoy the stuff I wrote this year, but there are maybe two or three songs that can fit onto a set list without major reworking.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    @spazsquatch And to think I was just looking for an honest finish- yeah, it would be great to see people's takes and 'imaginary cartoon' leaves it pretty wide open- would be an excellent hook writing exercise to boot!

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    I have an idea for a very hard rock (Black Sabbath, Deep Purple) type song... That will be really different for me, as I haven't done anything like that for 40 years.

    I want to belt out my vocals a bit more melodically, then my usual Belt it Out Style.

    Surprisingly I didn't use my resonator guitar, but I did use my resonator ukulele on a few Tunes.
    My electric lap steel and tenor banjo were neglected this year, maybe next year.

    @dasbinky , with you on that. I think I only have one or two this year that I can put into my solo set.

    Next year... Who knows???

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    To write a happy song. I can write really funny songs but that's different than happy. I really suck at the cheery upbeat stuff unless it's musical theater or comedy.
    Years ago after a gig one of my friends said to me do you have any happy stuff or can you write a happy song. I did. It was the worst song I ever wrote In my life. :0)

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    I want to challenge myself to do both lyrics and music for a few songs, and not just Acappella, which I've done before, but didn't this year. Whatever way I wind up doing it, whether through loops, or actually getting proficient and confident enough with one of the instruments I own to do it that way, or whatever, I'd like to have that freedom of putting the whole thing together. I also want to do more collaborations though too, because that is a large part of the magic of FAWM for me.

  • @scottlake Mar 2022

    I might do February album cover drawing month

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Use every stringed instrument I have in a single song.!!

    @dragondreams good hygiene is a given for good song writing. lol

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    @gm7 - that probably explains a lot about my music! :-D

  • @bachelorb  Mar 2022

    I'm going to try to pick up the guitar more and also go back to all analog next year.... I cuss the "In The Box" stuff as much as I did when I was doing all tapes (....I'm sure it's not me....) I guess I just enjoy plugging in patch cables...... :)

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    I hope ( and work forward to) I will be much more better playing my e-bass next year. This will change my way to make music and create songs.
    Also I think I’ll concentrate on using German as my mothers tongue. But I am not sure about that …
    And - of course - more collabs!

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    I want to do a challenge like what @eargoggle and I did this year. The idea is that everyone puts in all sorts of files of sounds—vocals, drum parts, melodica, guitars, sound bytes, samples, whatever into a comment folder (we used Dropbox). Then we each used anything we wanted in any way we wanted to each make a song. We didn’t come close to using them all and the results were cool! Here they are:

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Definitely doing the Harmony Singers Challenge, and hopefully have it more structured and get more people involved.

    More collabs, more putting together of multitrack work, more general fun.

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    I think I had written down a whole bunch of stuff prior to fawm, but I don't think I did much of them at all. So maybe I'll get to those next year.

    the "no listening" challenge I did last year was fun. You multi-track record something without listening to it - if you record different instruments, do them a day a part, mix it as best you can in your daw (?) and then have to post it online before you hear it - you want someone else to hear and comment on it before you hear it! LOL!

    Use my sampler to make beats/rhythms, and sequences

    Try to use my gear in new ways you hadn't before. Just anything. Use your guitar as a device to sing into, or breathe on the strings for ambient sounds.

    Open a rhyming dictionary to a random page and pick blindly. then use that term to make a song.

    Use a rotary phone to record your vocals.

    Record a bunch of random drum tracks, then embellish on top of them. Don't do the vocals/lyrics til the end, when you have a whole instrumental song.

    Don't use midi at all

    Use all your synths midi'd together at once!

    Use a looper to create beats/rhythms.

    Make some loops of similar length that compliment each other.

    Work up lyrics which make no sense, but phonetically make a lovely word rhythm

    Write a song about a world somewhere in the universe where there are nothing but clones of Brian Eno living there.

    Write a song about "first times". First time you fell in love, did drugs, had sex, first time you bought a record, first time you got in a fight, first tape recorder, first love, etc.

    Chop up tape loops and re-assemble as song parts.

    Use autocorrect/autocomplete to write your lyrics.

    Chop up a bunch of words, saved as samples, put them in your sampler, then have them play at random. What does it say?

    Improvise something (Part A), then improvise off that - call that B,
    then remove A, and improvise off Part B, and repeat.
    Keep doing this until you have 5 or 6 parts. Does Part A work with the last part - E or F?

  • @gubna Mar 2022

    oh, one that I just remembered from a couple years ago that I didn't ever end up doing was "roboccapella". Acapella but all vocoder robot voice sounds.

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