“To the tune of…”

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  • @redhauer Feb 2022

    Can you write lyrics “to the tune of” other songs? Such as a song to the tune of a well known lullaby? I like thinking of lyrics, but I can only think of them when I have a known melody in my head.

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    I *think* (I am not a lawyer) it's not strictly legal to produce derivative songs without permission if they're not in the public domain, but it's not against the fawm rules, really. Just the risk (minimal as it is) is on you.

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    I often do. This is one of the reasons why I want to collaborate with composers, so as not to steal from the original melody. A lot of the time I make up new lyrics for my own existing songs as well.

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    Weird Al Yankovic has made an amazing career out of it.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    @redhauer it is a valid approach to start with a well known tune, I have done so in the past as a starting point. Then I strive to make changes until said reference tune is unrecognizable. However when I draw any inspiration from another song for a FAWM post, even if the source is unrecognizable, I credit the source, with a link to a youtube video or something, in the liner notes.

    @dasbinky I saw an interview where Weird Al says he gets permission before proceeding with a parody. Checking my CD's all of them from the UHF soundtrack to later credit the parody source at the top of the lyrics. Similar in the faq on his page https://www.weirdal.com/archives/faq/
    The version of older CD's I own don't have lyrics so he may credited the parody on the album sleeves. Yes he has had an amazing career.

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    A staple of the BBC panel show "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" for decades. Sadly Humph, Tim, Jeremy, and Barry are no longer with us, but this is glorious. Stick to the end for Graeme Garden's outstanding Bob Dylan impersonation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed8Sg2M9Bqs

    But wait, there's more!

  • @elainedimasi  Feb 2022

    @redhauer By all means, use this as a tactic both to get your lyrics out and to "study" what works well ina melody that's attracted your attention.

    Then, keep the rhythm (mostly) of the lyrical melody you now have, and find yourself some different chords. Imagine that the new chords change at the same pace as the model song - once per four beats, once per 2 or 8 or 16 beats, whatever. But can they be different chords.

    Now the melody has to be different. If you get even halfway down this path, you've got a new song that's really yours and not a parody.

  • @redhauer Feb 2022

    Thank you all for your responses. I never thought to include a link to the YouTube source. That’s a great idea!

  • @robheron1  Feb 2022

    Legal or not, doing the Weird Al thing breaks some kind of basic rule. It's like going to someone's home for dinner and they open a can of soup. They might add some parsley on top but its still canned soup.
    We all stand on the shoulders of our influences. We may inadvertently or otherwise take pieces, chord changes, phrases, grooves, etc from elsewhere, but if you start with 'to the tune of' its weak. Make your own soup.

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