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  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    Oh, I've got it, all right: status!

    Seriously, the issue I ran into just now is that setting a song's status to private still showed it on my profile, even to a user who is not logged in. I tested this in Incognito mode as well, and was able to access my profile (which is public) but my most-recent song (which was private at the time).

    Is this expected behavior? Or am I doing something wrong? Thank you!

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    A private song will still be listed on your profile (with title visible) but nobody can click through to read the lyrics or listen.

    I guess if you wanted even the title to be private then you could just use a placeholder title for the outside world and leave the real one in the notes that only you can see?

  • @jlampson  Feb 2022

    Ah, thanks! So it sounds like there was a mismatch of expectations. I thought it would hide the entire entry to everyone but me. Instead, it shows it, including the title, but doesn't let you click on it, exactly like you said.

    I just tested this again and it does work the way you describe, so it was JUST ME! Typical end user!

    On another note, if you have the link to a private song it just redirects to the "All Songs" page.

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