March Challenges

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  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    We have FAWM in Feb. NaSoAlMo in Nov.

    But musically/other mediums, what is there in March ??

    I can see there is Animarch and March Of Robots listed in the Wikiwrimo. But I'm interested to see what else is going on.

    Inspire me! :D

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    Make something up! After 50/90 2008, I believe @jackdawfactories suggested Rocktober covers challenge. One year, there was a March recording month, but that did not take off in quite the same way.

  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    that is a good constructive point - been meaning to do a self made up challenge for an age now
    and yeah i feel more confident to do rocktober, maybe this is my year ! ?
    pre 5090 is in april, i believe. something to tie me over til then would be cool :)

  • @erikleppen Feb 2022

    Many people (hopefully) are staying for "March album listening month" or MALM, to take the time to listen to FAWM songs, hopefully that gets some traction.

    Also, yeah, good advice by @helenseviltwin. I decided somewhere last year "I'm going to do a piano album", so 14 piano pieces. If there was a particular challenge on the challenge forums you particularly like(d), maybe you can go from there. (I like the #100secondsong one, so I'm probably going to do an "album" based on that when I feel like it.)

  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    nice suggestion re the challenges, the #100secondsong also jumped out at me.
    as fawm and such are quick time challenges, i wonder what there is over a long period of time ? tis getting me thinking, thanks for suggestions so far :))

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    My personal challenge is to get 100 usable tracks in 2022, which includes sync stuff and stuff I will perform either with band or solo, so I'll be continuing that throughout the year. I thought FAWM would help me get ahead with that, but there were too many exciting opportunities that didn't fit my criteria, so I'm still behind.

  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    Nice re the 100 useable tracks, it’s a personal challenge that motivates and seems to get the juices going. There will be 5090 too if that helps inspire you, should you be doing that this time ?

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    I do a film challenge in March, trying to watch movies from 30 different countries. Obviously that's not creative in the same way as FAWM but the timing works quite nicely as I'm usually ready to put my instruments down for a little bit after February!

    On a songwriting tip, the Spintunes challenge starts in March, might be worth a look - I know a few FAWM folk took part last year.

  • @jackdawfactories  Feb 2022

    @helenseviltwin wow, I didn't know anyone would remember back that far!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I'm thinking I might do a slothcore EP in the next month or two. I already have three songs toward it.

  • @dukongp100 Mar 2022

    30 movies sounds interesting - perhaps a personal spin would work for me ( 30 albums ? )

    slothcore ep challenge sounds good too. seems it took off beyond last year

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