OK, this might be sinful but... Discord for FAWMers?

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  • @rkeeling75  Feb 2022

    I've read a few threads and I've heard similar thoughts in a few posts:

    'I'm never as productive as I am during FAWM.'
    'Yeah, group X is ok but it isn't as social as FAWM.'

    I love this community. I'm not as active as I want to be but damn it I'm trying lol. And I love that this site is only open during the challenge. But I would also love to see a place that is open year round, that has the culture of FAWM. A place to post our successes, cheer others on, swap four track tapes (I'm getting ready to drop way too much money on a 464 just so I can try the challenge next year), share ideas and just be in a group of positive, awesome, groovy people.

    I'm not a fan of FB (lots of toxic stuff on there) but I love Discord servers; they can be focused, closed groups, without the ads and distractions.

    So... is there a FAWM discord server? Or a reason there isn't? Or a place like that?

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    "I'm not a fan of FB (lots of toxic stuff on there) but I love Discord servers; they can be focused, closed groups, without the ads and distractions." I second this 100%. I don't believe there is one atm (correct me if I am wrong), but it would be neat to have several hashtags and servers for collabs, educational growth, lyrics, or just feel-good music chats.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    There IS a FAWM Discord, don't know how active it is, but it exists. I haven't seen anyone post about it this year...
    There's also a Slack: https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12031/

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Yes, there are both FAWM slack and discords; the Slack is probably busier than the Discord but in full disclosure, I spend more time at the Slack so that colours my view.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Does anyone use Line? I get so confused by Discord. I don’t open it much as I haven’t figured out how to leave any group I’ve joined for gaming in last 3 years lol.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @jayjay Yes, I am active on LINE. I love that app.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Me too @katestantonsings So easy to use. Wish there was a similar group as this there.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @Jayjay Reddit has some songwriting groups, but nothing I've found has been as positive and encouraging for creativity as FAWM.

  • @rkeeling75  Feb 2022

    I've used Slack and Discord and Teams for years now. Of all of them I like Discord much better. Adding channels, moderating user rights, file sharing, and the terms of use are all much nicer in my opinion. But to each their own.

    I saw the Slack server but didn't see much by way of channels.

    (For @jayjay Open discord.com in a web browser, log in, and right click on the server you want to leave)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    I'd also recommend turning off all notifications for Discord, as they can get disruptive and quite annoying.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    +1 on the FAWM slack although activity level falls off outside of FAWM and 5090. The NaNoWriMo region I am in and NaSoAlMo uses two separate Discords. Both have little activity from December to mid-October.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I'd join a Discord group, cause I don't have Slack and I don't wanna open another account. I'm also active on Facebook.

  • @rkeeling75  Feb 2022

    Does someone have the link to the Discord group @metalfoot mentioned?

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @rkeeling75 I’m only on ipad. Probably why Discord has me prisoner lol

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Berklee's Coursera courses usually have Discord groups which are organized by instruments (i.e. #piano #guitars) DAWs, and other topics to help one's growth in songwriting. I've met some really cool folks through this avenue.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    https://discord.gg/qbWKQDxu is the FAWM Discord I'm in - it's very quiet.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @jayjay it particularly holds you prisoner on a smartphone or tablet because of the notifications. I joined a Shakespeare server for school and people were chatting about food. Stay on topic!!! LOL. I don't want to be notified about spaghetti.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @katestantonsings I want to be notified about spagbol. Join me up lol

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    https://discord.gg/Tmhzj7BF is the FAWM server I'm aware of

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @katestantonsings lol. I had to click it. Now do I need to a pasta pattacake song? XD

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @jayjay New FAWM Challenge--shitty 80's cartoon songs!!! YES!
    I'll do Link's Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess!!!

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @katestantonsings carebears ftw. Creepy little gits

  • @phenola Feb 2022

    sure, let's all sit on a Big Tech platform and share songs about how bad capitalism is

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @phenola but if we don't share the songs on social media, it means they don't truly exist. ;p we are bought and sold to the highest bidders.

  • @rkeeling75  Feb 2022

    Big tech is bad and it can (and does) hurt us; just like any tool. I try to interact with it safely, on my terms and in as positive of a way as I can. That includes looking on the bright side of it. Without social media/big tech I wouldn't have met so many kindred souls who share this mad hobby of ours. And I'm in the camp that art needs to be seen (or heard). I don't need the likes; I need to put my attempt at art out into the universe to prove to myself that I will not shy away from the challenge; that I can measure my progress against myself. If I hide my music away, I will make excuses. Social media is the new town square. I just try to pick the town(s) I live in lol.

    Which is why I dig a space for FAWM in my life all year round. :-)

    Thanks for pointing to the discord server!

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    Joined the discord link @whispermouse posted. I installed Slack a few weeks ago but haven't had the chance to try it out yet. I'll join that too!

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    ok I'm in! With notifications disabled of course LOL.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @andygetch I'll join NaNoWriMo, too! I want to practice lyrics, poetry, and prose more.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    @katestantonsings I must confess that after a couple of legitimate 50k wordage outputs and a few wordy camp NaNoWriMo's, I gravitated first towards having more fun writing the soundtrack to my stories than writing the story itself. The last few years I have just done a bunch of free-writing to generate song ideas and use NaNo as my social outlet since NaSoAlMo has almost none LOL.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    @andygetch writing is a ton of work to get it right. I get so lazy! Maybe it will discipline me to work on it each day…

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    @whispermouse I tried joining but it says the invite link is invalid or expired. :(

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    here ya go @robynmackenzie https://discord.gg/Yc5Uy3fA apparently links are only good for 7 days.

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    Thanks @andygetch!

  • @tjeff  May 2022

    Can someone post the link once again for the FAWM Discord group? Thx.

  • @andygetch  May 2022

    @tjeff here you go. https://discord.gg/fD5g9z9C
    It is pretty quiet over there lately.

  • @mahtowin  May 2022

    I will try discord, too. And I hope I will check it out … but the idea to stay in contact this way seems attractive to me.

    @katestantonsings what is NaNoWriMo? Can you post the link?

  • @ambroise May 2022

    @mahtowin NAtional NOvember WRIting MOnth is a creative challenge similar to FAWM. They write a book (50 000 words) in 30 days. The most obvious link is https://nanowrimo.org/

    But you could also check the Nanowrimo forum (https://forums.nanowrimo.org) to find out if and where and when writers living in your neighborough gather and talk about their writing projects, complain about their writing issues and try to help each other.

  • @mahtowin  May 2022

    @ambroise thanks :-)

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