Online Songwriting Groups

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  • @cicpisces  Feb 2022

    I've always enjoyed collaborating as mainly a lyricist and that includes online or face to face songwriting groups. The places where you meet and try write and compose a song together.

    But all the places I used to go to have stopped running these events.
    Does anybody know of any good sessions that welcome new members?
    I don't mind if these include giving feedback on other people's songs.


  • @skyezor  Feb 2022

    Following this thread!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Me too. I like collaborating would like to do more of the face to face zoomy ones. Lyricist too.

  • @skyezor  Feb 2022

    Just Letting yaal know that I have an online Songwriting Class that starts THiS Thursday with The Muse Writers Center! It’s a bi weekly class, we meet 2.5 hrs for each class and you will write/share/critique 5 original songs, individually, throughout the classes. Usually we do a group write once as well!

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