All Things SOCAN

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  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    Are you on SOCAN? Gather all the questions/answers here.

    Should put my songs there even though they aren't finalized? They are on public on Soundcloud right now, because FAWM won't let you put private links.

    I'm a little worried someone takes without crediting before I get to release them. Am I just paranoid?

  • @griffith10 Feb 2022

    Yes I think any publicity is good. I would love for someone to think enough of one of my songs to steal it.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I don't worry too much about people stealing my songs. But SOCAN does sound like a good idea to me every now and then.

  • @electrocelte Mar 2022


  • @ericlord  Mar 2022

    SOCAN is pretty easy, so it doesn't hurt. That said, creating awesome music is the easy part. Marketing and monetizing is the hard one. You definitely shouldn't worry about someone stealing your content, yet :)

  • @thomasfred Mar 2022

    You can put them on SOCAN as you’re not registering the recording (or even the structure) but the ownership of your song. It does help to have it close to finalized for accurate timing info, particularly if you’re going to release it one day, though.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Tell me about SOCAN.
    I seem to be getting some airplay on internet radio shows.
    Do I need to think about this?

  • @thomasfred Mar 2022

    @fuzzy Any time you write music and release it on some kind of platform you should have the songs registered with your performing rights organization. So yes, I'd think about it and do it ASAP. It's pretty easy to get started - the SOCAN interface is a bit ... dated but it's simple enough to get the hang of.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    Thanks, @thomasfred, I just registered my stuff!!

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