Spotify submission has been falsely flagged

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  • @matthijs Feb 2022

    Hey, a few days ago posted my track "the hiding sun" on fawm to get some feedback so i could get it ready for spotify. My distributor UnitedMasters has falsely flagged my release for an unknown reason. And now my account is blocked.

    Do any of you have experience with this? I need to mail them to appeal their decision with supporting material. But I have no idea what that supporting material needs to be.

  • @pearlmanhattan  Feb 2022

    It needs to be "White listed" with UnitedMasters. Email them and say "My song "The Hiding Sun" has been falsly flagged and my account locked. I am the owner of all rights to this song and believe it was flagged in error. Please advise me on how I can Whitelist this track and regain access to my account."

    Sign it with your pertinant contact information.

    This should get communication open with UM and they can help you with proof and process. Good luck!

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