Looking for Inspiration: I want your throwaway snippets!

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  • @calfman8803 Feb 2022

    Not sure I am thinking of collaborating, per se, mostly because I am not thinking of this as a lot of back and forth, but I am getting ahead of myself:

    Here is the deal: When I get little snippets of something, I typically find it easy to use that as a jumping off point for a riff or soundscape or _something_ and then it feels like the inspiration and songs kinda flow from there without a lot of external input BUT when left to my own devices, it always feels like I am going in circles.

    SOOOOOOO.... if you have any one-off bits and bobs, things that went nowhere or something that you are otherwise leaving in the dust and don't mind me noodling with it / looping it / chopping it up / reimagining it... Please send it my way. Could be as simple as dropping a soundcloud or other link in response to this post. I'll be sure to credit you in liner notes and can have as much back and forth as you want, I mean, it may even end up feeling like a collaboration!

    One last note: I am not asking for full-fledged songs here or trying to steal anyone else's music, I am literally asking for scraps that could be the most minimal things. Got a 3s piano snippet of 2 chords that sounds like nothing? PERFECT! Got 3 minutes of trying to work something out and then ultimately hating it and never want to hear it again? YES!

    This is partially an experiment to really see how little it takes to spark things on my side, in hopes that I can figure out how to be self-sufficient with this.

    One last note: genre / instruments / style / etc do not matter, let's see where this goes!

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