It's #tit4tat time!

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  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


    Sign up to promise to respond to any player who leave a #tit4tat tag on your song. State the maximum number of exchanges you wish to go with any visitor. You don't need to be on the list to participate, but leave the tag and these fine people wiill respond:

    @wolfkier (full tilt, come get 'em!)
    @jayjay (full tilt)
    @nahlej381 (full tilt)
    @tjeff (full tilt)
    @danvaillancourt  (full tilt)
    @sheilerk  (full tilt)
    @ballyhoot  (full tilt)
    @ambroise (full tilt)
    @bethdesombre  (full tilt)
    @pipewrench67 (full tilt)
    @sherrylynnlee (full tilt)
    @caseewilson (full tilt)
    @berty38 (full tilt)
    @kalho2013 (full tilt)
    @apolez3 (full tilt)
    @ferry0123 (full tilt)
    @edwardsmusic (7) (his six <3 faves +1)
    @guitarpatz83 (6)
    @n1742 (6) if possible choose 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11.
    @coolparadiso (5 max)
    @writeandwrong (5)
    @driftwood1 (5)
    @nadine (1-5)
    @wacha (5)
    @hmorg (5)
    @fearlessflight2014  (5)
    @kenficara (4)
    @mandolinda (4)
    @radiobenedetto (3)
    @davidtaro (3)
    @humantornado (3)
    @n24  (3)
    @gm7 (3)
    @seppo (3)
    @sapient (3)
    @tukayandryan (3)
    @celineellis  (3)
    @bigstarlet (3)
    @sheslin (3)
    @actualjulian (3)
    @intoyourlight  (3)
    @andrea (2)
    @eargoggle  (2)
    @richaaay (2)
    @seanbrennan  (2)
    @wylddandelyon (1 to start)
    @tunecat (1)
    @katestantonsings (1)
    @tawny249 (1)
    @stephenwordsmith  (1)
    @darcistrutt (1 to start)
    @resonut123 (1)
    @carleybaer (1)
    @heliosonorous (1)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    #tit4tat placeholder

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    I always listen/comment to a song from someone who randomly gives one of my songs a listen and comments. It's just polite etiquette.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @mikeb Indeed! are you wanting to add your name to the list or are you making an observation?

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    I hesitate to sign up for this yet as I'm already behind on my listening I want to do. There's a lot of people whose stuff I know I'll enjoy as I always do that I haven't gotten around to even hearing a song from this year yet...

    I usually don't for long, but plan to stick around through at least the first few weeks of March this year. So will probably sign up then.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    I do this already. Every single person who comments on one of my songs I go and look at their profile and pick at least one song to listen and comment on, often more.
    I also do a few zongs each day, and other newly posted songs. I also try to search out lyrics only songs that need some love and read/comment there.
    Don't think I have time for more, sorry !

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    This is pretty much thing I do anyway. I'll promise at least one comment to each person who comments on my work. More if what you do is a style of music I generally enjoy. (It's hard making meaningful comments for the few styles of music that, on the radio, quickly convince me to spin the dial.) Likewise, if what I do is not your thing, that's cool, go listen to more stuff that is.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I like your idea, so I'm in for #tit4tat, March listening party and Zongbusting AFTER FAWM. I just cannot say how many comments I'll do, cause it depends on my situation. I try to visit and comment every profile who commented me; listen to most songs of my endless watchlist; and then I go up here and help. I listen to nearly every kind of music, but I'm out with ambient, experimental and electronic dance music. I just can't deal with it right now.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @nadine ok, I'll change you to (1 trade at a time) ?

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I'd leave that unspecified or write something like 5. Whatever. We find a way :-)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @nadine ok, I'll just put your name on the list . I thought the "number limit" would work for those scared of being overwhelmed, but it's only becoming a distraction,
    The entire point is that there are surely people looking for ears and / or direction as to where to listen in amongst the sea of songs, particularly newcomers who want to up their interactions and make new pals, and that this is a list of happy generous reciprocators.
    Lucky I don't run tinder LOL.

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    I’ll do it but up for 1for now

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier you and i have done this since you started i recall! I am happy to go on the list! I will only commit to a small number for each person as i have listened to so many of everyones already. My memory of this is Normally this doesnt start to nearer the end,( usually the last couple of days ) but my memory is not what it was :-)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @coolparadiso indeed we have, and you might be right about when I usually start this but I didn't want to forget to do it and I wanted in place for the end. I shall put you on the list, thank you, at say, 5max exchanges. You can raise or lower that on the list, or by negotation with any tit4tatters that visit you. Great to have you in.
    @tunecat - 1 is your number, welcome.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Like you @wolfkier i have made many friends from this! I always give more comments than i receive but this is different, if you can listen to a few of a person you get a different feel of them! Thx for doing this again.

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    This was a good education for me last year. I heard many things that kept me searching for answers all year long. I am in for 4. By that time, I am running out of things to say.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @mandolinda gotcha! In fact this is how we met, my friend. 4 it is! :)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Hi @wolfkier! I'd like to join again this year :) You invited me last year; It was how I met nearly everyone I collab with! Much appreciation to you for showing me the ropes on FAWM and inviting me to 50/90. Sign me up for 1, please.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    You betcha, I'm in! I always do this, just never did thet tit4tat! <3 You learn so much listening and commenting on others' material as well! I'm in for tit4tat5!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @katestantonsings & @writeandwrong Welcome ladies!
    I can guarantee with a high degree of confidence, looking at the list so far, anyone stumbling blind into this, is in for some wonderful treats and bound to make some wonderful friends :)

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Thank you, and even after 10 years I keep finding "new to me" people who've been here 10+ years. It's amazing!!! Absolutely love it! So much amazing talent!

  • @radiobenedetto  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier sign me up again as well. I discovered lots of great people and music from this last year. I will likely not start in earnest until after this next weekend as I am still mostly in writing mode.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @radiobenedetto I'm presuming you'll go full tilt? If not let me know how many is your max.

  • @radiobenedetto  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier I’ll commit to at least 3

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @radiobenedetto gotcha! Thanks for getting in!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier thanks for doing this again. Last year it was an amazing way to catch up on so many great songs that I'd missed during the February itself. Please count me in again, looking forward to it :) (sign me up for 3 please)

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @jayjay full tilt

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @davidtaro got ya for 3
    @jayjay full tilt it is!
    Welcome both of you!

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier This is a huge undertaking. Thank you. Sign me up for 2 please.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @andrea gotcha! Thanks. You will enjoy what you find, I guarantee.

  • @eargoggle  Feb 2022

    I'm into this again my friend, but I am ignoring everything except my obsessive need to write and record more songs until March 1...after that I'll be all in!

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    I’m probably going to have a lot more listening than writing time this week, so sign me up!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @kenficara sure, welcome aboard.... what's your max exchange with anybody else?

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @eargoggle anytime you're ready, my friend. The pool will only be richer with your delicious treats, and the world will only be happier with your generous ears and thoughtful comments! Chime in when the time is right.

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier Four sounds like a good number?

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @kenficara 4 it is!

  • @driftwood1  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier this was fun last year. I've had way less time to engage this year than I would like, so I look forward to catching up some in March. This is a great way to know who is still around, thanks for organizing. I'm down to swap 5 with anyone interested.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @driftwood1 5 it is! Welcome back. Indeed, this is how we discovered each other, yes?

  • @humantornado Feb 2022

    Put me down for 3!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @humantornado 3 it is, welcome!!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    #tit4tat pushing thread up.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    In a fabulous way this is like full time job :)
    I start on one song list and get drawn to others through collaborations and forget where I am and what I am supposed to be doing. I think I am overFAWMed lol

  • @n24  Feb 2022

    I’d love to sign up for 3 :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    gotcha! You will enjoy, guaranteed!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    I'm in for 3 for 3 March will be awesome!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @gm7 Got ya fer3, I owe you one already from earlier today! March 1 I begin the big get even!

  • @edwardsmusic Feb 2022

    Awesome! I always comment on a fawmer's song whenever they leave a comment on mine.
    I think I'll go for 6 (one issue though; I'd like 5 of them to be on favourites but I don't have the 5th favourite finished off yet. @wolfkier, how about I notify you on your soundboard once it's up?)

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    I can start with 5.
    I think ? this is the process...
    We pick a Fawmer from the list/ leave a Song Comment & in the Song Comment use the tit4tat Tag, so that Fawmer knows to respond to comment on a Song of Mine?
    The Responder would not have to leave the tit4tat Tag though, as that would have happened between the 2 Fawmers alraedy, correct?

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @resonut123 oh lol. I thought I had to listen to them all. I haven’t slept since Wednesday XD

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    I guess another question would be: once I select a name from the list: How do I know if they completed their 1, 3, or 5: tit4tats already? If someone has 15 or 20 songs I don't want to search through all their songs? Or keep a Tally of eveyones tit4tat comment output.
    Maybe I'm overcomplicating it? and I'll just do 5 and see if 5 respond?

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @resonut123 Sorry, I've stupidly deleted the detailed rules on the top post while editing 3 times already so everytime I have to redo it, I leave out stuff. So that's a good question.
    I've given you a (1) exchange. That means that any person can bank on visiting one of yours (leaving a #tit4tat tag) and have their listen/comment repayed by you. You could have 20 people come to you...or 1... but you'll repay each visit.
    Oh and if you want to go several exchanges then leave a tit3tat number on each comment, so, #tit4tat1, #tit4tat2, etc. It's up to individuals to keep track and the easiest way is a list or simply revisit asap after you get tagged.
    If you want to go more than one per tit3tater then let me know and I'll up your promise number.

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    @wolfkier , Yes very Helpful!
    Thanks so much for doing this and for reposting a good explanation.
    Looking forward to this!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    You're welcome. Enjoy! I guarantee you will discover musical magic from the list. Some amazing musical friendships have developed from randome dips into this "scheme" over the past few years. I wish you that same joy!
    Oh, and of course you're welcome to go first with anyone on the list and leave your tag!

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Spent tonight listening and commenting on 25 songs tonight and will be getting to the rest of you soon. What I will say is I have absolutely loved what I've read and listened to tonight. Soo much talent! (Looking forward to superskirmishing this weekend to get my trophy! Hope to see you all there!)

  • @driftwood1  Feb 2022

    Oh man, I see a ton of these tags have popped up already. Thanks to all who have listened/commented. I will absolutely tat(tit?) asap, but this is a March game for me. So my apologies if I don't hit you back until the 1st. I look forward to hearing/reading everyone's wonderful tunes!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Hey I’ll be here in March I’m up for a little tit4tat! There has been so much great work done this year! Can’t wait to catch up!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @nahlej381 Welcome, my friend.
    I shall sign you up for the unlimited plan.... Let me know if you'd like that reduced at any poiint

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    @wolfkier sign me up! I will NEVER want a reduction…BRING IT!!!!! Lol lookin forward to it wolf!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Go forth and tit them tats! or is it tat them ... :)

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    I'm in game, let's say 3 songs.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @seppo gotcha! Welcome onboard this year again! Enjoy!

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Hi Wolf, I will have less time this March compared to last year but I definitely want to partake. Put me down for 2 please! Thanks for doing this!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @richaaaay gotcha! Welcome onboard.
    Oooooh the treats on offer here just got richaaaay-er!
    Enjoy!! I guarantee good stuff in this amazing list fo talent.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Hey mr @wolfkier you have edwards name wrong on the list its @edwardsmusic You are missing s . I found out when i clicked on him!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @coolparadiso Thanks, all fixed now!
    Appologies @edwardsmusic !

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    All done here i have tit4tated everyone. If i have missed its an accident, just bang on my door. It is hard to fully keep track

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Aha! I love this. A great way to start March with a little bit of structure...
    I'm in for 3!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Welcome back @sapient - gotcha for 3!

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    I’ve also completed my #Tit4Tat. Heard some good songs that I had missed earlier this month. Thank you @wolfkier for organizing this!! Much appreciated!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Hey all! If anyone is interested in swapping some more, I’d appreciate some feedback on this song posted by my brother in law/production partner.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @nahlej381 done! Sultry and slick number! Trip hop love!!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Ah @sapient has arrived, this is where i met him and now always get my dose of metal!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Already listened to that one @nahlej381

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Sorry guys for a slow response but I will answer all tomorrow.
    I decided to make my last song to thanks for this year and start listening and commenting things tomorrow. now its 3:30 in the night and mut take dog out and wake up in 3 hours to the kind to school

  • @tawny249  Feb 2022

    Ok, sure. I kinda disappeared for a few days, but I would like to hear more music during March. And so I understand - we're not listening to everyone on this list, just to people (including the list here) who leave comments on our songs that have this hashtag? Wanted to clarify before giving a number. Thankee.

  • @tjeff  Feb 2022

    Sign me up - I'll be doing a bunch of listening over the next few weeks, thx.

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    I'm in! I'll say 5 for now. I'll probably take a handful a day.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @tawny249 - welcome - sorry I stupidly deleted the rules above several times while editing the list but to answer your question.
    You can listen to anyone on this list, leave a #tit4tat and they promise to return your listen. Anyone can listen to you, leave a tag, and you promise to return their listen. The number applies to how many times you're comfortable with exchanging listens with any comer. (some people go batches at once....)
    Any other questions I'm happy to answer either here on via my sound board. I'll put you on list for ONE. If you think more, or decide no, let me know I'll change it immediately.

  • @tawny249  Feb 2022

    Sounds good @wolfkier . 1 was what I was going to ask for anyway. :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Welcome @wacha, gotcha for 5! Oh boy the delights you'll find, and you'll add to this! :)
    @tjeff - Welcome as well - got you down for 1 trade, unless you tell me you're willing to trade more per comer!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    I'm going into full listen mode so sign me up for 5. I'm not sure I'll be very quick to return the comments but return them I will.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @hmorg Welcome! 5 it is! Enjoy the jewels you via this list!

  • @danvaillancourt  Feb 2022

    I always try and listen and comment on songs from people that I get comments from. Looking forward to #MALM

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    I’m up for however many anyone wants to exchange. I loved this last year. Thanks for organizing it again! ;)
    I may be able to listen to a few today (other than the skirmish ones, which I'll be listening to all of), but I'll really start full tilt tomorrow.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @danvaillancourt and @sheilerk and welcome, I've put you both in the unlimited or "full tilt" group.... let me know if that's too much of it fyou have a limit you'll trade with any taker.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    Please sign me up, but I can't realistically pledge to reply to more than 1 song at a time. Itty bitty tit for tat, please.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    @stephenwordsmith Welcome. I got you down for 1! But I guarantee there's music in that list that'll make you want to extend your stay! :)

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Coming back tomorrow to finish my tit4tats! Today turned into a crazy one but tomorrow will be much lighter! :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    We having fun yet?
    Now the clock has ticked over, hold onto your hats, I'm coming tit all your tats! :)

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier go on, go on, go on... add me to the list.. thanks

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dreamscuba Gladly, welcome aboard!
    I've put you down as unlimited exchanges, unless you let me know otherwise!

  • @darcistrutt  Mar 2022

    I'm sticking around and will do a 1-to-1 commitment. Like you say @wolfkier , I may end up with more if I fall in love with someone's sound, but that's a happy accident.

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    Is there still room on the boat?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Welcome @darcistrutt Gotcha for 1
    Indeed there is. @carleybaer , I'll put you down for 1 exchange unless you tell me more....
    Oh boy, the out #tit4tat goldmine just developed 2 more rich and deep veins! :)

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    Oh no limit for me, I’ll go 1-to-1.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    ok @carleybaer I'll upgrade you to full tilt unlimited! :)

  • @ballyhoot  Mar 2022

    Sign me up please. I haven't done as much listening as I like so far and intend to use March to make up for it. So this sounds like a good approach. Not to mention I wouldn't mind getting more comments... :)

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    I'll give it a go! 1 for me please to start with

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Welcome @ballyhoot I'll put you down for unlimited, unless you say otherwise,
    @tukayandryan welcome as well, I'll put you on the board for 1. Thanks for already getting the ball rolling! :)

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier pleasure! Looking forward to listening to some new songs :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @tukayandryan then you're in for a treat, our growing list of players is a treasure map to musical delights! Enjoy.

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Love the idea @wolfkier ! Count me in, full tilt !

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ambroise full tilt it is... careful what you wish for .... LOL.
    Welcome to our tradeorama!

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier put me up to 3 - I'm loving hearing all this new music!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @tukayandryan 3 it is. I hate to say I told you so.... :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    so, we having fun yet? Any musical infatuation stories out of this years #tit4tat yet? Any Bro-mances, Sis-mances, Let's-get-together-and-make-some-kids-mances to report? LOL!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I will be joining you in a couple of days when I've finishing FAWMing! I got a late start so I'm taking a couple of days to finish my last 5 demos.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @fearlessflight2014 Anytime you're ready, I'll put you on the list. I could do that now if you want, you just keep tabs of the tats you need to tit... and oh there will be tats!
    If you want to be put on now, or in a few days, please let me know your maximum involvement level per player.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier fawm is so big now its almost embarrassing some of the great people i have missed , i have done the majority of tit4tat now and its great to find sone old missed favs as well as some nubies!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    You can add me now as long as it's understood. I reckon I'd be good for 5.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso indeed, nearly 13,000 songs is a veritable sea of music that is impossible to get a hold of, I'm sure, even for the most generous of commenters and consciencious of listeners like yourself.
    I'm thrilled that #tit4tat opens up some of those rabbit holes otherwise unexplored, but more importantly creates some amazing otherwise unlikely relationships. There are so many people on the #tit4tat list that I consider friends now that I never might have met, and I'm delighted every new FAWM and 5090 to see collabs born from chance #tit4tat exchanges :) Those friendships make FAWM richer every year for everyone.
    Great job all participating! Thanks. Musical gems await to be discovered!

  • @celineellis  Mar 2022

    sign me up for 3 please @wolfkier - looking to start discovering those i have missed during Feb!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @celineellis Gotcha for 3. And a lot of people on the #tit4tat list are llooking to start discovering you! Welcome! :)

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    So happy to be doing this! Such an amazing amount of talent and some absolute gems!!

  • @bigstarlet Mar 2022

    I'm in. I can go for three a day

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @bigstarlet gotcha for 3. Thanks for participating. I know you'll enjoy what you hear! :)

  • @rshakesp  Mar 2022

    I’m happy to do this for 5 for anyone who is still around

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @rshakesp Gotcha for 5. Thanks for joining in. I'm pretty sure everyone on the list is still around. Enjoy the delights contained here in!

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    Literally just learning what this is. I'm SO in. I'm not sure about my cap. Just please note I may be away for periods of days or a week, but I love to listen to y'all <3. If you can handle waiting a week sometimes, I'm happy to comment back :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @unpronounceable Welcome, I'll put you down for unlimited to start and maybe you can negotiate with any comers, usually it's one4one back and forth..... enjoy . Thanks for joining in!

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    I am in for 3 - thanks!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sheslin 3 for you! Welcome! Enjoy!

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    Thanks @wolfkier !!

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    This sounds loads of fun! I can never do enough listening during Feb and want to make sure FAWMers I comment on now are still around to see the comments so I’ll go in for up to 6!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @guitarpatz83 up for 6 it is! Thanks for joining, welcome. There is magic to be found here. Enjoy!

  • @bethdesombre  Mar 2022

    I guess I've pretty much been doing this in practice, so I'm happy to be added to a list . . . (and happy to listen to any number)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @bethdesombre Welcome aboard the good ship #tit4tat. I've put you down for the super duper full tilt unlimited plan! Indeed many people naturally return a listen with a listen, This just codifies it with a list of happy responders, who are here and happy to hear and be heard. It also helps people find people they might not otherwise have and through multiple exchanges builds relationships (some unlikely) , which is especially useful for newbies..
    Anyway, enjoy! Our list is richer with your participation! :)

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    MIght as well throw me on that list as well

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @pipewrench67 Welcome, my friend, to the exchange that never ends, I'll put you down for unlimited trades, unless you tell me otherwise,. Have fun!

  • @sherrylynnlee Mar 2022

    I'm not sure what a full tilt is, but I'm still around and I always reciprocate =)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @sherrylynnlee step right this way, do I have a plan for you! You can fit so many listens in this plan you're head will spin~!!!! :)
    Welcome onboard. I'll put you on full tilt, which means you're happy to keep going until the titter or tatter runs out of listens to trade.... Might not always happen, but that's your stated limit. Enjoy, there's some magical music and happy responsive ears on this roadmap list of talent!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Ok, I’m now listening and commenting put me down for 5z

  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    I've got a little bit of listening time now too. Put me in for up to 3.

  • @n1742 Mar 2022

    good idea - sign me up for 6.

  • @n1742 Mar 2022

    Some of mine are amendments of previous songs so stick to 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11. Thanks.

  • @caseewilson  Mar 2022

    Im up for this but I don't really understand the number thing so I guess full tilt and I'll try not to drown? :)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Just clarifying - do you need to use the hashtag when you are repaying #tit4tat or only if you are initiating it?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Welcome all 4 new members: if at any time things slow down go ahead and initiate with anyone on the list to keep things flowing.
    I've added you all to the list at the top of this forum page, please quick check that I got you included correctly!

    @fearlessflight2014 Welcome, both players usually do. . And if you did a one time deep dive of 5 on any players with 5 or more to trade you might also modify the tag and put #tit4tat1 #tit4tat2 #tit4tat3 #tit4tat4 #tit4tat5 on subsequent comments,They might do that if they're paying forward on you. In the thick of things it can get a little wild, so I just keep a note of all received and strike that off when repaid. And vice versa.
    The only important thing here really is the honor system. You get you give, you give you get.
    @caseewilson Welcome, enjoy. I'll put you down for full tilt then, If it gets overwhelming, it might, you can always down your number.
    @ayehahmur Welcome to #tit4tat. Enjoy!
    @n1742 Welcome as well, I can put your numbers by your name on the list, but if it gets crazy that might confuse people who simply go to your page and click random up to your 6, Maybe you can add #tit4tat to your song titles in your list or songtags.

    I suck at explaining and I've already accidentally deleted several times the top post with the "rules" so each time I've redone them they got more condensed and less detailed. So feel free to ask any questions at all.
    Bottom line, you give/you get or you get/you give x times up to the individual exchange player with the lowest number on offer, and you leave your #tit4tat visiting card.
    Looking forward to exchanges with all of you. Enjoy! There's some amazing music to hear via our list!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    The list is too long. I won't listen to 5 songs of every person but I will listen to every person at least once and comment more if its catching me, ok?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nadine ok, I'll put you down as 1 to start and then let's see..

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Hi @wolfkier I’m going to pull out of #tit4tat. I’m struggling to write decent comments and I don’t want write hollow comments just because someone is writing or performing in a style that’s out of my wheelhouse. I’m starting to feel like I’m not being genuine.

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    I’m gonna start doing this this weekend. Can you add me to the team? I’ll try for full tilt.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Hello @wolfkier ... :) do please sign me up for this too. I think 3 to start with is a good number.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @fearlessflight2014 Done. Please know that you're welcome to play without being on the list, you can initiate with any particular player/players on the list, use the tag, and know that they will reciprocate.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @berty38 full is!! Welcome. Enjoy!
    @ferry0123 Welcome, my friend, to the greatest show on earth!! :)

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Yes! Joining the club!!!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @kahlo2013 Yes, Uncle #tit4tat wants you! Welcome. Now everyone can know the joy of liz,liz,liz at every click! :)
    Got you down for the full tilt plan, the big enchalada! Enjoy what you find here, I KNOW others will enjoy what you bring!

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    @apolez3. Count me in #tit4tat

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Wow if I'm counting right 52 #tit4tatters.....
    Ooohh... I wonder if anyone has the mathematical skills to work out how many comments this group would generate if everyone went to the possible max with everyone else??????

    There's a prize.... no, I'm kidding.... unless you think impressing the heck out of me and everyone else is prize enough!

    So how many and how are you calculating it?

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier A quick calculation and i get “a lot” :-) I’ve done 133 so far and still got a good list left!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso HA! "A lot" provisionally wins the #tit4tat chicken raffle, (in your case "chook raffle" if I remember correctly) unless something a bit more specific and fully accounted for, yet just as certain, is offered up.

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    I'm in for a 1 for 1 ratio!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @heliosonorous How the hell did you find us? OK, if you insist! LOL. Gotcha for 1. You gonna enjoy. Welcome.

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    My FAWM listening hours are largely relegated to between 9 and 10:30 p.m. (except this week - I've had a gig and am allowing myself to stay up late to decompress). So, to start, I'll promise up to 2 tits for tats.

    Oh, but first I should ask - too late to join?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @seanbrennan I plan to be here all March. Not to late at all, you'll join, I've lost count, around 10 new members just today. Welcome aboard! Enjoy. I've got you down for 2!
    @apolez3 Welcome again. I'm pretty sure this is how we met last year :) I'll put you down for full tilt unless you tell me otherwise.

    Somebody count I think there's 55 members now.... Still looking for my math question answer a few posts above this one.... Who'll snatch the raffle chook (chicken in English) from @coolparadiso 's grasp. ?

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    7629 @wolfkier at 54 members i counted

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso I've no way of proving you wrong, my friend LOL.
    What was math formula, if it's simple.

    Is it like if member 1 maxed out everyone but member one + member 2 maxes out everyone but themself.... etc? No it can't be, because if you're down for 1 you'd only go one with everyone else.... I don't know... math and me aren't friends.

    Still, 7629 is a great number of perhaps otherwise unlikely hook ups so yay! :)_ So I still hold the chook in escrow for you unless someone else can prove with a formula a number other than yours.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    & presuming current membership or max numbers don't change.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I am actually unwell @wolfkier so was a bit bored and did a calc. Not sure how good it is but its based on the fivers x amount of 5s x amount of 4s etc

    So here was the calculation, my mind is a bit frazzled but it seems roughly sound, but wouldn'tj put the house on it!

    10 x 54. 540
    3 x (54 x 1) (44 x 1) 294
    13 x. (54 x 1) (44 x. 1) (31 x1). 1677
    2 x (54 x 1) (44 x. 1) (31 x1 ) (29 x 1) 316
    26 x. (54 x 1) (44 x. 1) (31 x1 ) (29 x 1) (27 x 1). 4810

    + 2 (6 ers) (i counted these in the 5s and added 2)



  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso really sorry to hear you're unwell. Thanks for doing all that.... It'll give anyone who wants to snatch your chook something to debate.... in the immediate mean time, I'm afraid you'll need to get your chicken soup from a can. LOL... but I'm in awe... I couldn't do that to save my life... thanks.
    Hope you get better quick! :)
    I thought @dzdandcunfsd told me he was a mathematical wizard of unequalled and perhaps world renouned talent.... where is that lad hiding? :)

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I am no mathematical wizard @wolfkier I do hard yards maths! I am sure a maths wizz will give you some whizzy formula. At least the chook was in my grasp for a while!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso It's still with you.... don't give up. But if there ever was someone who could bamboozle a chook from a sick man's grasp it's our Deez... @dzdandcunfsd

    You watch, he'll even stick me with the bar tab and tip and infer (nay, insist) that I should thank him for his magnanamosity. :) He's been like that since he started using cutlery...

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier i have had the pleasure of staying up all night with @dzdandcunfsd skirmishing while all sensible people were fast asleep ! It got a touch manic!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso hehehe.....I bet... so you need no introduction...manic is his other middle name. Did he stick you with the tab when the night was over? @dzdandcunfsd

    (lucky we're polite enough to tag him in this exchange, you should see what people have to say about him sans tags. Make your hair curl LOL. )

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso I gotta go, but if @dzdandcunfsd gets here before I get back he knows what to order for me - but don't let him near the cash register or the jukebox. I think we can all agree that any man who can record 6 minutes of a bug zapper zapping while he plays a wok and post it as a song on is song board (with a straight face) should be kept a careful eye on. :)

    I hope our little chuckle has made you feel a little better, my friend. Get well soon. Hugs. :)

    (luvya Deez)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso did I hear something about a free chicken running around somewhere? Hope you get to feeling better! That math all looks correct to me... let me double check, yup I do believe those are all numbers!

    @wolfkier I just finished recording a few things on actual store bought instruments in standard tuning using very sensible chords and they both had verses and chorus/etc... Those are the things that tend to make me feel silly and "experimental" and not for public consumption.

    @katestantonsings Is who is going to have to deal with that nonsense LOL.

    I am about ready to join in on the fun of some tit4tat though if you wanna add me to the list... better just go with 3 though as there's still quite a few people I haven't heard anything from yet this year.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd ....


  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso It's settled then the chook is yours (subject to any further controversy or the chook's family contesting the will) ! Congratulations. Hope you're better today.

    Perhaps in a few days when the numbers members have changed a little we shall again add excitement and sparkle to the universe with another such mesmerizing game of skill ~ ! ( play snappy outro music)

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso @dzdandcunfsd @wolfkier Chook, chess, checkmate, sparkles, universe, lost in maths…now I’m dazed and confused.
    We are the chickens running loose :D and we should write a song about this post-FAWM frenzy my friends!!! #tit4tat success stories. Have a happy weekend!

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    Hey I'm ready to do some of this this coming week finally so count me in

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @eargoggle ok, I'll put you down for the full tilt thrill ride my friend. Hold on to your hat! Welcome, you bring still more "incredible" to a pretty amazing assortment. We're talking the super size whitman's "honey baby I really messed up" box of chocolates here. Enjoy!

  • @caseewilson  Mar 2022

    What do we do when we've titted for the tat? I am just tagging tit4tat, but I'm worried the recipient will think I need a comment from them, when in fact I'm just responding to their comment... Is it worth tagging it as #tit4tatrepaid or something like that?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings Another song? Just when I made a vow of abstinence, celibacy and temperance? I think all the soft music, scented candles, oysters, and hormone enhancing snake oil in the world couldn't spur me to action. The ones I got now are all lazy, ungrateful mooches. They just hang around my basement playing video games, dreaming of "careers" as youtube influencers, stinking up the place, and eating all the yummy stuff in my refrigerator. I can hardly wait till they're old enough to go to college or prison. Last summer I packed them off to @dzdandcunfsd 's place hoping they'd never come back, but a few day's later, there they were, outside my door, wondering why the locks had changed, their bags filled with power tools and megaphones and exhibiting a pathological fear of clicktracks while spouting antistructuralist propaganda. Next year I'm gonna try sending them to . the songwriting capital of the world Utrecht Netherlands to see if "fussy" @ferry0123 can beat some discipline into them. I hold little hope, but at least I'll have a few days to fumigate that basement!
    So bottom line, I love you dearly, but not tonight! :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @caseewilson in multiple exchanges, with your max limitations, I like to put #tit4tat1, tit4tat2, etc. And when one of you gets to their limit, on the final exchange add a little extra note saying thank you for such a great exchange, good luck, godbless, I'll see you at 5090.
    If my answer doesn't make sense, I suck at rules/instruction, I can try again. Please feel free to ask again.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    I'm done with listening to the whole list at least once. Wow, this has been an insane ride through genres and moods. I'm done for while, maybe I have another look here next week.

    @wolfkier , I don't take the number of #tit4tat too serious. Musical taste is very individual, sometimes I listen to one song, try 2-3 with completely different tags and just don't get the chemistry; sometimes I listen to the whole profile or following people. I think it's quite hard to promise somebody to listen to x songs, when it's just not your style or atmosphere. But I really enjoyed listening to this list cause i got to know knew talents and heard a lot of good music. Thank you!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nadine you're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed. There is indeed a wealth of talent and great music in our membership! I'm sure all music is not for all people and in that case 1for1 at a time exchanges quickly sort that out.
    So do you want me to remove you from the list, put a lower number (say 1 to start)? Let me know.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Leave it as 1+ and I'll check in / return requests when I'm in the mood for listening to music. I just have to check everybody who commented below me ;-)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @nadine again, thanks for participating, I'm sure everyone loves your enthusiasm and contribution. I just saw you reached 1000 comments. Wow! Incredible! Hugs, my friend, for all you do for this community.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    The sun is shining, the snow is melting, the dafodils are popping up and all over FAWMland I hear the micebirds clicking and the joyful music of happy #tit4tat-ing
    Thanks so much to everyone speading the love! :)

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I'm sorry to hear those mooches hanging 'round your place, since you clearly don't like mooches. I will let them do the cold shower programme, they're good for discipline and mental health. When they succeed they will come to your place apoligizing with washed hair, good manners and bring yummy stuff and apoligize for behavior they had no idea of having with their new states of mind. Well, maybe :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ferry0123 I knew you'd have a plan ready to implement immediately, but after you're done, and I wish you success, for God's sake DON'T send them home. Maybe they would enjoy making clogs, mending dykes, or growing tulips. Maybe they could meet some amorous Dutch songs (your nation is notoriously friendly) procreate (themselves), or at least get jiggy with a little corpsy morphy thingy action and produce a couple future Eurovision Song Contest winners!. (call me it that happens!) I'd be especially delighted if there was a little chainsaw/bugzapper/megaphone action in the mix... make uncle @dzdandcunfsd and his efforts proud.
    Anywhere but here!!! if they feel the need to apologize, not necessary, but if, they can do so by Facebook post. Out! Out! Out! :)

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier they came to the potluck with the best of intentions! This thread is hilarious @dzdandcunfsd @ferry0123

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @katestantonsings FYI took my dog for a walk and had time consolidate and rethink my position on this matter . my last post has a few significant changes you might not want to miss... just saying...

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I am working on the song “The Chickens are Dazed and Confused”
    @katestantonsings ha ha!

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I changed my tag @wolfkier to #tit4tat 1 of 3 etc. just my way, it lets both of us know were we are at.

    Also good to catch up and have a good chat with fellow tit4tater and 1000 comment maker @nadine at @beacon kumo party today!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso yay!! @wolfkier everything is a fawm song :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Hey... I didn't force anything on any unwilling songs, what can I say? They liked what they liked... perhaps rebelling a bit from all your super groovy and ultra tight grooves :D I think @ferry0123 is a perfect choice for a common ground that can whip them back into a respectable shape LOL.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso That works! And both you and @nadine have done a spectacular job this month with comments... 1,000+ each! Wow!

    Glad to see you're still with us! Hope that winner dinner chicken soup helped you to a speedy recovery. The guy in the truck they fell off of told me he had a dozen funky chooks he could sell me cheap, and I thought, yes!, it's FAWM, who here doesn't like funky?
    Be that as it may, please keep posting regularly maybe once an hour for a couple days, (cos we like you) and if you start busting any sudden unusual moves, I'm sure it the music!! :) :)

    You think the chickens are dazed and confused!? I also got a good deal on a couple fish I got planned to put up as prizes for next week's snap math quiz!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd they reported no coercion, but of course they're impressionable and uncle's alternative approach to parenting was fresh and and tempting. Still I've had 2 fire trucks out here today responding to the plumes of smoke from the basement and the megaphones and power tools are crowding up my garage with the roller blades, hula hoops, sea monkeys, banana benders, BDSM starter kits and other stuff they insisted they "couldn't live without" for the last 17 years. Boy am I gonna have a yard sale after I ship them off the @ferry0123 land. :)

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Hey @wolfkier you didn't tell me the chicken was still alive. There s#/t everywhere and do you think i can catch it! Hmmmmm

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier Those little scoundrels! The rest were gifts, but you better not sell my vintage hula hoops! I'll take partial responsibility for the fires... I probably should have mentioned the plasma torch, but they swore they would only use it "as intended" I guess I should have questioned what intentions those were... but they asked so nicely :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @coolparadiso hahahaha! I was sure it was dead. Maybe it was comatose from falling off the back of that truck. I put the other 11 here down in the basement with my lazy a$$ songs.... wait... what's that? ... do I hear party music.... ?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd oh, they can be charmers when they wanna be....and I'm sure they played you like a whatchacallitigeridoo - there weren't any fires, there was a strange botanical scent to the smoke... but lots of it...and quite a lot of gigging. I think that's why the fire trucks came back a second time. Soon we were all chuckling and cackling like hens (wait, what?) and making bad jackasses...
    I can't imagine you take any responsibility for that.....

    EDIT: No hula hoops were damaged in the resulting mayhem, (They shall be put aside for safe keeping) but I got a feeling the sherrif will be over for a visit soon given all the racket they be making (and those plumes continue)... Like any sensible parent it's probably better I don't know. Maybe I could start a gofundme thing for the Dutch "feild trip of no return"!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier all purely medicinal... for uh... glaucoma, yeah glaucoma :D

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    #dzdandcunfsd that would be the famously incurable oklahoma glaucoma.... I presume. *titters uncontrollably* ---- just to swing back around to this thread's reason d'etre.
    Maybe that could be the hook that makes them go to Holland without any argument.... Holland's been glaucoma free for decades. Maybe that's why the dutch are so notoriously amorous (?)
    @katestantonsings don't trow out the oysters quite yet, a plan is hatching here....

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Oh, the grass is green here allright @wolfkier @dzdandcunfsd they can have that wide eyes look saying it's because of that green stuff or glaucoma, either way I'm out too, I don't want any part of it either, I'm uneasy by looks like that. They can join Kermit the Frog from Sesame Street. I will gladly invest some time to ship them across the Atlantic. What a trip that will be!

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    People only go to Amsterdam for the Dutch beer and famous red waxy cheese. Nothing else going on. Honest.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @jayjay shrooms, Rembrandt, bikes, canal rides in that order :p don’t judge me. I was 17 and dumb. Lol

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Cheese? Did anybody say cheese??!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    @nadine cheese, oysters, and chicken are on the menu I think? :) after after party of nonsense. (ᗒ ᗨᗕ)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay the countless exponentially varied delights and genuine allure of Amsterdam is the stuff of legend. Amazing city. There was a period of at least a year where I knew staff at the Schiphol Hilton by their first names and, I'm sure they wished they didn't know mine. And 100 juvenile, belligerent, malcontent, lazy, Wolfchoons could do much worse than a night on the town there, but it's cold shower therapy in Utrecht, songwriting capital of the world, if this scheme works, that's to be their destination. My psychological well being and future domestic bliss depends on the success of this expulsion !

    @katestantonsings There might be a few hitches yet, so while you can throw out the oysters so we don't have a repeat of the great @coolparadiso salmonella scare of '22. (caught that wayward chook yet, Cools?) , don't quite snuff out those candles or call in the money back guarantee on that hormone enhancement stuff quite yet. And I was in my 20s and I guarantee dumber. And don't forget the fish I got cheap for the next snap math quiz, piled up by basement window, smoking away slowly!

    @ferry0123 better we don't talk about where you send them AFTER they visit you, If my plan to grandfathering Eurovision Songcontest winners for the next decade, (and not have to pay for their college) , the songs need to find gainful employment and happy intercourse with some amorous Dutch songs and / or spread west across the continent to multiply their chances..

    @dzdandcunfsd Did you get any, even tangential, experience at chaperoning during those heady days studying for your PhD in theoretical mathematics? I hope so, this could be the gig of a lifetime for you!
    @nadine - yes, there will be cheese... lots of it.

    The trap is set (except for the gofundme page). Dutch or bust! hoping it will clear away my Havana blues.

    More in the next post....

    (BTW #tit4tat is still happily accepting new players. LOL)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    The trap is being set: I shall reveal it piece by piece lest they lurk here fishing for #tit4tat compliments to feed their fragile egos. (feel free to contribute ideas to help subliminally inspire and completely seduce the monsters into begging to go to the Netherlands to meet their final fate).

    I got started after the Sheriff left last night, chuckling his a$$ off and promising to return (often if necessary, and at least once a day with his buddy, the town's fire chief.) if there were more calls about the ruckus and or smoke.

    1) I've filled the refrigerator with choice Gouda cheeses and a fine assortment of Trappist beers, the later of which will not calm the ruckus but should cloud their judgement and let down their defenses significantly I've left out assortment trays piled with Bitterballen, Poffertjes, and Stroopwafel - because who can resist a good Stroopwafel now and then?


  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    I came for the gouda before @nadine eats it all
    If there’s Dutch Trappist going, make mine a Dubbel :)

  • @carleybaer  Mar 2022

    Just checking in to say that I'm neck-deep in finals and catch-up schoolwork but that I will be responding to comments this weekend (if not before!).

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    @jayjay too late, I live close to the borders ;-)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    LOL! But hands off the bait for now, please. We can party hard, with all the cheese beer (and sundry refreshments) in the world, after I flush my house out of 100 belligerent songs, and I can trick them into finally growing up and moving the hell out..... I'm supersized, but glad, no one here has cleaned up the Stroopwaftel.... hehe... The plot continues....
    In the meantime light refreshments will be served on the observation bleachers I've constructed in my neighbor's yards... much to their chagrin....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @carleybaer take your time, good luck with your finals! You're #tit4tat credit is always good here! :)

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    I need to take a pause for a few weeks -- those who have left feedback, I will return later this month and I'll update here when I'm ready for more. Thanks, y'all.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @unpronounceable Thanks for letting us know. I'll take you off the list. Good luck. I'll keep updating till at least end of March, you're welcome back any time!

  • @actualjulian  Mar 2022

    Hit me with 3, tops. But this sounds fun!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @actualjulian 3 it is! Fun it is! Welcome you are! Enjoy the chaos.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    The stroopwafel is eaten/served best while it's still hot; you can't go wrong putting it on a warm cup of coffee before you eat it up-ah :) @wolfkier

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Just been listening to y’all but i have also been to Amsterdam many times. I wrote a song with Elesimo last Fawm called Amsterdam in Spring time. and have another in planning with him. I did enjoy my Uitsmijters and my Stroopwafel. My friend used to live in Den haag and i used to train up to Amsterdam, going past all the coloured tulip fields very fast was quiet the ‘the trip’ if you know what I mean.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Hey there :) I‘d like to join. Had a week off now, feels like FAWM happened last year, so now I’m back for listening and getting inspired.
    Count me in for 3 songs, I hope I can manage that.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @intoyourlight Welcome to #tit4tat . Hold on to your hat! Let's go!
    Initiate a few, expect a few, and the wheels will start turning! Enjoy.
    Got you down for 3.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ferry0123 Indeed, and yummier, with perfectly brewed serious coffee, alas, but there are many Stroopwafels that never know that pleasure since they are devoured before they cool down and the coffee has had time to percolate! :)
    Anyway, they keep disappearing here, as does the Gouda and Trappist Beer so it might be time to restock and move along to my second feindish step in the plot to tempt these mooches of mine to their destiny with your therapy and beyond...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Step 2) I've tastefully arranged all my windmill, clog and milkmaid souvenir chachki (sp?) on free table top spaces throughout the basement, including a some lovely dam and dyke shaped ashtrays and a couple matching clog shaped ceramic cigarette lighters to replace @dzdandcunfsd 's plasma torch with more sensible cigarette (etc) lighting apparatus: (apparati?) I've made sure they're all fully gassed up for high demand. This is some serious product placement voodoo. The "Hints of Holland Heaven" scheme is growing.

    @coolparadiso I've got the alure of the incredible expansive hypnotic tulip feilds on the agenda in a future step. Indeed, it's an incredible country with such unique and wonderful sites...

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    Don’t forget the oliebollen.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @mandolinda indeed. and yum, beignet's of the world unite! This is getting expensive, but heck, pest control and irradication, like shoveling the drive LOL) while a pain in the ... is part and parcel of home ownership (and continued enjoyment). I'm feeling up about getting my basement back!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    The delicious “Harken Holland” scheme continues.
    So I've been baking and frying like a fiend and I've installed fridge cam security (note @nadine and @jayjay) and in today's escalation of the feindish trap (if anyone cares) -
    (step 3) I've replaced their entire DVD collection: Mostly locally produced S&B* porn, neither inspired or inspiring, but cunningly (they thought) disguised (with hands-crawled covers) as parts 1-999 of the Star Wars soap opera, imagining that such labeling would ensure I'd never ever in a million years inquire further. On the 15 previously crammed shelves now sit every filmic travelogue ever produced about scenic Holland, with the ones about nightlife in Amsterdam labeled “Star Wars parts 1000-15000 collector's 3D VR compatible rare never seen before edition (with bonus features). "
    I've also also planted through the shelves, for a little variety, several choice Peter Greenaway films. Whilst not Dutch himself, in fact Welsh by birth, Mr. Greenaway was saved from total detail obsessed obscurity (and the horrible tragedy of manic compulsive genius insanity) by Dutch production money. (shout out to Kees, all is forgiven, give me a call sweety baby) The Dutch, victims, as we all are, of their unique cultural proclivities, genetically understood Pete's peculiar brand of fussy and felt duty bound to enablie it. (shout out to @Ferry0123) Besides there's no one else in the world I know of who can say “Cinemah” as if it was the impetus for and result of all the begatting in the Book of Genesis. One day the irony of that inclusion will dawn on my little pests. But they will be far away when that time comes and (I hope) remember who fathered them with a wry smirk, not a despondent shrug.

    * For those S+B curious or ignorant, please ask. I didn't want to go into too much detail.Guesses welcome, I still have 11 funky chicken running around the basement to use as prizes.(did you ever catch yours @coolparadiso? if so how? thx)

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Is Turkish Delight on the shelve as well?
    @wolfkier Amsterdam, cinema and the sweet 70s coming together here...

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ferry0123 indeed but I'm cutting it into the shape of windmill sails and calling it "dutch delight". No stone is left unturned. And the Ottomans too have marks remaining in The Nifty Netherlands!

    BTW: Thank goodness you're alive! I was starting to fear that I'd have to board up my windows and fish out the left over serum and stake lathe. (A cloaked reference to a popular -if vastly underated- American film of the 70s, and similiarly titled, song of the 80s - which I listened to again to prepare this post and wept for the irony in the lyric. Other "clues" only a Dutchman and Peter Greenaway might appreciate appear in step 3 of the plan above. Anyway the loudest - and not surprizingly least funky - of the 11 funky chickens for the first correct answer)

    I'm gladdest because never want to go through the tiresome and thankless hastle of repopulating and rebuilding humanity again. Look at the mess I made the last 2 times. Apologies for that. Gladly the coast is clear.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Rebuilding humanity...there's folks talking about a 4th industrial revolution. I'd like the 4th industrial revolution to be mocked by many more by the day. Those silly precictions of unholy fusions as if they're already accepted by many... No fun in that, no funk either @wolfkier
    Send in the Wolfchoons, they're funky!

    I don't know the name of the film/song. No chicken for me. But I know a bit of funk.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ferry0123 Those 4thGenners wont get a foothold after the first woolfchoon spurns it's first Eurovision Song Contest Winner Progeny!

    And don't worry about missing out on the chicken prize, when the plane takes off with the songs headed to Holland, Sweet Holland, any chickens left over from the quiz prize pool will be carry on luggage! Emotional support chickens!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Today's episode - Is there anybody out there???

    With the addition of baking and frying scents to the incessant botanical plume, a discernible mushroom cloud sits above my humble home, attracting both a stream of unannounced “drop in” visits from my buddy first responders (God bless them) and too many curious onlookers to the neighborhood. Happy people everywhere ripping off their face masks for an unobstructed salivating whiff of “the quite magical mushroom plume”. A droning harmony of “mmm” echoes for miles around.. There's even a suspiciously familiar looking old woman in spandex, who claims she's a teenager called Bernadette, running around out there with ketchup on her palms, tiktoking her way to social media glory like a champ . Her “real” name rhymes with “don't crap there”. A funky chicken on offer to the first correct guess.) The bleachers in the neighbors' yards are crammed to capacity and we're selling “I'm Happier in Holland” “Dutch Destiny” souvenirs and merch like they're going out of fashion. I wish I could do that damned yardsale with all their crap! :( If I threw some bacon in the pan or a battered banana in the deep fryer, I run the risk my place would go far beyond it's current chaotic condition as the tourist (and pilgrimage) capital of the world, and become a modern day Graceland (Don't want that).

    Anyway, with that (unexpected consequences) update aside, part 3 of the fiendish enticement scheme I covered over the pop art Che Gavara poster (left over from the kids' “Havana Heartbreak” outing) with a lovely mesmerizing poster of endless tulip fields in bloom. (@coolparadiso) And I've pasted a panoramic picture of a pretty Dutch Dyke (I won't say which one, I can't play favorites & I get enough hate mail as it is) in the basement window...
    I've also hung a few (purported – the controversy continues) Vermeers and Rembrandt's “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp” in the basement bathroom - Who knows when high culture might grab them!

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I am still here. When you redid the list you bumped my number up to 5, it still should be 1, thanks.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @resonut123 thanks for checking, sorry for the mess up. All fixed now!

  • @stephenwordsmith  Mar 2022

    Blimey, I finally managed to get all the way through the list, and another dozen of you have popped up in its fabric! More treasures await, I guess. So much incredible material here.

    But maybe tomorrow.

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    @wolfkier it appears in the list rebuild I got moved around. I signed up with 1 for 1 and can do more, but full tilt may not be possible at this moment. Thanks!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @heliosonorous Thank you for checking and correcting. Again I'm sorry. I've deleted that players list post so many times on accident I'm almost scared to touch the edit button. But it's fixed.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Is there anybody out there??? @wolfkier
    Thanks for the balanced google image searches (-ural, -ional, -aining) I did based on your last post! You're stirring my imagination covering the lowbrow/middlebrow/highbrow spectrum.

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    I saw a mouse, Where? There on the stair, right there. A little mouse with clogs on, eating my fecking gouda. These dutch mice have gotten way too cheeky. I suspect they have been eating @wolfkier’s mushrooms and have now lost all sense of appropriate rodent manners. I declare a bounty on mouse clogs payable in year old matured cheese and Oude Genever. Happy hunting.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay I'm inspired by your input. Thank you. I've ordered little cloglets for the 11 funky chicken to further enhance the Dutch theme, and indeed add some extra percussive sounds to their funky cacophony. Cluck cluck.
    @ferry0123 indeed, and I'm glad, an unstirred imagination is no better than an unstirred risotto! :)
    Part 4 of the dastardly "Wolf's little "hits" go to Holland" plan will roll out later today... stay tuned...
    In the mean time allow me to delude myself that this my tale of creative exorcism is the textual equivalent of a viral video and soon trolls and internet newbie great-grandpas across the glove will be sending unwanted excerpts from this grand whimsical melodrama to everyone in their address book..... (with the obligatory animated rotffllmdao emoji)

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Instead of #tit4tatting I am offering #clip4clopping clogging services which relate only to Eurovisionworthy songs. This includes a review, a Graham Nortonesque commentary and a guarantee that the nil point is available only for a UK entry #notatallpolitical ;)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay LOL. Love it. Wishing you better luck with your clip4clop swindle than I've had trying to give away (somebody? anybody?) my 11 funky chickens.

    + Do you be-leeeeegggeeeeeeeggg-ve in love?

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier the only egg I’ll accept is in benedict form. All other eggs resemble the dreaded nil point. It’s a ducking joke :’(

    I have a sneaky love for a funky chicken, but I’ll never admit it in public. Wah wah wah

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay Wait, let me check, yes this is indeed the #tit4tat post.

    That's foul and toochay, our suspicious "bernadette" sang with an over ambitious producer pushing furiously on the autotune button.

    If only the dancing chicken waltz was cribbed from the Dutch instead of a simple Italian tarantella, we'd be in business.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay And as for the Englishers' misguided and ill fated attempts to fumble their way through the hoops, loops, clasps, buckles and bows of the Goddess Eurovision's skirts in search of the ovum of musical fecundity (love that word), better I leave that to greater wags than me. Her sublime zen like nirvana of vapid, even putting Kylie's seven sisters aside, is enticingly easy to mistake for stupid. The misjudgment left egg on many faces. The quaint phrase "high and dry" comes to mind. :)

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    @wolkier my dear Wolfkier, we could put my beloved Gaga with all her little monstrous Oscar winning yet simple chord structures up and still go home without the cheese. It becomes a point of honour to leave behind the points XD

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Hold my (trappist) beer, and hide my passport!
    The hapless punter never prospers, the cards are stacked, the game is rigged, the house always wins. Well lmost always :)
    I sense the sweet alure of a swindle, the Great Eurovision Song Contest Swindle. (Appologies Malc)
    And even if it doesn't work, it'll be a lark, and the book/film rights revenues and consulting money into perpetuity is sure to be lucrative.
    Oh, the plans I have after I rid myself of these dwellers in that den of iniquity I once called a basement (and their 11 funky chickens)

    Well if your beloved Gaga couldn't do it, then I dare say, our "Bernadette" with her catchuped palms has little chance either.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022


  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    @wolfkier I'm afraid I'm going to have to tap out of the tit4tat. Life just busied the heck up. Thanks to everyone who commented so far. See you next time!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @ayehahmur I'll remove you from the list. Sorry see you go. Thanks for playing. Best wishes in daling with whatever's come your way! Hugs. See you at 5090!

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Does 50/90 mean 50 songs in 90 days? Because this looks scary af. I haven’t written one since FAWM :o

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    @jayjay yes it does.. Look here, but right now the site is kinda abandoned.
    Not scary at all, it's quite relaxed, and all of us will be there, and you can do 1, 10, 30, 50, 100.... numbers don't matter ... it's the fun and relationship building that's what we're all there for.
    I sincerly hope you'll book mark the link, and make a note in your diary to show up and sign up in June sometime... ahead of the July4 starting date.
    Look me up when you get there, my friend:

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    @jayjay yes! 50 songs in 90 days, which, like in FAWM, is open to anyone and you only need to do the number of songs you want to do. It is not as fast paced feeling as FAWM and many FAWMers actively participate.

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    ha ha @jayjay i thought you had accepted the challenge already :-) its really laid back do as many or as few as you want!

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Second thoughts when I realised what I was getting into @coolparadiso Lol. I feel better now.

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    @jayjay , I joined both last year for the first time, mostly because I was homebound due to COVID restrictions. But I was more creative during 50/90, with more time to think about things.

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