Is anyone having luck with The Muse?

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  • @belle201 Feb 2022

    Hey FAWMers, I have a few songs in my back pocket, but as I listen to this over, they are structurally all very similar. I'm thinking Struxxure could help me!

  • @chipwithrow  Feb 2022

    I say go ahead and share the songs now for us to hear! You can always go back later and make changes. Or not.
    I am almost certain that most of my songs this year sound very similar to songs I've written in the past. And very similar to tried-and-true blues, folk, and country traditions.
    After all these years of FAWMing, I was bound to repeat myself. I do try switching up the keys I write in, coming up with neat chord or riff twists within the song.

  • @davidbreslin101  Feb 2022

    Luck with the Muse? I got her number, but when I called it turned out to be a pizza place.

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    You mean the tool in the upper right hand corner? Haven't managed to look at it yet.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    I look at it from time to time, and once in a while it even inspires something! However, the challenges and skirmishes have been more productive for me.

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    You all are familiar with Oasis and Bon Jovi, right!? ;-)
    But yes, I wrote a song using the spline, and a keyword that came to mind as I read it, putting the colour-highlighted key details in a section each and kind of working out what they were, adding a chorus with my keyword where it felt natural. I got verses, prechorus, chorus an extra verse and repetitions. Writing lyric first, as a poet who doesn't really play, might be why spline was an instant grab and struxxure with just a few polygons threaded together with section names didn't really hook me. I wouldn't say I have a strong feel for divisions and I'm not able to play with too many embellishments and flourishes as appropriate say to choruses.

    Yes, the muse is in the top right corner in a little menu with donate button, log out, settings and FAQs . FAWM seems st have so many types of corners spitting out sources of inspiration. A bit bewilderingly actually? Is anyone else finding that!? This is my second fawm but I am still a bit hesitant exploring everywhere, don't feel like I am using it the same as everyone else. But is there such a thing, I don't think so: just some people are more invested and finding their inspiration in different places in the forest - by a mix of design and chance!? Twitter prompts, weekly themes, general conversations, skirmishes. The list probably goes on!

    The Muse is its own particular type or stable of them, seemingly. They are like little apps or bots that spit out different kind of prompts. There's spline struxxture and another one I can't remember but I can't click through from here whilst I'm writing to this post. I think!? Happy Valentines!
    Last year I only joined at the very last weekend so it was a bit different, but we went to see casablanca in the daytime at Stockport Plaza which is the other side of the pennines to us in the uk, suiting family commitments. And he's gone out to a quiz anyway! Not recording time really right now, but forums are good!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I have better luck with Titular than the lyric cloud, and better luck with it than the other tools. But give them all a try and see what clicks for you.

  • @thomasfred Feb 2022

    I’ve used the Muse for the title (titular) of my song Nerve to the Soldier - which rolled the whole tune out! I’ve also been using the structure tab as a guide for some songs - one was Next Trip I think which was verse, chorus, verse, chorus, chorus - I added an instrumental verse out.

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