Recent Activity Thought

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  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Something that occurred to me this morning, possibly because I've got a little behind with stuff and my brain is hurting from too many late nights/early mornings in a row and things are mounting up, but it would be kinda cool if the 'Recent Activity' feed was splittable - so you could choose to look at just a list of songs posted by people on your watchlist, separately from just comments on your stuff, and separately from mentions on forums or other bits; or hit 'all' to view it as it is now.

    I have no idea if that's technically possible, if it's been suggested before (I doubt I've had an original thought today of all days), or if it would be helpful to anyone else but me and my addled brain. I've just found it difficult this morning to focus on listening to things, as the list gets a bit blurry and difficult to pull things out of it. Maybe something to look at for future updates, if it's helpful.

    Think I'll have a cup of tea.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Pretty good idea, if it's possible.

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    There's a watchlist filter on the song page that will give you all the songs on your watchlist.

    There's no way to see forum mentions without the rest, but to see your comments and soundboard posts, you could look at your archive page.

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Thanks @helenseviltwin - it was just a thought really for future updates. I'd not spotted that filter option for the song list though - that's really helpful.

  • @sailingmagpie  Feb 2022

    I've always wanted the ability to filter my watchlist by who has posted a song this year. I've got so many that I don't want to delete in case they come back one year but its annoying having to scroll through to find the people that are actually active.

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