Low-latency mulitrack app for iPhone

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  • @mikeshapiro5 Feb 2022

    Hi. Anyone wanna suggest a good multitrack recording app for the iPhone? Something that makes it possible to layer vocal harmonies. I've tried several and keep running into latency issues. I'm using headphones, of course, and this is more for developing ideas rather than finished recordings, so mic quality is not a concern.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Garage Band has to be the easiest choice. Also, are you using Bluetooth headphones? Bluetooth audio can have quite a bit of latency.

  • @mikeshapiro5 Feb 2022

    Thanks, Whispermouse. Nope, hard wired mic and cans.
    I have worked with GB, mixed experience... I suppose I'm looking for something less robust/complicated.

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    I loaded Bandlab. It's free, and looks like it has a lot of promise, but I haven't really had a chance to work with it yet.

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Hi @mikeshapiro5
    I have a couple of multi-track apps on my phone but I don’t have a lot of experience with them because the DAW i use is on my iPad (not available for iPhone)

    One is called n-Track which looks like it’s pretty bare bones but will get the job done. You can add reverb and a delay on the free version. The other is called (conveniently) MultiTrack DAW. It costs five dollars (U.S.) but is a little more robust than the free version of n-Track.

    Hope this helps.

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