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  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    I could probably develop a FAWM app in time for Feb 2023. Might only be able to make it for Android: would have API access to all the features - forum, song feeds, comment threads, home page + profile etc.

    That being said, this project seems to thrive on the communal center of landing on the website. An app might decentralize it in a way that negatively affects the spiritus mundi of the entirety.

    Is nothing needing action today. For a few months out. Could go solo or join w a small group of developers to will it into being for next year. Something to keep in mind.

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    I would love to have an app with notifications from comments and new songs on my watchlist! But I feel this is something that should be done through official channels, instead of building an independent app that leverages the existing APIs.

  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    I, too, would love this, if only primarily for notifications around forum posts, being able to subscribe to topics, or whatever. However, I'd love to see this at a site level anyway, and then I agree that having it be part of the official build that belongs to the community would be ideal. Not that you were suggesting going rogue at all, of course!

  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    @elesimo hear that! Would never ever try to do it without the full endorsement of FAWM peeps. Was just putting it out there in case they were interested.

  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    @jlampson LOL. I would be a real POG to come on board as a first year FAWM-er and do something so subversive and uncool. Am just floored by how cool FAWM is and just started thinking randomly as a tech dabbler. ;-)

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    pfft @paulroe I use iPhone but wow that is neat, I was thinking if they had an app and checked, so keep my iPhone using self in mind if you happen to venture off with FAWM;s blessing of 'course...

  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    @apolez3 It's an elegant but relatively simple structure - would be a way to compensate for my current lack of musical creativity by potentially doing something creative on the tech side. LOL - just random whim post. Didn't expect any replies...since must get back to songwriting. That is key. Apps come and go, music lives forever

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