ISO female/feminine singer w/decent French pronunciation

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  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Well, here goes nothing. I am heading toward the end of adapting a vampire short story by Angela Carter and am pretty certain I will need someone to 'play' the vampire (a centuries old female who is the last of her kind) and deliver several sung lines in semi-convincing French(these come direct from the text) over the course of at least a couple songs, although the first entry is likely to be pretty light duty- only a line or two- and a bit more later. Oh, and perhaps some in English.

    I'm trying to approximate, but truth be told although I have an outline, I have yet to write the lyrics. Of course I can't wait to start looking. But there *is* an element of uncertainty to this whole venture. What I can promise is that anything we work on will be a fully fleshed out multitrack demo and that I will send you reference mixes as well as leaving your lines open to your creative impulses in terms of melody and delivery.

    Fair warning: although this character is a vampire which changes the perspective somewhat, she is essentially suicidal and spoiler alert- that's where this story is headed.

    Any of the HOL-named (House of Love, after the original title) songs I've written will give you more insight into this character, though the best summary is probably:

    Anyone interested, please drop me a line in this thread/soundboard/email

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