Lyrics Needed for Epic Arena Rock Song

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  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    Call me a hype man if you like, but I imagine this on my end to be like one of those songs that people would break out the lighters/cell phones for as the wind swept, just right, through the massive outdoor festival and the clouds cleared to reveal the moon (or something like that).

    As we get closer to the end of FAWM, I realize I'm running out of time! Although I have a few ideas for some lyrics or whatever here or there for this, I'd love to get someone else in on this to take it to the finish line. I'm fairly flexible on arrangement, and do plan on retracking a few small parts that were sloppy-ish on the recording, but here it is, nameless, for your lyrics!

    I'm also open to someone taking this and actually performing the vocals, but if I have your words and a rough sketch of the melody and I have no problems performing it and making Raine Maida proud.

    Here's the resulting song:

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Ooh this looks like a great challenge. I will see if I am inspired tomorrow which is effectively my last day of FAWM, since we are off to Paris Friday lunchtime.

  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    @berni1954 - I believe in you! (sung in an epic arena way, of course)

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    That's a lovely backing track.

  • @bradbrubaker  Feb 2022

    Man, I wish I had more time. If I suddenly get more time, I'll circle back around.

  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon - thank you! In the car I could have sworn I had a melody and maybe even a half-mumbled lyric but that's about it. If folks end up not having time I'll happily just save it for a fun future non-FAWM collaboration or something!

  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    @berni1954 - you killed it on this one. So eager to share with the rest of the world here. For spectators, Berni's going to send me the separate vocal track and then I'll blend it in and upload it for all to enjoy!

  • @jlampson  Mar 2022

    Oh, I forgot to add it here. It's great!

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