Soundproofing a room

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  • @simonwaldram Feb 2022

    I'm currently in the process of setting up a music room. It's quite resonant - maybe too much - and I don't want to disturb my neighbours either. I'd like to soundproof it but I'm struggling to find the best way to do it. We live in a rented house so I can't stick things to the wall that can't come off. What would you say is the best way to do it?

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    You cannot 'soundproof' a room as you describe. The best you can do is put in some trapping to absorb the reflections. Best is compressed fiberglass or rockwool - these are dense materials, that when hung up in panels will absorb most of the problem frequencies. Stuff like 'acoustic foam' will absorb some of the high frequencies, but leave the low stuff to bounce around making muddy mixes.
    You can build your own acoustic traps (do a youtube search) or buy them ready made (places like ATS Acoustics) - you can hang these on the walls like pictures, and take them down when you move.. You can also hang up thick quilts or duvets on walls (although these won't take care of the low frequencies, which are typically what gets transmitted through walls.)

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    I'll second the "thick quilts" idea. I went to the local Goodwill and bought three king size quilts for about $10 each. I just hang them from the wall and the room instantly become a resonance free zone. It's not perfect by any means, but it's quick and cheap. That and some bass traps in the corners and it's a pretty good recording and mixing room.

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Yeah, only way to soundproof is build a room within a room,and fill the space between with a heavy, porous material.

    If you have money, look in to Vicbooth. That should attenuate around 30dB.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Agreed with everything said! ESPECIALLY because you rent, what would need to be done permanently, as well as the cost is pretty much out of the question. The rockwool safe-n-sound for making panels is an excellent and easy remedy, as are other cost effective ways to absorb some sounds with heavy blankets. I know this because I’ve been building a studio in my house with only some of the suggestions, but I don’t have to sound “proof “ because my neighbors are kinda far away and pretty well deaf

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    Go you Youtube and look at some videos on Rockwool acoustic panels. Basically you frame up 2 ft by 4 ft panels, cover them with a nice looking cloth or scrap carpet, and hang them like picture frames. You might also need to make some bass traps for the corners.

    As others have said, that won't "soundproof" the room, but it will reduce transmission of sound and deaden the space. The nice thing is, if it's "to dead" you can take down a couple panels to liven it up again.

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    I have 3 quilts hanging from the ceiling that make a soft booth and give me a nice dead sound

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