Sticking Around for Comments

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  • @janeg  Feb 2022

    I can't be the only FAWMer for whom February went kablooey. Way behind on songs I want to hear, but it would be much nicer if as many FAWMers as could stayed around to comment and to check on comments for their songs. At least until the weekend. Who is with me on this?

  • @forrestwolf  Feb 2022

    I plan on a bunch of listening over the course of March. I'm not very good about commenting but will try.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    A good plan and many die-hard FAWMers do that...some post updated demos.

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    Yes, I certainly will be commenting- as well as figuring out what songs will be on my next album posted on bandcamp-- maybe a little mixing and polishing, but hope to have something together on that front by the end of the week ....

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


    come give 'em and get 'em

  • @odilongreen  Feb 2022

    Come join us over in the March Album Listening Month thread (! A lot of us are gearing up for a lot of listening excitement psot-FAWM!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    I usually stick around for two to three weeks, sometimes longer. Until it starts echoing in the halls anyway.

  • @danvaillancourt  Feb 2022

    Yes! Totally!

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    I’ll be here! I have so many songs I wanna hear and I have a LOT of refining to do on my own stuff

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Of course!

  • @aflinner  Feb 2022

    I spent a disproportionate amount of my FAWM time writing and recording, so I’m definitely planning to start getting back to the listening and commenting side of things now that we’re heading into March…still have a couple demos to post too, though

  • @opossum  Mar 2022

    Imma try and listen to a buncha songs in March! (Unless I get hit by a car first!)

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Oh yeah, I have a list of folks I owe comments to and then I'll start working on everyone in this thread. I'll be here all month (at least!)

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    I almost always stick around till they kick me out when the doors close mid-April

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    (not sure when the doors close these days though...)

  • @karlsburg25  Mar 2022

    yep and here for whole of march with loads of listening to get into

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I’m here for at least a couple of weeks. Have more demos to post and fix up for a start.

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    I got a loooooooong list of fawmers I want to listen to. And february was too short from my point of view. I'll be there for the whole march.

  • @paulharrison  Mar 2022

    Do comments still go to the writer's page? If so, I look forward to listening to more songs.

  • @cblack Mar 2022

    I'll be here. :)

  • @sheilerk  Mar 2022

    @paulharrison Comments continue to work exactly as they did through February. The only difference is that some people continue to check their pages and other's disappear pretty quickly after their last song is posted. That's why forum posts like this are really helpful, because it will tell you who will be most likely to see your comments when you make them.

  • @tamsnumber4  Mar 2022

    I'm all in for a listening March. I still have songs on the Challenges I've hosted to hear, there were 52 Ukraine songs created in four days of FAWM, if anyone is looking to hear those, they are at #ukraine

  • @scubed  Mar 2022

    I’m here - lots of listening left to do!

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    I try to listen back to any comments I get after March 1, but don't go hunting any further for songs to listen to. Kind of get burned out, listening to 500 songs and creating 18 new ones!

  • @pippa  Mar 2022

    I'll be here. This is my second FAWM and I'm only just figuring out a lot of stuff, like forums... and I want to do a ton more listening.

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    ill be listening and commenting all month

  • @mikehex  Mar 2022

    Man, updating my demos... never even thought about that as an option post February, I think the temptation to rewrite the whole song would be overwhelming in some cases (I have a few in mind right now)

    But anyway, not doing that. Listening, listening, listening. I've got a backlog that goes back over a week

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    I'm not ready for it to be over so I'll be here listening to what I can!

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    My plan is to listen while I play poker and comment on everything I hear. (I play pretty tight, so I'll be folding out of a lot of hands!)

  • @kendrakinsey  Mar 2022

    Im planning to stick around and listen a bunch! Still have a couple projects to finish. I’m still collecting tones for one of my projects if anyone wants to send me one!

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    I always hang around for March listening and commenting. Count me in too! :)

  • @torniojaws Mar 2022

    Will also comment in March :) Between family, work, and writing, t's usually too hectic during February to actively comment.

  • @yewnorker Mar 2022

    With 12,700+ songs to listen to - to borrow line from Jaws - "we're gonna need a bigger month!"

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it hard to keep up with the listening while churning out the songs in February. Feels like I've barely made a dent in my watchlist, for starters, so I'm down for doing more commenting over the next few weeks.

  • @bithprod  Mar 2022

    I try to comment on a couple of songs every day, usually until I've no longer received comments on my own songs for two or three days straight. After that, it just feels like talking to the wall.

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Definitely going to stick around for March - I can't go full cold turkey and need time to wean myself off gently... Although probably going to take a couple of days to reacquaint myself with my family!

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    I'll be here and commenting in March.

  • @chipwithrow  Mar 2022

    Here through March, focusing on those who post in threads such as these.
    I'm not going to be playing the commenting games that have popped up - they all sound fun, but with my work schedule, I don't want to make any commitments I can't keep.
    But I'll be listening, for sure!

  • @donna  Mar 2022

    I'll be around, listening and commenting over the next couple of weeks.

  • @tageule  Mar 2022

    I'll be here for a while, too. Some stuff I shoved to the side during February is now coming back to bite me, but I should still find a bit of time to listen and comment. Not ready to let go of all this yet...

  • @doglatin  Mar 2022

    I'm still planning on doing lots of listening and commenting.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    I will definitely be here on the Forums, if only to update the Century Club.
    I'm not sure how much listening I'll be able to do, though; I kinda feel like I burned out my ears during February.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Consider joining a Listening Skirmish! I've got one posted for Friday.

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    I have a load of titfers to do so will be persevering with FAWM in March. ;)

  • @downburst  Mar 2022

    I'll be here. I have a ton listening to do.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    I really don’t have enough time during Feb itself to do the listening and commenting I want to, so March is almost as much fun as I get the chance to do that!

  • @auditasum  Mar 2022

    I'm sticking around this week and possibly next! I had zero time for listening last month

  • @bigstarlet Mar 2022

    I specifically held off on commenting on anything until I was done.

  • @johncrossman  Mar 2022

    Looking forward to it after a little sleep deprivation treatment!

  • @standup  Mar 2022

    Just a reminder, there are about 400 zongs (no comments yet). For the last couple days that’s been my focus.

  • @bradbrubaker  Mar 2022

    Yup. I'm here.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    I'm here, time permitting.

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    Still here as well!

  • @ballyhoot  Mar 2022

    I’m still here. Doing the tit 4 tat thing from another thread. Also, I just uploaded a song that previously was just a placemarker, so it’s currently a lonely zong….

  • @ballyhoot  Mar 2022

    Sorry forgot link:

  • @cheslain  Mar 2022

    Can't seem to leave just yet. I'll be around listening and commenting.

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    I'm here till the site closes down. Also zongbusting but also just listening to stuff too.

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    Pretty sure I'm still here, (if I ever was).

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    I'm here and still in the glow of it :-) Mixing the zongbusts with the unknowns and the new and old friends to catch up on.

  • @sherrycanary Mar 2022

    Here in March.
    Lots of catching up to do

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    I’ll be here, though for the next 10 or so days I have to be a responsible student (to make up for all the balls I dropped in February lol) but I’ll be here

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    I'm in the same boat as @carleybaer, trying to pick up all the dropped balls (sez he surreptitiously typing in a FAWM forum with one hand poised over the BLANKSCREEN hotkey...) but I'll be able to pick back up listening to my normal FAWM rate over the next 3-4 days, then it'll be low level but continuing for much of March.

  • @vivalarayna Mar 2022

    I'm around, albeit not quite every day. Real life got very needy in February, so just getting my writes in was a challenge, but I love seeing and hearing what others have created.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Mar 2022

    I was kind of a mess on March 1st and yesterday, but I'm back! Listening to everything while I work. Having a lot of fun discovering new stuff

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Just out of interest, were you to listen and comment one of each in this thread, it's somewhere around 60 songs. Listening to another 20 Zongs and 20 others, that's 100. Approx 5 hours listening and commenting.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Still here :)

  • @adforperu  Mar 2022

    Here! I've got so much catching up to do, but haven't really had time. I will be alllllll over it the next few days and weeks :)

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    @timfatchen That's such a good idea. I'll start at the top of the thread and work down from there. Am also going through the songs from the earliest ones onwards.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    @roddy I've worked down as far as @kendrakinsey but things keep getting in the way, like lyrics I want to set, and theatrical multi-part songs I need to listen to!

  • @roddy  Mar 2022

    @timfatchen You are 11 people ahead of me, good rich with all your projects.

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    I'm beside myself with how good everything is. I'm making an effort not to download them too. Because the seconds I'd spend clicking those buttons take away from me finding another song to listen to. Sic transit - wonderful and painful to be here!

  • @rayboneor  Mar 2022

    I'm still around...trying to hit my listening goals...and making up fake band names :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Still around and I’m finally getting around to listening and commenting.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Still here, returning comments and at some point hopefully going through my watchlist properly.

  • @edwardsmusic Mar 2022

    Yeah. I'll be sticking around. I'm aiming to reach 100 comments and return comments for whomever has commented on my tunes.

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Also still here. Not sure how long, but maybe a couple of days at least. Still going to try to dig through stuff that I might have missed and be interested in.

  • @jaegerin  Mar 2022

    I’m still here! Tested positive this morning, unfortunately, so I will have some time on my hands (gotta look on the bright side!)

  • @cblack Mar 2022

    Okay, I'm officially burnt out. Sitting at 367 comments, and the thought of doing more is making me stressed. Need to recover.

    So yeah, I'm out. Have fun! See you for 50/90!

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    I am here...doing my tit4tat and other FAWMers music

  • @silvermachine Mar 2022

    Checking in every day, doing the crossword.

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    Still hear and still listening! So much great music!!

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Yes, I am here! There are too many lyrics and songs that I missed during February. It will be nice to sit back, relax and catch up. Plus, there is a bit of depression that could set in without FAWM -lol.

  • @darcistrutt  Mar 2022

    I spent a couple hours listening today. I’m here!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Ha! I've worked through the list once (okay I skipped those I'd already been bothering multiple times) even though it keeps growing. Yes I'm still here, else who is it that's typing? Hello? Hello? Is there anyone in wait, that's the Hello thread, isn't it...

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    I am still here, but i didn't write any songs so i don't need any comments. I will still be playing songs from FAWM on the radio show next week at least (and probably after too), so this is a good thread to use as the basis for that, since you've all got a higher chance of knowing your song's been played if you're still here on the site.

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Glad so many people are still here!

  • @halfwayhome  Mar 2022

    I'll still be here. For whilst song-writing is strictly forbidden outside of February, they can do nothing to stop me from listening to, and being inspired by, the wealth of music creating during the Magical Month. Plus, basically, I don't want the moment to ever end!

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    I’m still here. I’m trying tit4tat and just generally trying to listen and comment more than I did during Feb.

  • @sailingmagpie  Mar 2022

    I'm still here. I've almost caught up on reciprocating every comment I've received.

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    Yeah I'm catching up on listening and commenting

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I’m in.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Still listening

  • @danvaillancourt  Mar 2022

    hi. *waves*

    Yup. I've been listening/commenting a lot so far for #MALM. So many good songs.

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    Mmmm arch

  • @splittybooms  Mar 2022


  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Yup I am and will be around all month

  • @liz561  Mar 2022

    I have been listening for about an hour every day and commenting. So many songs I missed in the moment that I get to savor now. Following several forum threads so I get recommendations.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Yes, I am still around and listening to lots of good music!

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    signed up for #tit4tat

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Not only am I around, I've been finding a surprising amount of folks around generally as evidenced by the comment reciprocity. It's early and I expect even those who don't stay actively engaged still check in from time to time in hope someone will comment.

    Zongwise we're under 100 but it's been slow. Hitting a zong or two when catching up on your watchlist folks makes a difference!

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Yepper.. still here.

  • @actualjulian  Mar 2022

    I think I did some really incredible work this year during February and I'm hoping it still reaches some ears and gets some comments. I'll be listening and offering up the same as much as I can!

  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    I'm definitely behind in replying/listening back to other people who left comments on my songs during FAWM. I really wanted to win this year and put 90% of my efforts in completing the challenge. But I'm back for MALM. Better late than never! We can do better next year

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