Can't add a new song!

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  • @caseewilson  Feb 2022

    The green button is not working for me, it just refreshed my timeline, but doesn't give me the form for a new song... hayelp! hayelp!
    (Using Chrome, on Mac OS 11.2 - no problems previously) - have already turned it off and on again.

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    I can't replicate the error (so it's not to do with Mac or Chrome, although I'm on 11.6.2, but I can't see that making a difference), but I think someone else had the same earlier in the month, and it just fixed itself. Tagging @burrsettles for when he's up, in case it doesn't fix itself.

  • @caseewilson  Feb 2022

    It's ok now, it seems to have spontaneously resolved. Very odd! Thanks for your help!

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