Marijuana Name Challenge

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  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    My original post (and a couple of replies to it) disappeared, so here's the challenge - use one of these pot/weed strain names to inspire a song, it need not be about smoking, of course.
    Tag your song @marijuananame

    Cake Crasher
    Orange Chiffon
    Game Changer
    Purple Pineapple Express
    Dr. Lime
    Atomic Dough
    Amnesia Haze
    Snow Dog
    Skunk Hero
    Great White Shark
    Paradise Circus
    It’s It
    White Knuckles
    Deep 6
    Orange Chameleon
    Sugar Plum Sunset
    One Trick Pony
    Sleeve of Wizard
    Peanut Butter and Chocolate
    Honolulu Strangler
    Grandpa’s Stash
    Ghost Dawg
    Emerald Fire
    Kitchen Sink
    Lamb’s Bread
    Pink’s Advice
    The Big Smooth
    91 Animals
    Berry Stomper
    Root Beer Float
    Burnt Toast
    Death Star
    Texas Shoreline

    @yam655 -well, I don't think using the word is racist, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion, and I don't think we need to get into any argument here about it. For the full etymology of the word, check out Wiki:

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    Nice , lot of good ones here!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Great challenge! This list could also be 10 pages long with all the ridiculous strain names..... I don't know about anyone else, but something named Alien Asshat, Purple Monkey Balls, Cat Piss, etc/etc/etc forever... aren't on the top of my list of things I want to ingest.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    This is so funny I just might have to have a go !

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Feel free to use any other name you have come across! There's a ton of 'color'-related ones, so I tried not to be repetitive in the selection I made.

  • @cblack Feb 2022


  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    OG Kush. I wonder who this original gangster really was?

  • @yam655  Feb 2022

    I teach my kids that anyone saying the word "marijuana" and not speaking in Spanish is being racist. There is a perfectly good English word for the plant -- Cannabis.

    The whole reason the "drug war" pushed the Spanish word for a plant with an English name was to feed upon racism.

    What is worse, the states legalizing cannabis are usually doing so in a racist manner, which is why you see very few POC owned dispensaries. (If you've been previously convicted of cannabis crimes, it is illegal for you to go straight, and since drug laws are enforced in a racist manner...)

    If you're speaking English, there is no marijuana.

    That said, if you go with "this sounds like it could be a strain of cannabis" then the sky really is the limit, isn't it?

    I might go with, "Nancy Reagan's toe preservative"

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    I'd never really thought about the origin of the word that way, @yam655 . At least, not that I can remember! We called it alot of things but mostly just weed, which seemed like an insult to the plant (although alot of plants that are very lovely and useful get labelled as weeds).
    Even if I still smoked, I don't think I want anything to do with Nancy Reagan's anything.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    @yam655 -well, I don't think using the word is racist and I certainly didn't want to imply anything like that. You (and others) are certainly entitled to your own opinion, and I don't think we need to get into any argument here about it, after all there are legitimate organizations like NORML that use the word in their name.
    For the full etymology of the word, check out Wiki:

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    @yam655 is not wrong.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @yam655 thank you for that history. I had no idea of the connotations before your post. I will always use cannabis now.

    @gardeningangel1 a weed is a plant out of its natural place so I guess it depends on where yours is grown. Lol

    I am slightly more concerned that I started googling names for cann……. it suggested cannibals before cannabis . Are cannibals more popular? Hopefully this also doesn’t become legal. XD

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Song title; "Cannibal Cannabis".

  • @yam655  Feb 2022

    @mikeb When I went to that link, it redirected to the English language page:

    I'm sure not everybody using the Spanish word for Cannabis are doing so to be racist. A lot of folks just don't know there is an English word for the plant. After all, that's what politicians and police call it, and why would they be purposefully racist in their language?

    I didn't mean to imply you were trying to be racist. If you're in the US, you're in a racist country, though, and folks are taught racism at a young age. The language has been adapting to how the racism needs to be presented in an acceptable manner, so instead of the n-word people say "thug." The meaning is the same: a dangerous person unable to control their basic impulses which should probably be shot before they commit more crime.

    In a racist country people are racist by default. This means you can't be "not racist," you can only be anti-racist or racist. For those considering the fight against racism, the first place racism needs to be defeated is within our own hearts and minds.

  • @yam655  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 My great grandmother made salads out of weeds.

    Wildflowers are just pretty weeds.

    People are not insulting children when they say they are "growing like a weed."

    Cannabis easily grows everywhere. Calling it "weed" just acknowledges that fact.

    ... now I want a cannabis song that mentions Roman lasers...

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    @yam655 i think you been smokin a little too much wacky weed.

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    Huh... I never even knew "marijuana" was Spanish. I always just thought, "That's what it's called!" Never really thought much about it, other than it was potentially the scientific name...

    We always just called it weed, anyway.

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @jayjay Often, the 'weeds' are invasive species (brought by invasive peoples) and sometimes they are native plants that are heartier and more tenacious than the ridiculous lawns and pavement that people keep trying to roust them in favor of.
    @yam655 I love weeds, though I'm not a fan of couch-grass in my gardens. But the purslane, chickweed, mallow, and dandelions will keep couch-grass in check if you let them. They are also delicious salad ingredients, not only in lean times.
    It feels like a similar issue, the meaning behind the word. We may not be intending 'weed' as an insult, but the reason they were labeled weeds in the first place was to devalue them.

    My first album has a song called "Marijuana" that I wrote when I was 16 and had white kid dreads... it was all very problematic good intentions. Now I feel like I should write a new song apologizing for the old song.

    But this is waaaaaay off track from the reason for the thread, so I'm going to go outside and chat with the trees and maybe write a song about it.

  • @spacehoers420  Feb 2022

    I just call it pot weeds. Then shortly afterwards, ABV. :D

  • @spacehoers420  Feb 2022

    (Already Been Vaped).

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    @spacehoers420 we can tell... by how well you spell checked your name :D and *waves* I haven't been by to hear your stuff yet this year. I'll rectify that soon.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    I think I'd call my strain 'Loan Word'

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 we were talk
    Ing about cannabis. Wanna feed the weed not leave it Whatever. Your negativity is your problem to solve.

  • @spacehoers420  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Invasive species are fascinating. You have to admire a plant like leafy spurge, just for being such an utter bastard... it not only throws its seeds several feet to help itself spread, but actually secretes toxins to keep other plants from growing. :D

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    I always liked how they called it a roach clip because pot holder was taken.

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @jayjay I don't see how I was being negative. I thought I was just adding another perspective to an interesting conversation. If you find my comments negative you are not obligated to engage. I will do my part to think on what I said and how that could be construed as negative, but if anyone is willing to take the time to help me understand I would appreciate it.

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @spacehoers420 Oh yes, they are fascinating little buggers! Another interesting one is horseradish; I read somewhere that it can remove toxic pesticides from water sources.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    @mikeb I think we lost your wonderful list in the political drivel. I remember there being a few really interesting phrases there. If you still have it somewhere, I'd love a repost!

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    I think if you buy into this nonsense then you are sacrificing your own cognitive autonomy. Saul Alinsky famously said he who controls the language controls the masses. Others paraphrased it into " ... controls the conversation." Saul Alinsky stole the idea from George Orwell's 1984. Orwell devoted much time into the idea of language control. So did Ayn Rand. Please don't let some woke fool control you. Where I grew up was settled by the Dutch. Streams were named 'kills'- Dutch for stream. The woke wanted to change the town of Fishkill into Fishsave. Dumb dumb dumb. Marijuana (cover you ears woke folk) Marijuana. Marijuana. Marijuana.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    While this challenge thread did seem to get hijacked just a tad :D I for some reason feel obliged to add my two cents for some dumbass reason or another.

    @yam655 While I get the good intentions and I do know the history of it being used slanderously. Saying its a Spanish word is wayyyy more apt to offend Mexicans than by using the term marijuana. I'm also biased on the entire debate of "words" though as well. While I'm not full blooded Native, but I can't use the word Indian anymore without offending white people and being told how I should refer to myself. Even if intentions are good, road to hell is paved with/etc/etc... I'm all for making the world a better and more inclusive and EDUCATED place, but when has changing a word ever changed minds? I don't know.. maybe it has and its why I find it an interesting topic.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Oh and in regards to good intentions look at poor @mikeb started his first challenge, which I thought was a good one I might add... and it devolved into something...

    and yeah, I think your original list poofed.

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd really good points you made. I think just changing a word without changing the attitudes and understanding behind it is often just performance with no praxis, like saying unhoused people instead of homeless without changing the policies and attitudes that make homelessness so stigmatized in the first place.

    I know this isn't what this thread started out as but this seems like a good, constructive, enlightening, albeit tough conversation to have.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 Lol, that one irked me as well. You realize its stupidity and futility as soon as you use the term and someone says what's that? Someone who lives in an apartment or condo? :D

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    (This comment was waaaaay off track so I deleted it. This unraveled thread has given me some insight for the song I'm working on, so thanks everyone!)

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    More conversations than songs, so far!

    I think of it this way:
    Cannabis is the WHOLE plant, from the plant, you can get CBD oil, hashish, or the stuff you smoke - marijuana. Or call it grass, pot, weed, How can a name for a plant - or something made from a plant be racist? Is the word 'plantation' racist because there used to be POC slaves on it?

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Not sure what happened to my original post with the list of names, someone deleted it I guess.?

    Cake Crasher
    Orange Chiffon
    Game Changer
    Purple Pineapple Express
    Dr. Lime
    Atomic Dough
    Amnesia Haze
    Snow Dog
    Skunk Hero
    Great White Shark
    Paradise Circus
    It’s It
    White Knuckles
    Deep 6
    Orange Chameleon
    Sugar Plum Sunset
    One Trick Pony
    Sleeve of Wizard
    Peanut Butter and Chocolate
    Honolulu Strangler
    Grandpa’s Stash
    Ghost Dawg
    Emerald Fire
    Kitchen Sink
    Lamb’s Bread
    Pink’s Advice
    The Big Smooth
    91 Animals
    Berry Stomper
    Root Beer Float
    Burnt Toast
    Death Star
    Texas Shoreline

  • @mrblitz000 Feb 2022

    White Widow
    School Girl Cookies etc.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 no my apologies. I misread your message it wasn’t what I thought. So that one’s on me.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    @mikeb - there is a quirk on the site this year that ends up deleting posts. If you happen to be editing a post and are for some reason editting something else in another tab, when you save one, it saves them both with the same text. This happened to me in the 4-track thread and I lost my list of participants.

    My point is that I just wanted you to know that none of the moderators deleted anything, so it likely was something like this odd web quirk. Carry on… :)

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    Ah something like that happened to me also I thought it was just my mistake.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    @zecoop - thanks for that info, it makes more sense now, but a weird (and surely fixable) quirk that is. I knew that if you edited a forum post you would lose any link you had originally put in there, but didn't know it would change any previous posts in the same thread - hopefully it doesn't change all your other forum posts at the same time!

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @jayjay Oh, thank-you. I appreciate you letting me know.

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Some of my favorites:
    Dosie Dos
    Chaos Kush
    Blue Dream
    Brownie Scout
    Viper cookies
    Glazed Enigma
    Sundae Driver
    Jet Feul
    Golden Cobra
    Chem de la Chem
    Cookies and Chem
    Lemon Grenades
    Lucinda Williams
    Northern Lights
    Yuck Mouth

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    'Emerald Fire':

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022


  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    One from the garden, Alien Gorilla Glue

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Just reading this now and absolutely fascinated both by the disappearing post, as well as this incredible idea that marijuana is racist and cannabis is not.

    Considering cannabis has a hebrew root, isn’t it anti semitic to use it, if using marijuana is racist?

    MOST english qords come from a latin or greek root anyeay, so singling out ONE latin word and saying it's racist is a bit bizarre. Spanish people don't seem to think so, in my experience, and will happily use it when speaking english.

    Context is everything. Also, it kind of goes without saying that racism isn’t a catch all term, it traditionally refers to skin based prejudice towards humans, with many other words describing other biased on the basis of religion, nationality etc. Great discussion though, including the point about white people correcting someone on how they self identify.

    It is interesting that you can say what you like about white people, though, isn’t it, without a thought that it might be racist? I'm whute and there's no way i would tell someone they can't call themself whatever term they themselves use for themselves, but i don’t know. Maybe ALL whites have to bear the brunt of white supremacist history, eh, and that's not racist at all.

    A pity the challenge is over because i finally felt the germinus of a song coming on there.

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