How's your FAWM going so far?

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  • @cblack Feb 2022

    How's your FAWM going so far?

    We're almost halfway there, so I figured I'd check in with people. How are you?

    Me? I have 12 songs on my page. But 1 is a collab where all I provided was a couple of lines, and 1 is a collab demo that doubled me up as the original lyrics-only song is still there too. So that makes 10. Except I also have 1 set of lyrics waiting on a collab, so it's actually 11.

    Apart from that, this has been my best FAWM ever. I've given 200 comments and still haven't burnt out. Feeling very engaged still. I've also played guitar and drums every single day, which was a side goal for me. And my song "I Love to Boogie" is the best piece of electronica I've ever made.

    Every song so far has been either for a challenge or a collab.

    So... I'm very happy with this FAWM so far!

    How about you?

  • @splittybooms  Feb 2022

    Oy, is it halfway already??? Jeez...
    Glad you're having a great FAWM - all challenges and collabs is really cool on top of all that commenting.
    Feels good to read about people having a good time and being happy with their output.
    I've got 8 songs, but last week, the inferiority complex junk really gave me an uppercut. And it was right after I was starting to feel good.
    Also, as soon as FAWM started, I got extremely intimidated and overwhelmed with just how much music there was that I needed to listen and comment on - all the people on my watchlist, all the people that commented on my stuff, all the songs that come up under tags that I like, etc. I don't know where this...fear and anxiety comes from with just simply listening to people's stuff and telling them how their work made me feel.
    Oh, and I had a headache everyday last week that just wouldn't go all the way away; it took me out of wanting to do ANYTHING - music, gaming, work, all of it.
    Sorry if I brought down the positive vibe of your post, cblack.
    Hoping the second half gets better. I do have a collab in the works that I think will really make me happy.

  • @carleybaer  Feb 2022

    I’m with you @cblack. I just crossed the finish line with barely any throwaways, and at least 5 more in the pipeline, and I’m still feeling engaged and good about everything.

    @splittybooms I'm sorry to hear you’ve hit a rough patch, but for what it’s worth I always look forward to what you create, so tell that imposter syndrome to shut its stupid face :) also, regarding how much there is to listen and comment on, I’m reminded of the question that got me through a whole renovation, a move, and an insane school term: “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Just keep breaking off little chunks and don’t think about the big picture, and you’ll be fine.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    My muse has been hyperactive in the first week. I already reached the 14 songs, but counting "real songs" (no skirmishes, drafts, exquisite corpses and collabs with least than 50%) I'm around 8 songs, so I don't feel like a winner.
    I didn't expect to fulfil my personal challenges already after week 1 and now I'm lacking of motivation to write more stuff. I can be proud of 3 banging tracks and solving the knot in my head concerning weird time-signatures, but now I'm exhausted. Have I outdone myself?! I was not able to write anything for days. At least I could mix some input from my collabs.
    I'm trying to slow down, listening to music, commenting, writing mails... Let see if that helps. There are still some co-writes, collabs and two challenges left for week 3 or 4.

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    Kinda rough. Not so much for the music creating part, but just life. Been feeling lonely. Sad. a health issue which made me take it easy for fawm. Originally, I had all these ideas to do things but just told myself to chill and not stress or overdo it. I made a bunch of instrumental ambient things to start, some of which I really liked. The last couple days I have been getting into some words but still struggling with that. I'll keep going though. The number of songs isn't so much the important thing for me in FAWM, it's just continuing to create throughout the month, as much as possible. The skirmish things help too.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    The evening of the 12th and I've got 5 songs posted, plus two 4-track collabs pending. I planned to have two new songs ready to record tomorrow, but all I've got is a couple of lines. Here's hoping I can turn that into a fully written song this evening, then record it and do a skirmish tomorrow, and thereby be back on track.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    FAWM appears to be taking over my life again. I'm writing madly and now the FAWM conscience is biting because when I'm writing I'm not listening/commenting. Macci the Dog is seriously coercing me to go walkies instead too.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Meh, I'm behind, but have been laying down structure and motifs that will carry me through several songs. Even got one in the can, just finished, that 'only' needs production (my compulsions are well established, but I expect pretty smooth sailing). That said, now is the time to hit the gas and I ought to be caught up by midweek.

    Apart from that it's been a blast. Always is, but moreso.
    .@gubna I hear ya, been a struggle here the last few years. Let's hear it for the fruits of just sticking with it :)

  • @truetone  Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM! So far so good. I’ve got 7 songs so I’m 1/2 way there!

    I’d say they’re all drafts at this point, but I’m focusing on writing. Then the fun of editing, arranging and producing begins!

    I am worried about running out of steam, but I’m going to keep pushing to write and post songs.

  • @jtsteam  Feb 2022

    It's my first one and I had no idea it'd be so much fun! I doubt I can keep up the pace much longer - and my day job really needs a bit of attention - but I crossed the finish line (which was a surprise) and the community is so encouraging. I'm really enjoying hearing all the other contributions too.

    At this point I'm wondering what will happen in March... more songwriting, or just wait another year? We'll see!

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    It’s going great thanks for asking!
    13 songs so far on my page.

    I find myself asking “how can I keep this kind of productivity in songwriting going throughout the year? What is it about this whole dynamic that works to get me in motion? How can I duplicate that?”

  • @fantasywriter42 Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM, and I'm currently at 8 songs, so far. This has definitely been fun.

    This is actually my first foray into songwriting, and in the last two weeks, I've actually started pondering what it would take to actually record things and such (which is only slightly unfortunate since I currently have neither instruments or recording capability). Still, it's been a blast!

  • @the7thnight Feb 2022

    I've been writing songs every year since 2013.... except I skipped the last two years! So it feels good to be back and writing again. I'm still working out of Garageband, and I'm starting to think that it might be time to break out of my comfort zone and try some new plugins and patches pretty soon here. But for now, I'm just happy that the ideas are coming more easily to me because of increased mental health :)

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    I think this is my most consistent FAWM so far, and I think that is a good sign for all of my creative endeavors this year.

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    So far I can only Fawm on the weekends (and tomorrow is right out as I have a fair sized paper due and haven't started on it) but I've been super productive in just four or five days. Not sure how I'll assess these songs this year. Last year was my high water mark on keepers, I think. But it's okay. The goal is to be creative. I'll listen back later.

  • @kiffa Feb 2022

    My FAWM's going great... I have one song lol!

    I say that jokingly, but in all honesty, I'm thrilled. I'm not one who approaches FAWM with a hope of actually writing 14 songs-- realistically, that just isn't going to happen for me. I've got too many things working against me. I'm just happy if *something* comes out of it.

    One thing that limits me is that I seem to have a hard time letting myself write 'silly' songs anymore. That was how I made it to 14 songs the one time I managed to accomplish that feat (way back in 2008). I had a handful of songs that I was quite proud of, and then a bunch of goofier songs that were fun, but weren't necessarily the kind of thing I'd consider including on a 'best of'. These days, I find that I'm only interested in trying to write things that I feel live up to the better things I've written-- which feels weird to admit, because compared to a lot of people, my standards are *ridiculously* low lol. But I'm not competing with other people, I'm competing with myself. And that can be a good thing, but it also keeps me from writing the kind of stuff that I can bang out in one sitting and get that song count up.

    Still, I have one song I'm happy with that didn't exist a few weeks ago, and if that's all I have to show come March 1st, it's all good.

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Mine's going really well, thank you! It felt like a dam had burst and ideas are flowing freely. I'm enjoying darting around listening to what others have been up to as well. :-)

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Sophomore FAWMer here and I've been having a REALLY good time. I only have four songs, and one of them is an exquisite corps collab so not sure I really view it as counting... but DANG was it fun!

    I kinda hit a hard wall about a third of the way through and really thought I might be done. But I participated in my first skirmish yesterday and it yielded a really nice song.

    Must have given me a boost over that wall because later in that afternoon... well, I guess my Muse decided to get off her smoke break and started whispering in my ear again. I was able to get an idea for a collab and smooth out some a couple of sets of lyrics I've been working on. Plus I've listened to quite a few REALLY great songs by some FAWMers as well.

    I think I'm having as much fun as I did my first year with the requisite highs and lows. I guess the lows are part of the experience as well.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    First week was awesome, made some songs I'm very happy with. "College Cosplay Meeting" is one of the greatest things I've ever made, and it only would of happened during the beginning excitement of FAWM or 50/90 when I am at my absolute best.

    Second week was focused on something really big that come Hell or high water will be posted before the month is over.

    I only posted two songs and commented on very few so I'm hoping I can get back to things. I have a lot of songs I've come up with so far and a lot of ideas.

    So, this FAWM hasn't been as super charged as last one was for me, but it's been productive and I've made a huge step forward with the sound of my music.

  • @shoushane  Feb 2022

    Not the best, but not the worst. I have one song complete, one song on the way, 1 tape that I need to add my track to, and one video I need to add my track to. So if I simply complete that stuff I'll have two collaborations and two songs. So at the halfway point I still only have submitted one song. I am creating so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Mine is going (surprisingly) well. Despite a chronic lack of time due to a full-time job and my family at home, who is not to be "entirely neglected" not even during FAWM either, there is a bunch of new stuff on my site, about which I am happy.
    I am even more happy about the gorgeous collaborations that happened so far and about having been able to listen to quite a lot of beautiful songs of my fellow FAWMers.
    So I am very content with how FAWM is going and I hope you enjoy this year´s FAWM as much as I do... I wish all of you a great remaining FAWM-time!

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    I've had a nasty cold/flu for almost a week, so I'm feeling... undermotivated and uninspired. On the other hand, I just put up song number 10. Furthermore I think I'm writing (in general) better songs than last year.

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    First half was awesome. I had low expectations but I surprised myself – setting a theme (lyrically and sonically) worked wonders. I took some days off that I spent in my rehearsal room and that felt great.
    I fear now that run grinds to a halt as my colleague is off due to illness. But I aim for a good coherent ten song album, and I’m already 60 % there. Collabs/games are an extra. So if I finish with 12 songs I’ll be perfectly happy with this year as one of my better FAWMs.

  • @cheslain  Feb 2022

    Better than expected, but then again my expectations were pretty low. Couple of really cool collabs with people I haven't worked with before. Tested covid positive some days ago and that freed up my calendar for songwriting. Luckily it's a very mild case, but it has effected my singing a little bit.

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I am on pace thanks to having taken some time off, people have been kind enough to listen to my experiments and quick writes/recordings, and I have been fortunate to be part of some cool collabs.

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    just awful..i may have to ditch and try next year.. lovely to read people's posts but i've been feeling so grim healthwise..havent picked up guitar..still never say never.. there's still a week!!!

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Mine would be going very well if I weren’t being dragged down by post-ankle surgery recuperation. I tire easily, and I have to limit my studio time (haven’t figured out how to record or edit with my left leg raised above my heart). On the other hand, I have six solo efforts so far, and none is a throwaway. And I’m thoroughly enjoying listening to other FAWMers’ music as my energy allows. Still hoping to finish 14 solo songs.

  • @mattwdunn  Feb 2022

    My 2nd year and it’s going pretty well. Up to 17 songs so far with a few more in the works. Based on the songs I’ve written there will be 2 distinct albums at the end of the month

  • @karan  Feb 2022

    It's difficult this year. I have plenty of other stuff that needs to be done, had a sudden hearing loss on the weekend (which, thank goodness, went away again) but feel generally stressed and tired - and just don't have the time I used to have in previous years for listening, commenting and being present in the forums, which makes the whole thing a pretty lonely affair. But since I have absolutely no intention to quit FAWM and this is my 14th one, I take it as it is and put my hopes on easier (and pandemic-free) times to come ...

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Well, I realize how good some songs I’ve made before my crappy fawming days actually were and how I would need to isolate in some ivory tower (or a hut on the fool’s hill) in order to do something meaningful composing. Factors in the “real” world which I can’t control has more or less put a stop to my FAWM. Maybe next February, if ever, and by that time I might be clearer on what my contribution to musickind might be. #lost-in-space

  • @esc4p3  Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM, so I had low expectations of myself, I've never done anything like this before so hadn't heaped stress upon myself.

    I've done 8 tracks so far although a couple are very short. My brain has been firing out ideas constantly which was unexpected! I need to listen to more music and comment, which is more of a challenge.

    I'd never believed that it would be possible for me to do 14 tracks, but now.... It could happen!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    @esc4p3 you've just said exactly how it happens for me and many others....that is great to hear that you have opened yourself to have the ideas come out! You can do it!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    @esc4p3 - I've only been badgering you for 12 years. Told you you could do it! ;-)

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    As I’ve only done lyrics does that mean I have to do 28? Might manage it actually even if so. Lots of inspiration here and a really supportive environment. Hoping next year to maybe try out tunes too if I can get my fingers to obey my brain lol

    I only started writing a couple of months ago so this has been pretty amazing so far.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Well, I started FAWM with all cylinders firing, did a number of songs, was pretty non-stop on the listening and the commenting, and i sort of hit a wall this past weekend. I needed to just be at home and clean my kitchen, etc. Other than the FAWM reception I hosted on Sunday, I didn't really listen or comment (much). I've been really trying to push myself out of my box to do things that I've never tried before, and I think I need to do some sort of sweet and easy things for a while to keep the creative juices flowing, but not overburden myself.

    Also, I have a ski weekend this weekend, so I don't know how much writing/commenting I'll be able to do then.

  • @psyt Feb 2022

    Happy with my musical output (9 songs done so far, and I'm in love with each and every one of them). Not so happy with the amount of feedback, but I completely understand the reciprocal nature of it. You get as you give, and I haven't been giving that much so far.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    This month has been revitalizing and chaotic for me. A lot of changes happening outside of music, mostly for the better. Mental health stuff was getting in the way of a lot of things. I wrote something that was discouragingly difficult to track on guitar and almost gave up on it.

    I've posted 5 instrumentals, have a 6th half-finished and I started drums on another. Not on track to hit 14, but still having a good time making stuff

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    For me it's always about the Process, the feeling of being immersed in creativity and community all day everyday for a month. If you have that feeling, you can't do anything wrong, in my opinion, even when all the particulars are going wrong. So I'm doing great!

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    oh man, I started SO well (i.e. keeping up a p good schedule of posting every other day, keeping up new projects and refining old ones, finding new songs and actually leaving comments) but after posting four songs I hit a rough patch this last week with my schedule and didn't do a n y writing or listening. It feels bad to...not feel like I even have the time, but I'm finally back home and hoping I can focus enough to keep it up. Finally finished one of the collabs I was working on last night, so that's out of my hands, and I've got 3-4 other songs on the burner I feel like I'll be able to do this week. Basically, I'm excited to get back on the wagon!

  • @berty38  Feb 2022

    Fawmling here. My first FAWM is a much needed hobby escape for an otherwise difficult winter. I’m grateful for this community. I’m just behind pace with 7 songs so far. Hoping to keep it up.

  • @tafkavince  Feb 2022

    10 songs in. Hoped to have 14 by now but had a rehearsal the other night that sidetracked my everyday routine. taking a little more every other day approach now. Waiting on some music from a friend(non-fawm) that I co-write with but he hasn't sent me anything. so more solo songs until I get something from him

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    The one thing I'm not happy with this FAWM is my studio. It doesn't exist!

    I'm building a studio in the back yard. I have the steel shed, concreting, and timber frame up. Waiting on gyprock for the walls, but because of covid there are supply chain issues...

    Hopefully the studio will be ready before 50/90!

    I decided to not even bother recording this FAWM. It's a giant pain in the arse in the house, so I'm waiting on the studio. That's really my 1 complaint this year. No studio, no recording...

  • @momentegalerie Feb 2022

    Puh great question. Did better ones. But with those 2 little boys on my hands I think I am doing great. Did acvcomplish 3 whole songs, a lot of lyricwriting, more commenting and socializing than the years before. Got 4 Songs to get ready in the next time so, yeah. I am confident with my journey so far bit like to have more time. I'm excited how many full songs I can write and upload this year. And if I can manage to put a cross behind any Weekly Challange.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    OK I guess.

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    I'm enjoying it. Just need 1 more lyric to hit the target. The highlight so far has been the 2 collaborations that I've done through the random collaboration challenge. i have another 2 possible collabs in the works, but more collabs is something that I'd like to achieve in the remaining time

  • @hurongrand  Feb 2022

    Much better than expected! I'm halfway there with 7 songs, and I have a few that are close to done. I wasn't expecting to make it to 14 songs this year, but now it's looking like I'll hit the mark with time to spare! Skirmishes have helped a lot.

  • @triciatorresmusic1 Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM. I’m using it to kick off the rust from almost non-existent songwriting this past Fall/early Winter. I’m at 10 songs. I wanted to do a song each day of February but our best laid plans are often put asunder. I’m just going to enjoy the ride and go where the muse leads me. It’s fun to hear music from people all over the world! People have been very cool.

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Having a great time for my second year here, but slow going...first 2 weeks were packed with other things (9-5 job, sessions, rehearsals, a couple gigs) so I'm only at 4. : Managed 8 last year, hope to at least have parity with that by the time I'm done...

  • @rollasoc  Feb 2022

    Badly. Started 4 songs, not finished any of them. Graphics card died in other PC, so maybe I will find time to finish these off.

    Have two tapes to do over the next few days.

  • @max  Feb 2022

    100 comments given
    21 songs (best FAWM in 17 years!)
    2 collabs
    4 challenges
    1 skirmish
    91 comments received

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    I feel extremely grateful to have an outlet like FAWM. The people here are so inspiring and encouraging. I get overwhelmed -- sensory overload. I feel like I can't properly repay listens. I got another ear infection from long nights in headphones. All in all--it's becoming a highlight of my year! February is pretty bleak where I am from. Before the pandemic, I purposely chose this month to take my daughter to Disneyworld--that's how poopy Feb. can be in Ohio. FAWM is pretty darn cool to me because of all these reasons. This is my 2nd year, so I am learning a lot about pacing oneself. Not comparing to others only your own journey. Becoming courageous and fierce with your own vibe--those type of things...

  • @phenola Feb 2022

    Numerically, OK I guess. Seven recorded tracks and one lyrics-only. I tried to write music for the lyrics track, but the results were disastrous and no time remains for another pass at it.

    Motivationally I feel like jumping off a bridge

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    In one way, terrible (I've only managed 2 songs so far), but it's 2 songs more than I would have written otherwise.

    Also I've managed to kick off two 4-track tapes, completed one corpse and am "undertaking" another.

    Pretty sure I'll manage a few more songs before the month is out, and it's been an incredible buzz to meet & engage with this wonderful tribe of people.

    I don't lack motiviation, just time. I definitely overthink things and have a tendancy to feel nothing's good enough - either to share or develop further.

    Still - it feels like a positive thing to be a part of, and I'm sure next year's will be easier.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Ten songs in 15 days, plus I've discovered two new genres -- slothcore and cowcore -- that I don't know how I lived this long without.

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022


  • @annaharp1 Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM. I was afraid I couldn’t manage it because I hadn’t written in a while. It turned out out to be amazing and inspiring. I’m so glad my friend @melaniepegge got me to join in. Everyone here is so encouraging too :) I’ve even written a song about an aardvark!

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    @annaharp1 - the comment about writing a song about an aardvark made me smile. Last year I ended up writing a lyric about a lobster. I think FAWM (and the 50 90 Challenge sister site) encourages people to experiment and write stuff that they ordinarily wouldn't!

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    I've finally reached burn-out.

    250 comments, 13 songs. I'm gonna push for number 14 for sure. (I have 15, but 2 don't count.)

    I'm also determined to keep commenting. But as of Monday, I've just been ridiculously tired! Like, 2 naps per day tired. Burn-out tired.

    It might be mid-March before I'm finished commenting.

    But I'm past halfway, so there's that.

  • @nuchoyce  Feb 2022

    FAWM is feeling like a huge home work assignment that I am falling behind on. This is my first time recording in 6 days. Still staying in the game though. Will catch up on songs that you guys have been creating and try to squeeze one more song out tonight...

  • @mrblitz000 Feb 2022

    i was fairly stoked, then fell and dislocated my fretting pinkie on 24 jan. as a result, all of my fawm guitar playing is 'pinkie-less', and given my methods of playing it's quite the handicap.

    on the bright side, of some of the licks and riffs i have arrived at in this handicapped state; these probably wouldn't have happened with a fully functional fretting hand. so, it's kind of forced a bit of a style change.

    my renoise prototyping is fairly rapid now, so churning out a bunch of songs has not been entirely daunting on that side.

  • @edwardsmusic Feb 2022

    Not really feeling motivation, to be honest. I have about 24 comments, and the most comments I've gotten on a single track was a collab with @gammafied, which got 8 comments on my end.
    And as for songs, I have 9 but 1 is a placeholder. Sometimes I feel like I'm struggling through the familiar writer's block!

  • @reinderd Feb 2022

    Having some ups and downs during my first FAWM. Eight songs in various stages of creation. I'm learning a lot but I'm also finding out just how non-existent my playing abilities are after years of neglect. As for comments, they're just out of the single digits, but then I've not really been encouraging people to comment. Catching up with the community is something I can only do at the expense of the time I get to spend on actually making the songs.

  • @tiller2  Feb 2022

    Four songs so far. Quality over quantity but I wish there was more quantity! That said, my goal this year was low ego, low stress, which is not my usual mode.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Somehow I just don't feel as much pressure this year. I have a bunch of things that I've been working on, but am not in any hurry to get them out until the songs are ready. I've also heard a ton of great music. It's astounding how much talent is here. I think that it's probably just me, but this year feels decidedly different for me in respect to how interacting with FAWM is. I can't put my finger on it, but something is different this year--and maybe was last year, but I was in my own chaos at this time last year, so I wouldn't have noticed anyway.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    I started FAWM with a few expectations . How can i write better lyrics, play better etc. But going for numbers is a self imposed pressure point. I get the most enjoyment out of listening to some awesome music made by some very talented people and working on collabs. And each year i get a chance to reunite with FAWMers that I have met over the past few a musical online reunion party.
    I say.... write when you can and be happy with what you have produced. I wrote a song this year called " If you try - you Win" that's my motto for this FAWM .

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    In a few words, it's great to be writing again! I truly appreciate all of the encouragement from folks, too!

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    As always, I start off like a rocket. Then throughout February I listen to a lot of songs from other fawmers, and I feel like a total noob and lose confidence in my own ability. Death by self-consciousness.

    It's werid, but for the rest of the year I listen to new songs on the radio and think, man, most of what I write is way better than that! Then comes February, and there are songs with true meaning, heart and soul. This is real music, and what should be played on radio instead of the soulless, mainstream, over-produced garbage.

    What was my point again? Oh, right. You're too good! Quit being so darn good!

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    It seems to be a rollercoaster... I had no plans, no schemes, no nothing this year, including no pre-FAWM practice, and several keepers popped out. Then worthwhile collabs. Then it all fizzzled. Then it bounced back. Now it's fizzled again. Pingpong yoyo. I have been listening (and reading) almost as much as I could, and certainly as much as I can cope with. For similar reasons to @bithprod up above. (Standard thoughts: how did they DO that? Dammit I envy that voice. Oh to pen a lyric like that. I wish I'd written THIS song...And so on. I should know better by now) Yes okay, I have 16 on the board but it doesn't FEEL like it. (Remember I don't have a day job to get in the way...I have arthritis in the hands instead :D )

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